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European Parliament Recommends Stricter Safety Limits for Cell Phones

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Sep 23, 2008, 1:04:40 PM9/23/08
The BioInitiative report ask for 0,6 V/m.
But a letter dated August 23, 2004 from Dr Oberfeld in Salzburg ask
0,02 V/m inside buildings for the sum of GSM signals and 0,06 V/m
outside based on Navaro study in Spain, see attached file.
The MAES in Germany ask to be under 0,006 V/m for the high frequencies
pulsed in low frequencies, based on more than 20 years of empirical
studies, see attached file on point A3 “Rayonnement pulsé”.
It seems to me that the limit value of the BioInitiative report is
just a compromise because people don't want to through their mobile
phone away.
Furthermore, people around the world ask to built mast at more than
300 meters of living place.
But the real problem is the exposure, not the distance.
As an EHS, I already moved twice time after masts were built near my
flat. First time at 84 meters with 2 x 900 Watts, and the second time
at 150 meters with 3 x 3000 Watts.
I have quite recover my health after 6 months in my new flat, in the
middle of nowhere. But since my neighbor under my bought a new gadget
to reach Internet everywhere with UMTS, WiFi or GSM/EDGE with a
laptop, I feel really bad and clinical test shown I don't have
melatonin anymore.
Since 5 years, I red about 4'500 studies, abstracts, reports mostly
biological, epidemiological facts from doctors, more the studies about
bees, birds, etc. I repeat :
Now if you have any doubt, look this video of Dr. Theodore Litovitz
and see at how many times the biological effects are present at
thousands times under the guidelines.
It's too late for a lot of people. But it's never too late to wake up.
Will you ?

Philippe Hug
Chairman of ARA

*SOURCE: The BioInitiative Working Group*
Sep 18, 2008 13:12 ET
European Parliament Recommends Stricter Safety Limits for Cell Phones
*Highlighted Links*

The BioInitiative

EU Envmntl Health Action

ALBANY, NY--(Marketwire - September 18, 2008) - University at Albany,
Institute for Health and the Environment - The European Parliament has voted
522 to 16 to recommend tighter safety standards for cell phones. In light of
the growing body of scientific evidence implicating cell phone use with
brain tumors, the Parliament says, "The limits on exposure to
electromagnetic fields [EMFs] which have been set for the general public are

The European Parliament "is greatly concerned at the Bio-Initiative
international report concerning EMFs, which summarises over 1500 studies on
that topic and which points in its conclusions to the health risks posed by
emissions from mobile-telephony devices such as mobile telephones, UMTS,
WiFi, WiMax and Bluetooth, and also DECT landline telephones." Further, it
points out the need to "address vulnerable groups such as pregnant women,
newborn babies and children."

The Mid-Term Review of the European Environmental and Health Action Plan
recommends 36 specific points for improving human health. It points to
changes that can improve air and water quality, and reduce exposures to
toxic chemicals and EMFs that have been linked to health risks.

BioInitiative author Dr. Martin Blank, Columbia University professor and
researcher in bioelectromagnetics says, "Cells in the body react to EMFs as
potentially harmful, just like to other environmental toxins such as heavy
metals and toxic chemicals. The DNA in living cells recognizes EMFs at very
low levels of exposure, and produces a biochemical stress response. The
scientific evidence tells us that our safety standards are inadequate, and
that we must protect ourselves from exposure to EMFs due to powerlines, cell
phones and the like."

Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD and Professor at University Hospital in Orebro,
Sweden who wrote on brain tumors and cell phones in the BioInitiative
Report, says, "The evidence for risks from prolonged cell phone and cordless
phone use is quite strong when you look at people who have used these
devices for 10 years or longer, and when they are used mainly on one side of
the head." At a conference in London last week, Dr. Hardell noted that
exposure to children poses even greater risk than to adults, a fact of
concern since so many children now regularly use cell phones.

Noting the already lowered exposure limits of some European countries the EU
Parliament is now calling on the EU Council to amend Recommendation
1999/519/EC for all equipment producing emissions in the 0.1 MHz to 300 GHz
frequency range. This would include cell phones as well as other wireless
devices. Wireless technologies that rely on microwave radiation to send
emails and voice communication are thousands of times stronger than levels
reported to cause some health impacts.

Reports: Mid-Term Review of the European Environment and Health Action Plan
2004-2010, September 4, 2008

BioInitiative: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard
for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF) August 31, 2007
Dr. David O. Carpenter, M.D., M.P.H.
Director, Institute for Health and the Environment

Paul Raymond Doyon
Professional TESOL Instructor
MAT (TESOL), School for International Training
MA Advanced Japanese Studies, University of Sheffield
BA Psychology, University of California

"A 'Good Student' answers questions - but does not question answers."

Oberfeld 0,02 Vm 23.8.4.pdf

Omega Group

Oct 26, 2008, 5:11:46 PM10/26/08
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