----- Original Message -----
From: "Henrik Eiriksson"
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 11:27 PM
Subject: Danish Cancer Society study finds association with headache/vertigo
This just in: The Danish Cohort team is back with a new study on
mobile-phone use and neurological diseases using the same data pool as
the famous cancer cohort study. This time they also exclude corporate
This study finds an association with headache/vertigo but an "inverse
association" with serious neurological diseases (Alzheimer etc.).
Reminds one of the "protective" effect that the previous cohort cancer
study found.
I've written a short piece about it here:
Risks for Central Nervous System Diseases among Mobile Phone
Danish Retrospective Cohort Study
Joachim Schüz1*, Gunhild Waldemar2, Jørgen H. Olsen1, Christoffer Johansen1
1 Institute of Cancer Epidemiology, Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen,
Denmark, 2 Memory Disorder Research Group, Department of Neurology,
Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
The aim of this study was to investigate a possible link between
cellular telephone use and risks for various diseases of the central
nervous system (CNS). We conducted a large nationwide cohort study of
420 095 persons whose first cellular telephone subscription was between
1982 and 1995, who were followed through 2003 for hospital contacts for
a diagnosis of a CNS disorder. Standardized hospitalization ratios
(SHRs) were derived by dividing the number of hospital contacts in the
cohort by the number expected in the Danish population. The SHRs were
increased by 1020% for migraine and vertigo. No associations were seen
for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis or epilepsy in
women. SHRs decreased by 3040% were observed for dementia (Alzheimer
disease, vascular and other dementia), Parkinson disease and epilepsy
among men. In analyses restricted to subscribers of 10 years or more,
the SHRs remained similarly increased for migraine and vertigo and
similarly decreased for Alzheimer disease and other dementia and
epilepsy (in men); the other SHRs were close to unity. In conclusion,
the excesses of migraine and vertigo observed in this first study on
cellular telephones and CNS disease deserve further attention. An
interplay of a healthy cohort effect and reversed causation bias due to
prodromal symptoms impedes detection of a possible association with
dementia and Parkinson disease. Identification of the factors that
result in a healthy cohort might be of interest for elucidation of the
etiology of these diseases.
From Mast Sanity/Mast Network
[ http://omega.twoday.net/search?q=migraine
http://omega.twoday.net/search?q=Schüz ]