Please rate our submissions for the USAID Challenge!

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Dec 2, 2008, 7:05:30 AM12/2/08
to mobiles in agriculture,

We have met most of you guys at the MobileActive08 summit this year.

Werner van Staden and myself have entered the USAID Challenge and
would appreciate if you can rate our SurePower and SureLifts

Would you please visit

to participate in evaluating the SurePower project in the
International challenge hosted by USAID.
The competitive projects are submitted by global innovators on a open
site for the scrutiny of the public.

Netsquared manages a open global Challenge for new communication
technologies to effect a good social change on behalf of USAID.
Please visit the SuperPower submission
in order to make any comments or to enter a + Star acknowledgement
that you think it is a feasible innovation.

SureLifts can be found at:

The two innovations are now posted on the open notice board, and
Netsquared welcomes any complementary or critical comments by the
Community, that would like to see improvements or participate bringing
the service to market.

Please also participate in the Netsquared Community Vote that will
take place from December 8 - 12, 2008.

If you or your friends would like to contribute on a higher level,
please register at

If you have broadband ADSL access and would like experience the
blog , RSS link or streaming video, you can visit;
1. Blog:
2. RSS News:
3. You Tube SurePower:

Please also feel free to privately discuss the submissions with me at
any time.

Kind regards

Pieter Henning

M: +27832770004
Skype: piet.henning

PS: Your support for us to do well the USAID Challenge against strict
international competition will be appreciated.

Pieter Henning

Dec 11, 2008, 4:07:51 AM12/11/08
to mobiles in agriculture
Hi Guys,
We received interesting comments on our mobile device application submissions.
The voting process is open till Fri 12 Dec 5pm Pacific time.

It would be great if you can follow the procedure below to vote for our SurePower and SureLifts  projects ,  that serves the communities with mobile portals.


 USAID is evaluating the best solutions of services to allow communities to participate in improving their energy usage and lifestyle.


Focusing on improving the use of electricity, where we feel you have a special interest in, may we request your  participation in reviewing the submitted projects in the USAID Challenge


The SurePower service has been developed to assist communities with the use of available electricity in the next couple of years.  

In order to evaluate the proposal please double click the # of Comments  tag twice to have the top of the 102 international proposals sorted.  
The 15 top proposals ranked by the voting of the public as innovator Members

will be appraised by a technical committee on behalf of USAID .  Upon registering even as a private, provide the Email address where you would your Password being sent.


Evaluate  SurePower - Utilising Mobile communications to optimise Utility distribution 

and you then Add Project to Your Ballot for at least 3 projects, by Friday evening, midnight latest please.


The other projects we as a group of South Africans submitted SureLifts - the Mobile Community LiftClub

helps the public to arrange lifts within their community and must please also be supported.


After voting you will be awarded the opportunity to Review/ Cast your Ballot.

If any grants are awarded to the winners, we will use it to develop a pilot installation.


Please do not hesitate to contact me personally, if you would to discuss the project details personally at M: +27 832770004.


We sure hope to make a difference with your support.



Pieter Henning

2008/12/2 dwyka <>
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