Soldering station project idea

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Rick Green

Oct 9, 2012, 10:29:12 PM10/9/12
For the soldering station, I would like to start with the ideas from this instructible: 

Instead of screwing the coolant hoses into an aluminum base, I was thinking of gluing rare earth magnets into the bottom section of them, and using one of those white magnet boards (like the calendars you can stick refrigerator magnets to) as the table top, and building a table support structure for it.  Harbor Freight has these magnets in just the right size and shape.  Then, the hoses can be positioned anywhere, and you can add as many of them as you want.  I can see LED lights, smoke extractors, circuit board holder, etc. added on to these hoses, as well.  Maybe make the whole thing portable, with drawers to hold the hoses and soldering gear.

We can brainstorm ideas on this here and at the meetings.


Josh Rhodes

Oct 10, 2012, 1:15:22 AM10/10/12
I've seen this one before. I really like this project. 
But there was One I saw that does it one better, or rather fits your description more thorooughly..

So I went on a Google sprint, and found alotta unrelated forgotten gems.. here they are unfiltered and unannotated..

And Finally ..what I was looking for..


I can see a pc power supply in the bottom of the wooden box along with lots of space for plenty of parts...
That reminds me, I've got a panavise junior! Never used it! Maybe I will tomorrow but I would be happy to bring it around :) (where did I set that thing...argh)

Rick Green

Oct 10, 2012, 10:59:56 AM10/10/12
That travelling electronics lab looks pretty cool.  That is a future project, for sure.

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