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Wireless Networks dangerous for students?

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Apr 29, 2013, 2:49:08 AM4/29/13
Elisabeth Blomgren and Mona Nilsson visited last week Sandviken for a conversation about the risks associated with wireless networks. Mona Nilsson who has written several books on the subject argue that the links between radiation and cancer are difficult to ignore. For this reason, Elisabeth Blomgren is trying through a petition, to have the wireless networks taken away from local schools.


In the same pace as the students in Sandviken will each receive a computer, wireless networks are installed in schools. The technology is embraced, but there are those that raise warning flags. The strong radiation students are exposed to, can lead to cancer, memory problems and mental illness. So says journalist Mona Nilsson who recently held a presentation of the issue in Järbo.

It was after Elisabeth Blomgren from Järbo had read the book "Mobile phones and health risks" that she took  action . The book about the many risks associated with the wireless technology frightened her.

- It's absolutely insane, they have wireless networks in kindergarten. I thought that if I do nothing now and my children are injured, I would never forgive myself.

Author of the book "Mobile phones and health risks" is Mona Nilsson. She is a journalist and founder of Radiation Protection Foundation, which works to inform of the risks of microwave radiation from cell towers, cell phones and wireless networks. For ten years, she has examined aspects of microwave radiation, and has written several books on the subject and countless articles.

A week ago she visited Järbo and held a presentation.

- I talked about the inadequate limits, wireless networks and children's sensitivity, it is known that they are more sensitive to radiation. They absorb more radiation and may be 50 times more sensitive than adult to carcinogens.

She believes that the information from the authorities goes is incorrect. She refers to hundreds of research studies showing that radiation is a health risk.

According to Mona Nilsson studies indicate that radiation can cause insomnia, cancer and can damage the DNA of cells. She draws parallels to the Swedish authorities' slow realization of the dangers of pesticides hormoslyr and DDT and asbestos, which was banned in 1982 because of the mapped connection to cancer.

- We can expect a public health disaster. A normal use of the cell phone today increases the risk of aggressive brain tumor. Children using wireless computers are at increased risk for insomnia, headaches, mental illness, impaired memory and eventually increased risk of cancer, says Mona Nilsson.

She also points out that the problem has been highlighted in far greater extent in other countries than Sweden. The French National Assembly has, for example, agreed to an amendment of the French Education Act, which recommends schools in the country to prioritize cabled connection to the internet over wireless. The amendment refers to a growing number of experts that believe that wireless technology poses health risks.

Elisabeth Blomgren's reaction after reading the book was to organize a petition, both in Sandviken and Gävle, to remove the wireless networks of schools.

- We have started a petition, I'm sure that politicians are more concerned about our children than on economic interests. I think that there are those who dare to say stop. Basically all signed after the lecture.

Erik Holmqvist, IT Manager at Sandviken. He says there are many studies pointing in both directions. Those who say that it is dangerous and those who say it is not. He follows the government counsel.

- We go by the recommendations of the radiation safety issues and which has stated that the networks to are not dangerous. In the agreement, students and parents sign when a computer checked out also inform the municipality about these recommendations.

Facts: So says Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation

Wireless technologies, products and installations that emit electromagnetic radiation can pose serious risks to humans and the environment. These risks are known since long time and have been documented increasingly and better over the past decade. Despite this, both citizens and decision makers, have low knowledge about risk, because industry needs are prioritized over public health and environmental aspects.

The radiation is linked to cancer and various neurological and chronic diseases in the long term. In the short term there is a risk of symptoms that have also become increasingly common in the community as the exposure has increased.

For the environment, the increasing radiation also a serious threat because it can harm wildlife including the impact on the orientation and reproductive performance, behavior and impaired immune function. Radiation also has been shown to be detrimental to plants.

Source: Radiation Protection Foundation


The Authority does not agree with

The SSM (Swedish Radiation Authority) do not agree at all with Mona Nilsson. They say that wireless networks are not at all as dangerous as the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation claims.

- We do not make the same estimation of the risks as they do. The only thing we have in common is a similar name says Jimmy Estenberg, at SSM.

He rejects reports that authority limits are set higher than what is appropriate. He believes that their own measurements have shown that students in a classroom are not exposed to more radiation from wireless networks than you do by staying in a city center. Other studies indicate low exposure, he says.

- We have done studies and measurements of exposure in the school environment, both in schools with and without wireless networking, and the difference is very small. What we are saying to schools is that there is no reason to opt out of wireless networks from a radiological standpoint. We believe that there are no risks.

The Authority's position is that radiation from wireless networks that people are exposed to is not dangerous. In the case of mobile phones, the exposure is higher and there is a tiny suspicion of increased cancer risk. According to Jimmy Estenberg however, there is no confirmed connection. Statistics from the 1970s onwards, shows no sign of increased risk, he says.

But according to Mona Nilsson is also about the studies that authority leans against is not quite free from the industry, which benefits from high levels. But this also rejects Jimmy Estenberg.

- This can not be and it is not either. I do not know why Radiation Protection Foundation presents that there would be no link. Our guidelines limit comes from the International Commission on Radiological Protection for non-ionizing radiation. Researchers there must not have any connection to the industry. 


Informant: Martin Weatherall
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