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Xerces Society Book

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May 5, 2011, 5:52:49 PM5/5/11
I just started reading the new Xerces Society Book "Attracting Native
Pollinators, Protecting North America's Bees and Butterflies." It is
excellent. It covers the basic biology of pollination, bees, and
butterflies. It includes an excellent field guide to bees, and to a
lesser extent butterflies. There's also a lot of how-to information,
including home gardens and community projects. Lots of excellent
photos are included. Highly recommended!
Jerry McCormick

Ruth Henriquez Lyon

May 6, 2011, 6:06:32 PM5/6/11
I'm working my way through it too, and I really like it. It's not so
much a book for identifying theall different insects (although the
photos are wonderful). But it does have a lot of good information
about making a more welcoming world for them. The book's production
values are excellent too.

Another one I'm reading is "Insects and Gardens" by Eric Grissell, a
research entomologist and an amateur gardener. He writes that "we
gardeners do not apply the principles that govern biology, ecology,
the environment. . . or whatever term you wish to call the world that
has not yet been invaded and manipulated by humans." The book is
about learning to apply those principles, especially in regards to
insects, so that we can work with nature rather than fighting against
her constantly. He's a very good writer, and the photographs are

Ruth Henriquez

Jennifer Behm

May 18, 2011, 8:57:39 AM5/18/11
Thanks for the book suggestion. I just got it from our area library and
really like it. There is so much information about the native bees, and as
a gardener I really like the plant information (which plant attracts which
types of bees and butterflies). Great book!
Jennifer Behm

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