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May 11, 2010, 4:22:35 AM5/11/10
to mobilfunk_...@googlegroups.com
It was encouraging to read yesterday the supportive stance of Sunday
Times' journalist, Liam Fay, toward the ground swell of resistance
against Eirgrid's plan for the Meath to Tyrone pylon project (See
below). And it was equally uplifting to hear on the 7.00 am RTE 1 news
bulletin that it was objected to on both aesthetic and health grounds.

Imelda O'Connor


SUNDAY TIMES (Irish Eedition) 09.05.2010 MAIN SECTION "COMMENT",


All charged up.

For supposed energy experts, the state’s electricity bosses seem
remarkably naive about the potency of an even greater force: people
power. EirGrid, the body responsible for electricity transmission, is
unwisely persisting with the planned construction of a cross-border
“interconnector” using a network of high-voltage pylons stretching from
Tyrone to Meath. Resistance to the proposed overhead power line among
people living along the route is fierce, for reasons ranging from health
concerns to landscape despoliation. A well-organised grassroots movement
wants the electricity lines placed underground and is steadily gathering
force. EirGrid insists that going underground is “not feasible”, but it
should consider the backdrop.

Trust in state authorities has never been lower.

Middle Ireland’s economy and social cohesion has been decimated. If
electricity chiefs think these citizens will roll over and allow their
physical welfare and surroundings to be jeopardised, they are in for,
well, a shock.


Campaigns Against Powerlines, INDYMEDIA IRELAND

national | environment | news report Tuesday
January 12, 2010 17:55 by Contaminated Crow
Proposed power distribution projects
>have faced strong opposition over the last year and a half. Proposed
>high-voltage powerlines have been opposed in counties Armagh, Cavan,
>Donegal, Galway, Kildare, Meath, Monaghan, Sligo and Tyrone, while
>electricity substations have been opposed in counties Galway, Laois and
>Sligo. This article takes a brief glance at this opposition,
>concentrating on the regional opposition in counties Cavan, meath and
>Monaghan against the proposed North-South Electricity InterConnector.The last year and a half has seen strong
opposition by concerned citizens’ groups to proposed power distribution
facilities, with eight southern counties showing opposition to
powerlines proposed by EirGrid and the ESB. This opposition can be seen
as the Irish manifestation of EU-wide opposition to overhead pylons,
with the EU reporting that 20 out of 32 major power transmission
projects are facing delays due to public opposition, 12 facing 1-2 years
delay and 8 facing delays of three years or more. (Meath Chronicle
20/6/09, p. 15).

A variety of campaigns
In October 2008 residents of Milltown, Co. Kildare, and surrounding
areas met to discuss continuing their opposition to a proposal by
Eirgrid and the ESB to erect pylons for a 110 kv power line in the area
near the Hill of Allen. At the meeting, which was addressed by Con
Colbert of the Irish Doctors’ Environmental Association, local
landowners accused Eirgrid of bullying them into accepting pylons and
poles on their land. Other locals, who have successfully opposed
telemasts in the area, fear Eirgrid will erect mobile phone antennae on
the pylons. Local resident Noeleen Leahy said ‘These power lines are
within 400 metres of our homes and represent a detrimental health risk
to our families. The electromagnetic field generated by these power
lines is linked to childhood leukaemia and we want Eirgrid to put these
power lines underground where they will not be a threat to anyone.’
(Source: Kildare Nationalist 19/10/08, p.1; Leinster Leader 16.10/08,

In late October 2008 also residents of Milltown, Dingle, Co. Kerry,
prevented ESB contractors from erecting three poles to carry power lines
across the Milltown river last week, with one local woman standing in
front of a JCB to prevent the work going ahead. (Source: The Kerryman
(sic) 29/10/08, p.5)

In November 2008 the ESB briefed Donegal County Council members about a
proposed 110kv powerline from Binbane to Letterkenny for which it
intended applying for planning permission direct to An Bord Pleanala
under the Critical Infrastructure Bill. A previous application for the
line was refused by An Bord Pleanala in 2001 following vociferous local
opposition. (Donegal Democrat 20/11/08, p.3a). A bilingual An Bord
Pleanala oral hearing into the proposed powerline began in Letterkenny
in April 2009. Many of the submissions by concerned local residents and
action groups related to the powerline’s visual impact on areas of high
scenic beauty. (Donegal Democrat 2/4/09, p. 5a). One group, Alternatives
To Pylons, argued the line would go through unspoilt landscapes,
endanger public safety and adversely effect farming and tourism.
(Donegal Democrat 26/3/09, p.3a.). When An Bord Pleanala gave the
project the go-ahead in November its opponents called on landowners on
the planned route to refuse work crews permission to enter their
property. (Donegal Democrat 3/11/09, p. 4).

