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Bell won't answer call as residents slam tower to be built 'near kids'

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Omega Group

Mar 25, 2008, 7:44:53 AM3/25/08
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Hans Karow

Hans Karow Coalition to Reduce Electropollution (CORE) Naramata, BC,

Dear Sirs of Bell Mobility,

Re: Richmond Hill Bell Mobility Cell Tower*<

A corporation like Bell Mobility* * has an internal drive that is
comparable to a human's "will to live". Once a corporation is publicly
traded, it must return a profit, it must grow, and it must externalize
costs to the extent more than feasible! These are essential
characteristics of the corporate form. If a corporation fails to
provide a decent return for investors/shareholders, those investors
can (and do) sue for breach of fiduciary trust. This requirement to
turn a profit- narrowly limits what corporations can do. In general,
what is unprofitable cannot be pursued. The corporation's legally
defined mandate is to pursue, relentlessly and without exception, its
own self interest, regardless of the often harmful consequences it
might cause to others. Corporate executives who choose social and
environmental goals over profit-who try to act morally- are, in fact,
immoral (Friedman).This means that individuals must at all times set
aside their consciences when they make decisions for a corporation.
The most well meaning Bell Mobilty employees are not free to act on
their personal philosophies, or according to the professional
engineers' Code of Ethic, when they are acting on behalf of a publicly-
held (actually: private) corporation. They must do what is profitable,
which is not necessarily what is right. Corporations must grow for a
variety of reasons. In general, larger size brings stability. It also
brings greater market shares. It also brings a measure of political
power, which allows corporate managers to manipulate the political
environment within which the corporation must operate. Corporations
are hierarchical and authoritarian in the extreme. Workers at the
bottom take orders from bosses above them, and workers and middle
managers can be fired at any time for any reason. Corporations are
responsible only to stockholders and are created exclusively to
produce a profit for those stockholders, even if it involves harm to
humans. Corporations are simply not democratic. Indeed, many
corporations are not only un-democratic, they are aggressively anti-
democratic, seeking to undermine efforts to expand democratic decision-
making within many countries.

Corporations now govern society, perhaps more than government
themselves do. Otherwise Health Canada Safety Code 6 Guidelines (to
also regulate radio frequencies from cell phone towers) would have
been already reviewed and the *BioInitiative Report's* recommendations


The recent insight about corporations' principle was learned from very
much recommended books, i.e.:

Unequal Protection, The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of
Human Rights
by Thom Hartmann

The Corporation, The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power
by Joel Bakan *

Confession of an Economic Hit Man"
by John Perkins

Dear Sirs, if the above is not true, please correct where, so I can
adjust my opinion.

Yours truly,

Hans Karow, CORE

Paul Raymond Doyon
Yunnan Normal University (China)
Lecturer - English and Japanese MAT (TESOL), School for International
Training MA Advanced Japanese Studies, University of Sheffield BA
Psychology, University of California

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