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Book Synopsis : A sensitive and accessible account of the refugee crisis facing millions around the world.What if you had to leave your home and you could never go back? What do you think that would be like?For millions of Syrian and Iraqi citizens (and for people from many other nations around the world), these are the question they face. The current, desperate situation in their homelands and the mass migrations from the Middle East is both shocking to us, and sadly nothing new. Far From Home addresses the clear need for a balanced and informative book on this complex topic. It examines the root causes of mass migrations from both a historical and current perspective. Historical sources and first-hand accounts are used to explore racism, religion, life in refugee camps and the challenges migrant and refugees face on arrival in new lands, alongside the response of host countries. The book will also look at the difficult and dangerous journeys people make in an attempt to reach a safe haven and life .
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