BIG VICTORY, and congrats to David Sheldon of Michigan for a well organized and successful campaign and setting this great precedent for the rest of the state and the US! Read story at:
Thank you and all in Michigan! Please spread the word to other states!
Dianne Wilkins, Maine Smart Meter Safety Coalition
From: jeskers
Date: June 22, 2012 7:38:51 PM EDTSubject: National Registry for Parents re Wi-Fi in schools
Just wanted to make contact with fellow parents fighting Wi-Fi in schools. Trying to catch up with all my emails. Busy week with our appeal before the Board of Education here in school district SD #62 (Sooke,Vancouver Island). The district has already started the installation of commercial Wi-Fi networks in all the schools here. No consultation with parents whatsoever. We have 5 children (2 are my own) that have medical notes re EHS or other conditions that we are asking accommodation for. Magda was so generous to help us out by providing a verbal submission via speaker phone. Her knowledge on the subject is profound. We can only hope trustees were truly listening and understanding the magnitude of this harmful pollution in schools.The cornerstone of our appeal is the Canadian Human Rights Commission report on Environmental Sensitivities that includes EHS. I have included my dissection I have put together for quick reference of portions that specifically pertain to electromagnetic fields. You may have done this yourself already. The Board has up to 45 days to make a decision re our appeal.We are in the midst of planning a big media event around it with interviews and a rally outside the School District office and will keep you posted with any developments. Please keep us in the loop re any actions taking place where you are also.Parents are starting to organize their efforts for a national effort re Wi-Fi in schools. We have now started a data base/registry for parents to assist with this. All we need is: parent’s name, email address and the School District their child(ren) belong to. This info can be sent to Please share widely.
Together we will see children protected!Tammy JeskeVictoria, BC
On Jun 15, 2012, at 5:55 PM, jeskers wrote:
Here is the BCCPAC Wi-Fi resolutions that passed along with the OH&S regulations pertaining to 2B carcinogens or greater in the work place. Please forward my personal info on to anyone legit working on Wi-Fi in schools. We have started a data base/registry for parents if you know any who would like to join us to coordinate efforts in schools across Canada. All we need is: parents name, email address and the School District. This info can be sent to parentsfor...@gmail.comTammy JeskeSooke SD 62, Vancouver IslandHome: (250) 478-9881
BCCPAC Resolution #17: Parent Choice Regarding Exposure to EMF Emissions
Be it resolved that” BCCPAC calls on each Board of Education to have one public school at each education level (elementary, middle, secondary) that is free of Wi-Fi, cordless phones and cell phones. This school will only be equipped with wired computers and wired telephones for personal, educational and administrative purposes”.Resolution #18: Wi-Fi in Classrooms
Be it resolved that
“BCCPAC call on Boards of Education to cease to install Wi-Fi and other wireless networks in schools where other networking technology is feasible”.Workers Compensation Act, Occupational Health and Safety Regulation: Part 5 — Chemical Agents and Biological Agents (1) “If a substance identified as any of the following is present in the workplace, the employer must replace it, if practicable, with a materialwhich reduces the risk to workers: (a) ACGIH A1 or A2, or IARC 1, 2A or 2B carcinogen”.