In February 2009 over 80 people attended a meeting in Boyle, Co.
Roscommon, organized by SAFE (residents against overhead lines), which
is opposed to the erection by the ESB of pylons along a 12-mile stretch
in the Boyle area. The meeting was addressed by Martina Ruddy and Sheila
Tipper from SAFE and also by prominent members of the opposition to
Shell in Rossport, Co. Mayo, who shared their experiences of the
anti-Shell campaign. (Roscommon Herald 24/2/09, p.19). The opposition in
Boyle has been sustained for nine years by local residents, one couple,
the Roddys, being served with four threats of High Court injunctions
over the years. (Roscommon Herald 24/3/09, p.2)

In November 2009 An Bord Pleanala again delayed its decision on whether
to grant permission for a 110 kv powerline through Connemara, which was
subject to an oral hearing in April. A decision was expected on December
15th. (Connacht Tribune 6/11/09, p. 20). The decision was finally
issued just before Xmas, with an Bord Pleanala giving permission.

Meanwhile ESB substations ran into trouble. In March 2009 farmers
claimed that a major new electricity sub-station built by the ESB at
Sooey, Co. Sligo, would remain a white elephant if the ESB does not
agree to place power lines to it underground. While the ESB says the
sub-station is expected to be activated by the summer, local farmer
James Clerkin said ‘People do not want the pylons and are still fighting
to get the line underground. We have been calling on the ESB to put it
underground and if they don’t do that people are going to oppose it.’
(Sligo Weekender 24/3/09, p. 8). In Athenry, Go. Galway the following
month seven local residents appealed to An Bord Pleanala after Galway
County Council granted permission to the ESB for a substation at the
rear of Bridge Street, Athenry, Co. Galway, concerned it would have a
detrimental effect on their health. (Connacht Tribune 17/4/09, p. 7). In
August An Bord Pleanala refused permission. (Connacht Tribune 14/8/09,
p. 6). In Co. Laois in November 2009 over 60 people gathered at
Ratheniska GAA Club in November 2009 to discuss opposition to a proposed
400/100v substation: over 220 people had already signed a petition in
opposition to the proposal and a local opposition committee was formed.
(Leinster Express 25/11/09, p. 9).

Campaigning Against the North/South InterConnector
The largest opposition campaign has been run against the proposed
North/South Interconnector with North East Pylon Pressure (NEPP) being
the major opposition group, though significant work has also been done
by groups such as the Lough Egish Anti-Pylon Committee, County Monaghan
Anti-Pylon Committee and the County Monaghan Landowners’ Committee. Set
up in late 2007 following a series of meetings in counties Cavan, Meath
and Monaghan, NEPP says i9t has active committees in over 30 towns,
villages and parishes. NEPP has run a campaign that has challenged
EirGrid through the county councils, by mobilizing the public through
public meetings, protests and rallies, by critiquing the economic,
scientific and technical bases of EirGrid’s proposals through funding
the production of alternative knowledge by commissioning a report from a
reputable consultancy, through traditional lobbying methods, using new
technology such as text update services and old technology such as
advertisements in the local press, through cross-border links, by
demanding that EirGrid’s current and future plans for powerlines should
be the subject of a national debate and by calling on national, county
and local organizations to oppose the project through the planning
process. NEPP opposes the powerline due to health hazards to humans and
other animals (including farm animals) from electromagnetic fields from
overhead electricity lines, for reasons of cost, effect on property
values, heritage, landscape and the tourism industry, and because
undergrounding cables is more environmentally responsible than the pylon
proposal. (for a summary of NEPP positions see

