Perfomance compare with sqlite

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hoang nguyen

Jul 10, 2014, 10:25:40 PM7/10/14

Did anyone has check performance between cbilte and sqllite?

I have sqlite db, i converted to cblite and check the smooth of apps.
I found that apps using sqlite seems have better performance and run more smooth than apps using cblite.

Jens Alfke

Jul 10, 2014, 11:32:28 PM7/10/14

On Jul 10, 2014, at 7:25 PM, hoang nguyen <> wrote:

I have sqlite db, i converted to cblite and check the smooth of apps.
I found that apps using sqlite seems have better performance and run more smooth than apps using cblite.

You’re comparing apples and oranges. SQLite is a lot lower level than Couchbase Lite; in particular, it doesn’t do synchronization or provide a object-oriented API.

Also, since Couchbase Lite currently uses SQLite to store its data, it can’t possibly be faster than raw SQLite. :)

If all you need to do is store data locally in a fixed schema and are willing to use a very low-level C API to do it (or a slightly higher-level OOP wrapper), then SQLite is a better bet.

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