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EU Commission EMF Stakeholder Dialogue Group in Brussels

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Feb 23, 2013, 4:20:32 PM2/23/13
EU Commission EMF Stakeholder Dialogue Group in Brussels - Wednesday 20th February.

Eileen O'Connor has suggested wide circulation of her report as follows:

Dear All,
Please see attached copy of my presentation and also see attached copy of Professor Yury Grigorieve’s presentation. We gave these presentations at the EU Commission EMF Stakeholder Dialogue Group in Brussels on Wednesday 20th February. 
Also see attached photographs.  One photograph of me with Professor Yury Grigoriev presenting me with a new hot off the press Russian book containing the most important research in the last 50 years on EMFs and a picture of me, Professor Yury Grigoriev and Dr Isaac Jamieson before entering the room at the Commission.
Eileen O’Connor’s report following a meeting at the EU Commission meeting
20th February, 2013
Board members from the International EMF Alliance, Eileen O’Connor, Alex Swinkels and Kerstin Stenberg along with Dr Isaac Jamieson provided talks and evidence towards the precautionary approach to wireless communication from mobile phones, phone masts, wifi at a Stakeholder Group at the EU Commission, Brussels.
It was encouraging to hear that many countries in Europe such as  France, Germany, Holland, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Austria and even countries such as Russia are engaging with the public and NGO’s in an attempt to understand and help people suffering with electrosensitivity, while working towards getting a clearer picture regarding radiation exposure levels. However, the UK is unfortunately not making any progress or attempts to address this serious issue.
Eileen said “the UK Radiation Research Trust and many other charities based in the UK are no longer engaging with UK Health Protection Agency (HPA).  The HPA are shamefully lagging behind the rest of Europe and even the world and appear to be playing out time.  Countless discussion groups with the HPA have failed to reach any agreements with NGO’s. The HPA have demonstrated that they are not prepared to listen.”
People suffering with electrosensitive (ES) symptoms in the UK are told that it is nocebo i.e. not a real effect, it is all in the mind. This could possibly be a dangerous approach to take. Could the HPA be opening themselves up to litigation with regards to the balance of probability in the courts towards neglect and duty of care?  
The HPA appear to be taking the “don’t rock the boat approach, while simply playing lip service to the Government.”  How can those sitting in positions of power command any respect when they are simply ignoring the calls for help from people suffering with electrosensitivity or cancer and living in fear near phone masts and being forced to send their children to schools full of wifi signals? 
Meanwhile, the French Government are now trying to identify medical solutions, treatment and care for people suffering with ES and are studying anyone who claims they suffer with this condition by asking them to participate in attending one of the 24 hospitals equipped to study this. The Dutch are also investigating this condition by trying to find a diagnostic tool for EHS and Russia has set up rooms in hospitals to diagnose and treat this condition.  The Commission are keen to encourage all member states to work together to help find solutions and solve this issue. The UK approach of “head in the sand” is clearly not an approach to follow.
It is also evident that virtually no one is monitoring or measuring the radiation levels in Europe. The mobile phone industry are even allowed to self-regulate in the UK. 
There is a massive gap here to create a whole new industry, we need to train engineers to help create an independent radiation monitoring service. This could create a whole new industry and jobs.
The Chairman of Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, and member of Int. Advisory Committee of WHO "EMF and Health” Professor Yury Grigoriev gave a powerful presentation and also offered his expertise to help using his skills and life time knowledge. He has wide experience of research on issues surrounding this problem " Ionizing radiation and around 40 years experience dealing with Non-Ionizing  radiations and health. He also dealt with the Chernobyl accident.
Professor Grigoriev ended his presentation saying:
  “Full information should be given to the population". Current research for mobile communication, is indicating an increased risk for health and the public must be made aware of the lack of scientific knowledge for long term microwave exposure. The population should be made aware of his advice to appreciate what he calls the probable risk for adverse health effects from uncontrolled use of mobile communication.  He also said “Of course, we must remind people that their entire body is also continuously exposed round-the-clock to extra exposures associated with EMF base stations and Wi-Fi. Mobile communication should become a temporarily service of selection. Because of the danger inherent in microwave technology, and the failure of regulatory standards to protect the population in general and particularly children, mobile communication should be a choice for short term, temporary use so that we may preserve human health.”
We need to appeal to our MPs and Government Ministers and bypass the HPA and appeal for them to help identify diagnostic tool and treatment and protection for people suffering with ES symptoms, while dealing with the wider issues to find a safer way forward.
Eileen will be following up on Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith’s invitation to deliver a copy of the Russian book on the most important research on EMFs and said she is looking forward to delivering this message into the heart of the UK Government. They need to listen to the reports about ES, Cancer etc and firmly debate this issue now rather than leaving this serious issue to be dealt with by charitable organisations. 
Attached photographs. 
Professor Yury Grigoriev, Eileen O’Connor and Dr Isaac Jamieson before entering the Commission room.
Photograph of Professor Yury Grigoriev, Eileen O’Connor, Dr Isaac Jamieson and David Gee from the European Environmental Agency.
Eileen O’Connor
EM Radiation Research Trust <>

Eileen Yury and Isaa#169EA6 (5).jpg
European Commission.pdf
Professor Yury Grigoriev - Brussels.doc

Feb 25, 2013, 2:42:51 AM2/25/13
Eileen with Professor Yury Grigoriev presenting the Russian book containing the most important research in the last 50 years on EMFs

Professor Yury Grigoriev, Eileen O’Connor and Dr Isaac Jamieson before entering the Commission room.
Photograph of Professor Yury Grigoriev, Eileen O’Connor, Dr Isaac Jamieson and David Gee from the European Environmental Agency.

Eileen O’Connor
EM Radiation Research Trust <>

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network
European Commission.pdf
Professor Yury Grigoriev - Brussels.doc
Eileen Yury and Isaa#169EA6 (5).jpg
Eileen Yury (4).jpg
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