On Bank Holiday Monday in August 2008, NEPP organized a mobile and
highly visual expression of opposition to the powerline proposal when
over 1200 tractors left five locations in Cavan. Meath and Monaghan to
come together at the farm of Dennis Farrelly in Kilmainhamwood, where
400 veteran tractors spelled out the message NO PYLONS in 100-foot high
letters. (Meath Chronicle 9/8/08, pp.1,6). Not to be outdone, as part of
its public rally on September 13th 2008 in the Aughnamullen GAA grounds
the Lough Egish Anti-Pylon Committee planned to build a 120 foot high
replica pylon. According to committee chairperson Owen Brannigan ‘This
is to give the people of Co. Monaghan an opportunity to see at first
hand the sheer mass of the pylons that EirGrid propose to erect through
Co Monaghan, and the destruction that these pylons will cause to our
landscape, our scenic views and our property values.’ (Monaghan Post
11/9/08, p.5)

Contesting EirGrid’s science, technology and economics
NEPP has contested the economic, scientific and technological basis on
which EirGrid has based its plans for the InterConnector. At a meeting
in Trim, Co. Meath in October 2008 NEPP published a report from Askon
Consulting Group, a leading German electricity generation and
transmission consultancy, which recommends the adoption of an
underground system as an alternative to the 400kV overground north-south
Inter Connector proposed by EirGrid. Dr. Colin Andrew of NEPP said ‘The
Askon report provides us with the conclusive results we need…The time
for research and talk from politicians is over. Now the people of the
north-east demand action.’ (Meath Chronicle 18/10/08, p. 11) NEPP was
invited by the operator of the Danish electricity service, Energinet, to
attend a briefing in February 2009 on proposals to underground all
future high power connections. (Meath Chronicle 31/1/09, p. 8). The same
month 2009 NEPP highlighted a recent French court case in which a
farmer was awarded 400,000 Euro in compensation for ‘direct, material
and certain’ damage to his cattle and pigs from nearby electricity
pylons as confirmation of the basis for NEPP’s campaign. Francis Lally,
NEPP chairperson, said ‘This judgement confirms what we have been saying
since we started our campaign. Despite all EirGrid’s protestations to
the contrary, there is a clear link between increased disease in farm
animals and proximity to electricity pylons. It is worth noting that the
French farmer has to move his animals 1,000 metres away from the
pylons, while EirGrid are proposing a distance of only 50 metres for
farmers in the north-east’. (Meath Chronicle 7/2/09, p.6)

That same month NEPP rejected a report prepared for EirGrid which
claimed the cost of undergrounding the proposed North-South
InterConnector would be seven times more expensive than routing the line
on overground pylons. According to NEPP ‘The report grossly
overestimates the cost of operating an underground system and goes in
the face of international expert opinion that, while underground may be
more costly to build, it is always cheaper to operate than overhead. We
utterly reject the assertion that underground is more costly to build
and operate than overhead.’ (Anglo-Celt 19/2/09, p.7). While NEPP and
EirGrid met for two days of technical discussions, NEPP then accused
EirGrid of releasing a ‘misleading’ press statement regarding the two
days of talks between the company and NEPP last week, stating ‘EirGrid’s
statement does not characterize the proceedings of the two days either
accurately or fairly. It is irresponsible on their part to mislead the
many thousands of supporters of NEPP who did not have direct access to
what actually went on.’ (Meath Chronicle 11/4/09, p.3; Northern Standard
9/4/09, p.27).

Hostilities continued the following month when NEPP denounced Minister
for Energy Eamon Ryan as being ‘no longer fit for public office’ after
he commented that the undergrounding of high voltage electricity cables
is ‘not technically feasible’ during a visit to Counties Meath and
Monaghan, pointing out this contradicted statements in a report the
Minister had himself commissioned. (Northern Standard 28/5/09, p. 14).
NEPP then blasted EirGrid for a recent press release on Danish plans to
underground high-voltage pylons, saying ‘Having lost the public debate
about technical feasibility and affordability of underground cables
compared with giant pylons and overhead wires, EirGrid has decided to
resort to downright lies and distortion.’ (Northern Standard 18/6/09, p.
6; Meath Chronicle 20/6/09, p. 15). In July EirGrid described the
recent report on undergrounding of the proposed electricity
interconnector commissioned by North-East Pylon Pressure (NEPP) as
containing a number of ‘flawed calculations and conclusions’. In
response a spokesperson for NEPP said EirGrid’s comments ‘would merit no
more than a D in Junior Cert Science.’ (Northern Standard 2/7/09, p. 6;
Anglo-Celt 2/7/09, p. 2; Meath Weekender 4/7/09, p. 18).

