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EMR Action Day 21st April 2012

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Redaktion Buergerwelle e.V. (BI Omega-CI Omega)

Feb 17, 2012, 4:45:31 PM2/17/12
EMR Action Day is becoming a reality for a global initiative on 21st April 2012..

Please note the date in your diary and watch out for updates, which will be posted on the web site:


Please feel free to share the Mission Statement with others. I re-title it here for this purpose (but it is the same document) and provide both the most recent Word and also older Word docs, in case anyone has an older computer. The British version should, I expect, also be posted at some point today on the website.  Perhaps your group would consider shared links?


EMR Action Day Mission Statement to share 2012 2 17.docx
EMR Action Day Mission Statement to share 2012 2 17.doc
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