This press release
and the original court decision have been provided courtesy of Next-Up
in France. Translated and submitted by Cindy Sage
Press Release:
February 5,
Jean Desessard, Senator, Paris
15, rue de Vaugirard,
75291 Paris cedex 06
Tél : 01 42 34 34 43
fax : 01 42 34 40 81
The danger of relay
antennas to health finally recognized!
The Greens
Senators and Senators welcomed the decision of the Versailles Court of
Appeal to order the dismantling of an antenna relay Bouygues Telecom in
Tassin la Demi-lune in the Rhone.
This decision
comes to confirm the condemnation pronounced by the Court of Nanterre
in opposition to the corporation Bouygues Telecom considering that the
presence of an antenna relay of mobile communication nearby of
dwellings constitutes an abnormal disturbance of neighborhood réparable
by the dismantling of the antenna.
This ruling
gives legal recognition to the risks posed by the masts for mobile
phones on human health, which may result in serious disorders such as
The decision
rests in particular on the BIO 2007 Initiative which was created by a
group of independent scientists, industrialists and mobile operators,
and which requires public authorities of each country to review the
exposure standards electromagnetic fields.
< /span>
It is now the
Government to take responsibility for setting new standards to protect
the health of the population and thus avoid a new health catastrophe
from happening.
Le danger des
antennes-relais pour la santé enfin reconnu
Les Sénatrices et Sénateurs
Verts se félicitent de la décision de la Cour d’Appel de Versailles
d’ordonner le démontage d’une antenne-relais Bouygues Telecom à Tassin
la Demi-lune dans le Rhône.
Cette décision vient confirmer
la condamnation prononcée par le Tribunal de Nanterre à l’encontre de
la société Bouygues Teleco
m considérant que la présence d’une antenne-relais de téléphonie mobile
à proximité d’habitations constitue un trouble anormal de voisinage
réparable par le démontage de l’antenne.
Ce jugement apporte une
reconnaissance juridique aux risques que font courir les
antennes-relais de téléphonie mobile pour la santé humaine, qui peuvent
notamment se traduire par des troubles extrêmement graves comme des
La décision s’appuie en
particulier sur le rapport BIO-INITIATIVES de 2007 qui a été réalisé
par un groupe de scientifiques indépendants des industriels et des
opérateurs de téléphonie mobile, et qui appelle les autorités publiques
de chaque pays à revoir les normes d’exposition aux champs
Il revient donc désormais au
gouvernement de prendre ses responsabilités pour fixer de nouvelles
normes plus protectrices de la santé de la population et ainsi éviter
qu’une nouvelle catastrophe sanitaire ne se produise.
Jean Desessard
de Paris
Contact :
You may care to
distribute this important French news via your web sites.
Sarah Dacre
5 feb 2009
'Bouygues Telecom ordered to remove base station'
Bouygues Telecom
has been ordered by the Versailles court of appeals to take
down a mobile base station in Tassin-la-Demi-Lune, France, or be fined
EUR 500 per day until it does so. The lawyer for the plaintiffs,
Richard Forget, told AFP that Bouygues
will also have to pay his clients EUR 7,000 per couple for
exposing them to a health hazard. The case was brought by three couples
who fought for the removal of transmitters installed on a mast
near their homes in 2006. An initial ruling by the court of Nanterre in
September 2008 gave the operator four months to take the equipment
down, or pay a fine of EUR 100 per day, plus EUR 3,000 in damages to
each of the couples.
Le Figaro 6 février 2009
Le Figaro: Court rules against Bouygues Telecom in health risk
Bouygues Telecom
was sentenced by the Court of Appeal in Versailles to
dismantle a relay antenna situated in Tassin-la-Dem
i-Lune, western France, and pay EUR 7,000 in compensation to each
of the claimants in a health risk lawsuit.
Three families had lodged a complaint against the telecom.
Bouygues Telecom
's lawyer told AFP that this ruling is "problematic" for the
construction of communication networks.
Abstracted from an original article in Le Figaro (Bouygues Telecom démonte une antenne) by
Marie-Cecile Renault.