Political campaigning and traditional lobbying
In November 2008 NEPP held four public meetings in Athboy, Kells,
Carrickmacross and Trim to update supporters on the latest developments
regarding Eirgrid’s proposals. NEPP chairperson Francis Lally said ‘This
wave of public meetings clearly signals that, far from fading away,
NEPP will intensify our campaign over the coming months’. (Anglo-Celt
13/11/08, p.10; Meath Chronicle 15/11/08, p. 4) Nearly 250 people
attended the meeting in Trim. Several speakers from the floor sharply
criticized the Green Party’s Eamonn Ryan for failing to oppose the
pylons plan, while NEPP spokesperson Liam Cahill also said last week
‘Fianna Fail and Green Party representatives were conspicuous by their
absence from a recent series of grassroots meetings in the North East to
update people on the campaign. Fianna Fail TDs told us clearly they
will not vote for a motion in the Dail to make it national policy for
EirGrid to put the cables underground, if such a motion is put down in
the New year.’ (Meath Weekender 6/12/08, pp.11.16). NEPP also raised the
possibility of putting forward candidates for next year’s local and
European elections. (Meath Chronicle 20/12/08, p.13) Members of North
east Pylon Pressure met the Minister for Power and the chief executive
of EirGrid in Dublin in January 2009 to press their demands that
EirGrid’s Interconnector be placed underground rather than be routed on
overhead pylons. (Northern Standard 15/1/09, pp.1,4; Meath Chronicle
17/1/09, p.6)

Cross-border activity
This lobbying also crossed the border. Members of NEPP traveled to
Stormont in January 2009 to take part in a protest against the
north-south electricity interconnector. The protest, organized by SEAT
(Safe Electricity in Armagh and Tyrone) took place on the steps of
Stormont and called for the northern route for the interconnector to be
buried underground. (Monaghan Post 22/1/09, pp.7,21). (for details of
SEAT’s campaign see http://www.seatactiongroup.com/) In April a
delegation from NEPP briefed the Northern Ireland Assembly’s
Environmental Committee on the case for placing the powerlines for the
north-south interconnector underground. ((Northern Standard 9/4/09, p.
27; Meath Chronicle 11/4/09, p. 17).

Changing a County Development Plan
In January 2009 Monaghan County Council created a further planning
difficulty for EirGrid’s proposed Interconnector by varying the County
Development Plan by restricting pylons from being placed within 100
metres of any residence, school, sports field, playground or workplace.
The variation was supported unanimously by members of the County Council
acting against a formal recommendation by the County Manager. (Monaghan
Post 8/1/09, p.7; Northern Standard 8/1/09, p.1,8). EirGrid issued High
Court proceedings seeking judicial review of the decision. (Anglo-Celt
5/3/09, p.2) Independent MEP Marian Harkin expressed concern at the
taking of this judicial review, saying that, ‘if successful, [it] would
mean that the democratic system would be usurped and would mean that the
consultation with both the public and the elected representatives was
merely a fig leaf… designed to give the impression of working together
to resolve issues but ultimately it meant that the concerns of those in
Cavan and Monaghan would be set aside’. (Roscommon herald 24/3/09, p.
2). The judicial review deemed the amendment unlawful. The County
Manager was criticized for failing to enter a defence to the
proceedings. (Northern Standard 9/4/09, pp. 1,14).

NEPP launched its fundraising efforts in December 2008 with the aim of
accumulating a campaign fund of one million Euro. By December NEPP had
spent around 400,000 Euro, 200,000 Euro of which went on the Askon
report. (Meath Chronicle 20/12/08, p. 13). By March 2009 NEPP said it
had raised 1.2 million Euro over the past 14 months for its campaign
through voluntary contributors, including the sale of 7000 tickets at
100 Euro each for its prize draw. (Anglo-Celt 5/3/09, p.7).

