----- Original Message -----
*From:* Carl Katz
*Sent:* Wednesday, September 24, 2008 9:23 AM
*Subject:* CBC TV (French) Vancouver Report on WiFi in Rose Des Vents
Below is a link to last night's broadcast on Le Telejournal on CBC
Vancouver that features a story on a group of parents who want WiFi
removed from my children's school - we formed the group in June.
To watch the show, click on the link. The journalist, Benoit Ferradini
talks about the story from the streets of Vancouver just after the the
first minute of the broadcast.
His report comes later. It is in segment 4 of 6 in the Real Video player
- the Mardi le 23 Septembre show - the link is in the middle of the
initial web page. When the player opens, use the arrows to advance to
segment 4/6. The story is just after the five minute mark of segment 4 -
you can scroll the slider to the 5:00 timeline in the video stream.
I know it's a bit complicated to get to the report, but it's better than
watching a half hour of stories you may not be interested in.