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List of links to City and County with smart meter groups

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Jun 18, 2011, 4:16:16 PM6/18/11

Sharon, and others,


This is of great assistance to submit to any council, municipal and regional!!!!


I hope, the list  will be supplemented/updated!

I suggest to Magda, Martin Weatherall  and Klaus Rudolph (Omega News) to include the list in their newsletter with a call to anyone on the globe to add more not yet on the list.


For us here in BC there is no time to loose, as BCHydro is beginning to install the meters already in July, and FortisBC most likely in September!



Hans Karow


Von: Dennis and Sharon Noble
Gesendet: Saturday, June 18, 2011 10:23 AM
Betreff: Fw: List of links to City and County


Here is a list of municipalities etc. in Calif with smart meter groups . They are beginning to organize a political plan. They sent a CD with smart meter info. to every legislator in the assembly, and are now working on a list of legal demands. I am watching this group closely.


Chris, I know you are part of another group in CA. Are they part of this group, do you know? If not, how are things going for them?



From: Sandi Maurer

Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2011 9:56 AM

Subject: List of links to City and County


Thanks to Karen Hudson for gathering many legal documents from local governments: I have uploaded many to the Smart Meter Hazards page:


Here are links to many-and a few are still needed:







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