Problems in the opposition
There have been some tensions inside the opposition campaign with NEPP
March 2009 attacking a ‘small but vocal clique of members’ of the County
Monaghan Anti-Pylon Committee (CMAPC) for trying to undermine its
efforts. The disagreements with the Monaghan group related to that
group’s autonomous activities, its record of financial contributions to
NEPP and the party political nature of its leadership. According to NEPP
‘Despite NEPP’s equitable treatment of all three counties’ objectives,
requests and concerns and despite each county being fairly represented
on the NEPP core team, Monaghan has uniquely decided to maintain its own
local anti-pylons county committee. This committee makes decisions and
takes actions independent of NEPP, while at the same time it challenges
decisions already made by NEPP.’ (Northern Standard 26/3/09, p.6). Both
the County Monaghan Anti-Pylon Committee (CMACP) and county councillor
Owen Bannigan (FG) responded by rejecting NEPP’s allegations. The CMACP
statement said it ‘does not intend to enter into a media confrontation
with NEPP… We believe it would be in neither group’s long term interest
and serve only to undermine our joint common goal of having the 400kV
powerlines put underground’. (Northern Standard 2/4/09, p. 36).

The route is published
A new stage in the campaign arose in April 2009 when EirGrid published
details of its preferred route for the proposed north-south
interconnector, stretching in Co. Monaghan from Anayalla to the west of
Doohamlet, passing between Lough Egish and Shantonagh before passing
into Cavan to the east of Shercock and on to Kingscourt. The Mayor of
Co. Monaghan denounced the political motivation behind the announcement,
saying ‘an EirGrid representative told me that the news would help
elected representatives, as the families and landowners affected would
be reduced when three proposed routes become one preferred route,
thereby containing political opposition to the plans’. (Northern
Standard 9/4/09, pp.1,2). Alas the elected councilors of Co. Meath were
not grateful to EirGrid for this help, accusing EirGrid of a ‘deliberate
attempt’ to deceive public representatives: ‘Only last week I, along
with other councilors on the East Border Committee, met with EirGrid. At
that meeting I asked if a route had been selected or, if not, what was
the likely time-frame. The response was that no route had been selected
and it would be some time before a decision is made. Yet, just a week
later, they have announced their preferred route, with detailed maps and
accompanying analysis of the route. This was not done in the space of a
week and was a deliberate attempt to deceive councilors.’ (Meath
Chronicle 18/4/09, p.1).

In response NEPP first held a meeting in Kells for landowners along
EirGrid’s preferred route to advise them on how to deal with approaches
from EirGrid representatives. (Meath Chronicle 25/4/09, p. 5) and then
held another general meeting in Kells. Over 200 landowners and another
200 householders attended the information and advice meetings. NEPP also
set up a Helpline and ‘text update service’ for those concerned about
EirGrid’s activities at 085 281 1285. (Northern Standard 30/4/09, p.
14). NEPP then accused EirGrid of harassing landowners along the
preferred route for the north-south electricity interconnector and
contacted local Garda superintendents to inform them of the ‘alarm and
distress’ caused –especially to older people- by the unannounced arrival
of EirGrid agents. (Meath Weekender 25/4/09, p. 7; Northern Standard
23/4/09, p. 6).

The CMAPC also continued to organize locally in Monaghan where a series
of meetings were attended by hundreds of people to reassert opposition
to the proposed interconnector powerline through the county, while CMAPC
also planned to hold a major public meeting on the issue. (Northern
Standard 23/4/09, p. 6). Other public manifestations of opposition were
organized. Later in April residents in the Muff, Corlea and
Kilmainhamwood areas expressed their opposition to EirGrid’s proposed
powerlines by congregating in significant numbers at the Muff
crossroads. (Anglo-Celt 23/4/09, p. 7).

