QR Codes and Augmented Reality: An Online Conference

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Lori Bell

Mar 3, 2011, 5:40:14 PM3/3/11
to allianceove...@googlegroups.com, Open Lib/Info Sci Education Forum, mobilel...@googlegroups.com, Info...@googlegroups.com

Trendy Topics:

QR Codes and Augmented Reality:  An Online Conference

Wednesday March 16, 2011

TAP Information Services and the School of Library and Information Science at San Jose State University are pleased to announce another in the ongoing series of online conferences on hot topics that librarians can enjoy right at their desktops. 

Speakers and topics:

Emerging Technologies:  QR Codes and Augmented Reality

Rachel Vacek is Head of Web Services at the University of Houston Libraries and manages the Libraries' virtual presence and many other web-based services.  She presents regularly at local and national conferences and is very active within LITA and ACRL.  She's also proud to be a 2007 ALA Emerging Leader.

Anita Riley is the Digital & Web Projects Fellow at the University of Houston Libraries, where she frequently leads training sessions on technology-related topics. Prior to accepting this position, she has worked at a number of public and academic libraries.

Mobile Computing and Augmented Reality

Dr. Harry E. Pence is a SUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus and presently serves as a Faculty Fellow for Emerging Technologies at the Teaching and Learning with Technology Center at the State University College  at Oneonta, NY.

QR Codes: What, Why, How & Where

Robin Ashford, Reference & Distance Services Librarian, George Fox University, works primarily with graduate and doctoral students out of the Portland Center of her university. She serves students and faculty by providing reference services face-to-face and online using various technologies. Robin has served hybrid programs and distance students as an embedded librarian in the Moodle LMS, in virtual worlds, and most recently for a course using twitter.  As an early adopter, who follows emerging technologies, her interests range from gaming and virtual worlds to microblogging and mobile technologies. She is actively involved and collaborates via social media tools and is passionate about participating in a globally connected world.

The Future of the Sense of Place and the Library as Space

Tom Peters is the CEO of TAP Information Services, a small company that helps organizations and individuals innovate.  He is a librarian by training and inclination.  His current projects include OPAL, the Trendy Topics series of online conferences, ILEAD U, blogging for ALA TechSource, TAPintoIT, and LibraryCity, and more. 


Registration Fees: $30 for individuals; $75 for groups; $20 for students/unemployed; $10 for individual archive; $25 for group archive.  .Your registration fee provides access to all the live online presentations and discussions, and to the conference archive of recordings and slide sets. SJSU SLIS current faculty and students may attend for free.  Contact Lori Bell at lbel...@gmail.com for free registration info.   

Register at:  Trendy Topics Conference Series Website:   http://www.trendytopics.info/

Start Time:  noon central/10 am pacific/1 pm eastern/11 am Mountain

End Time:  5:30 p.m. Eastern, 4:30 p.m. Central, 3:30 p.m. Mountain, and 2:30 p.m. Pacific. 

More Info:  Lori Bell at lbel...@gmail.com or

Tom Peters at tpe...@tapinformation.com

TAP Information Services (www.tapinformation.com) helps organizations innovate.

The School of Library and Information Science at San José State University (http://slisweb.sjsu.edu) offers a Master of Library and Information Science degree, which is fully accredited by the American Library Association. The School also offers a Master of Archives and Records Administration degree for students who are interested in pursuing a career in electronic records management. Additionally, the School partners with Queensland University of Technology to offer a doctoral program in Library and Information Science. The School is a recognized leader in making effective use of leading edge technologies for distance learning


Lori Bell
School of Library and Information Science
San Jose State University
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