Radiation Flu?

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Dec 6, 2007, 12:14:48 PM12/6/07
to mobilfunk_...@googlegroups.com, partei-...@googlegroups.com
Sorry I have no citations for this.

Like lead, asbestos, Teflon, plastic, info is being witheld.

Scientists around the world have been trying to expose the dirty
secret about microwave radiation, aka cellular.

In europe where it is ten years ahead of North America, Cell
phone manufactures were having thier employees suddenly
become very ill. Ericson's top engineer became
electromagnetically sensitive and could not continue. Many
others from that one company also had ems. Apple Computers
top guy who did started apple networking from the start also had
the same problems. And last month, Oct 2005, a cell phone
sales person won a law suit proving that their exposure made
them sick. - there are plenty more stories of industry workers
dying or ill

So how does this relate to Avian? Well if you go back and see,
Mice were used in studies of cell phone radiation in varous USA
labs and only the reports that were taylored by the cellular
industry were released to the media, the others which showed
extreme caution due to the fatal results never made it to the main
media. A video called "Public Exposue - Wireless Revolution"
shows how scientists have been trying to get the truth to general
public but the industry owns the studies because they fund the
radiation studies and one release what they want.

Chickens in Canada were distroyed in late 2004,
some 100,000 birds. The media did not release that all the
chicken farms near Vancouver Canada, were indeed beside a
Microwave Navy Antenna base. This base has the exact same
antennas as the popular HARRP station in Alaska, just less of
them. A specialist who knew about both the chicken industry
and the antenna station output of Microwave Communications
had stepped forward to hand the data to the media about what
was happening with these Canadian Chickens, but no, the
media would NOT touch it.

The government review board of the Canadian "Out Break" would
not touch the data.. That is because the data is true, Microwave
radiation breaks down the immune systems. If you have a high
exposure for a short period of time -- or a low exposure for a very
long period of time - both applications are deadly to both
animals and humans.

So how do south asia chickens get exposed to cell phone
towers or cell phone users - are they using that many cell
phones there? Infact they do use cell phones, even the poor
areas of Africa use cell phones becuase "its easier to set up, no
telephone lines" A contact with several residents from asia said
there is actually more cell phones in that area then some parts
of north america.

Deformed animals in Italy were ignored by the media, Deformed
cows in other parts of europe were ignored by the media,
especially the ones with large cellular antenna towers on the
barn roof in the background.

Israel is having a cancer outbreak this year and studies show
that those near cell towers have died suddenly. Same thing with
spain and france.

To conclude, avian flu may be a flu like symptom,
but it is why it occured, the immune system is broken down,
and anything that the body has to fight off cant,
becuase it used all the defenses to reverse the damage of
radiaiton, day after day. The immune system eventually
can not catch everything and things get through.




Look at the deformation of both animals an humans from
Depleted Urainium, - watch "Invisable Wars - Deplete Urainium"
Feb 2000

and OPPS!


Labs scramble to purge virus
Samples sent out worldwide traced to 1957 pandemic

Thursday, April 14, 2005 Posted: 12:22 AM EDT (0422 GMT)
Authorities are trying to work out how many labs got the

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN)
Authorities are doing everything possible to ensure samples of a
killer influenza virus sent to more than 4,000 laboratories
worldwide are destroyed before anyone becomes infected, a top
U.S. disease expert says.

"While the risk of the situation is very low, we're not taking any
chances and we're doing everything we can to make sure that
there is no threat to human health," Dr. Julie Gerberding, director
of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters
at a news conference on Wednesday.
On September 10, the College of American Pathologists sent
samples of the virus that caused the "Asian flu" pandemic of
1957 to laboratories in 18 countries, including the United States
and Canada.
The pandemic killed more than 1 million people, including about
70,000 in the United States.
The samples, part of a package of pathogens sent to
laboratories to test their ability to identify them, were last seen in
nature in the United States in 1968, Gerberding said. Anyone
born since then would presumably have no immunity to the virus,
she said.
Authorities are still trying to determine how many laboratories got
the samples of the virus, called Influenza A H2N2.
"We're working with officials in all of these countries to take the
steps necessary to contain the problem," she said.
Those steps include identifying the panels that contain the virus
and destroying those samples by heating them.
Routine disease surveillance so far has turned up no unusual
patterns that might indicate the disease had spread in the
United States, she said.

CDC: Raise safety level

In addition, the CDC recommended that laboratories that have
received the virus samples use safety level 3 precautions in
handling them.
Current recommendations require only that they be handled
under less-stringent safety level 2 precautions.
The World Health Organization has contacted the ministries of
health of the other 17 countries "to be sure that similar
processes are in place" in all labs affected.
How the virus wound up being included in a package of
pathogens sent around the world was not clear, but Gerberding
said health authorities would work to ensure such a lapse did
not recur.
Organizations responsible for testing and accrediting
laboratories' quality routinely send out panels of unknown
organisms to determine if the laboratory can accurately identify
In this case, the College of American Pathologists contracted
with Meridian Bioscience Inc., of Cincinnati, Ohio, to create the
panel, Gerberding said.
"It is almost impossible to believe they didn't know they were
dealing with an H2N2," she added.
"It was probably a situation where the advantages of using a
strain that grows well and can be readily manipulated in the lab
were the driving force without even considering that ... it could
potentially cause a hazard to not only the workers in the
laboratory, but to the people in the community."
Gerberding said she did not know who made that decision. A
company spokesman did not immediately return a call seeking
Most of the samples have been destroyed, she said.

Found by Canadian lab

It was not until March 26 that a laboratory in Canada discovered
the presence of the virus and alerted Canadian health officials,
who in turn notified the World Health Organization and CDC,
Gerberding said.
Five days later, the lab was advised "to undertake a full
stem-to-stern assessment" and, on April 8, the lab determined
that the panels were the source, Gerberding said.
The threat had gone unnoticed for more than six months
because the labs that received the panels would have
characterized the virus only as an A or B strain and would not
necessarily have characterized it further, she said.
The laboratories have been asked to report back to the college
when the specimens have been destroyed, a process "that will
take some time," Gerberding said.
Dr. Jared Schwartz, a spokesman for the College of American
Pathologists, which distributed the virus, acknowledged its
distribution was a mistake.
He said records indicate the vendor knew it was sending a flu
virus but apparently did not realize it was the deadly strain.
In addition to the United States and Canada, the other countries
that got the panels are Bermuda, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, France,
Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, South Korea,
Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Taiwan. It also went to Hong Kong.
Schwartz said his organization will ask the CDC to approve
strains sent out for testing in the future, and that samples will be
limited to pathogens covered by current vaccines.
"This is the first time, thank God, that we have had, in any of our
proficiency testing, issues focused on as a potential problem,"
he said. "It's regrettable, and a lot of communication needs to be
improved to be sure that this doesn't happen again. And we're
going to be working with the CDC to make sure of that."
Laurie Garrett, author of "The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging
Diseases in a World out of Balance," said the mistake
underscores problems with the U.S. public health safety net.
"We've invested billions of dollars into alleged bioterrorism
preparedness and to alleged preparedness for avian and
pandemic influenza," she said. "This is a sorry indicator of how
well the money has been spent."
CNN's Miriam Falco contributed to this report.


because people are out there with a very
BAD immune system and would catch things very quickly

emf (and DU) are (were) the hidden parts
of the invisible puzzel

and now you know

Informant: Scott Munson

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