On the political front NEPP upped the pressure by writing to candidates
for the European elections asking them their position on the EirGrid
plan with the intention of informing their supporters of the results the
week before the election. (Cavan Post 12/5/09, p. 2). In Monaghan there
was political pressure also, with the County Councillors passing a
resolution calling on the government to instruct EirGrid to stop work on
the InterConnector and noting some 90% of the farmers and landowners
along the line of the InterConnector were not interested in entering
into any discussions with EirGrid (Northern Standard 14/5/09, p. 1),
while at a later meeting of the Council EirGrid’s claim that it had the
power to CPO land was challenged by NEPP. An EirGrid official admitted
at the meeting they are suffering ‘very considerable delay’ due to
public opposition, which has been added to by the formation of the
Monaghan County Landowners’ Committee. (Monaghan Post 10/9/09, p. 4;
Meath Chronicle 12/9/09, p. 10). Then NEPP published full-page
advertisements in local papers in Counties Cavan, Meath and Monaghan
making the case for undergrounding the InterConnector and in June
denounced Minister for the Environment John Gormley as a hypocrite by
when he presented a green flag to Robinstown National School in Co.
Meath, noting ‘As part of its proposed North-South electricity projects,
EirGrid wants to build giant pylons and overhead high voltage lines
about 100 metres from the school… Parents, pupils and teachers have
expressed concern about the dangers…’ (Meath Chronicle 27/6/09, p. 9).

NEPP launched the next phase of its campaign on August 17th with a show
of strength at a public meeting in Navan attended by up to 500 people,
at which IFA representatives reiterated that the IFA was ‘110% in
support of the NEPP’s campaign’. (Meath Chronicle 22/8/09, p. 9;
Anglo-Celt 20/8/09, p. 3)

Nationalising the debate
NEPP accused EirGrid of planning to vastly increase the number of giant
pylons and high-voltage overhead lines in the country, given their plans
for a new powerline from Cork to Dublin may involve erecting a further
1000 pylons. NEPP said EirGrid ‘need to tell us the exact locations and
distances of all their new 110Kv, 220Kv and 400 Kv high voltage power
lines so we can have a properly informed national debate about the
issues involved’. (Meath Chronicle 25/7/09, p. 7).

The struggle moves into the planning process
In December 2009 EirGrid announced that it will be submitting a planning
application for the North-South Interconnector directly to An Bord
Pleanala in the near future, while An Bord Pleanala agreed to an EirGrid
request to extend the comment period to ten weeks. NEPP called on
Cavan, Meath and Monaghan county councils to make submissions to An Bord
Pleanala against the InterConnector and called on other affected groups
and individuals to do the same. (Meath Chronicle 19/12/09, p. 1;
Anglo-Celt 17/12/09). The struggle against the InterConnector now moves
into the planning process.

For previous coverage of campaigns over powerlines see
Wind wars in the hills of Donegal www.indym,edia.ie/article/94748
Oral hearing over Donegal power line www.indymedia.ie/article/91661
Victory for Bantry pylon campaign www.indymedia.ie/article/78132
ESB moves the goalposts… www.indymedia.ie/article/77675
Farmers rally in support of Bantry Bay pylon protests
Blockade of Bantry bullies continues www.indymedia.ie/article/77132
Opposing overhead pylons www.indymedia.ie/article/77129
The Bantry Solidarity Lodghe www.indymedia.ie/article/77026
Bury the powerlines not the people www.indymedia.ie/article/73450
Alternatives to pylons Donegal prepares to battle…

For groups opposing powerlines see


RTE 1 NEWS 10 MAY 2010

EirGrid defends electricity connector plans Monday, 10 May 2010 16:17
An oral hearing by An Bord Pleanála into plans
by Eirgrid to build a new north-south interconnector is underway.
It is expected the hearings in Carrickmacross will last at least six
weeks and hear from a range of experts from both the company and the
campaign group opposing the scheme.
The plan would see a 140km stretch of new 400 kilovolt overhead line
running from Meath to Tyrone.
It would be the second interconnector between the Republic and the
North and would, according to the company, secure electricity for the
northeast, encourage the provision of renewable energy projects and
reduce the need for power stations.
However, there is strong local opposition to the project. The
Chairperson of the North East Pylon Pressure campaign, Aimee Tracey,
said the plan by Eirgrid was medieval.
She said they accepted the need to upgrade the infrastructure but
insisted the cables should be buried underground to alleviate concerns
about the health and environmental impact of the cables.
Eigrid say it is not possible to put a cable of that length
underground and even if it was it would cause major problems when they
would have to carry out repairs or upgrades.
It is likely to be several months before the inspector's report and
recommendations are finalised following the oral hearing.A decision on
whether to grant the project planning permission or not will then rest
with An Bord Pleanála.

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