Cannot sync between Mnemosyne App on Windows 7 and Mnemosyne client on Android

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Apr 23, 2015, 12:27:54 AM4/23/15
Please help me get Mnemosyne running correctly.


I have apparently successfully installed the Mnemosyne app on a laptop, installed the Mnemosyne Project client on my phone, connected the laptop and phone via USB cable and attempted a sync. This was unsuccessful.


Is there a way to find out why the sync is failing?
Can I start a sync from my laptop?
Can I manually move the default.db somewhere on my phone?
How can I use Dropbox to move the db to a place where I can use it with the phone client? I have created Dropbox folders named on both my phone and laptop, and sync'ed default.db between the devices.
How can I get the phone client to use that default.db?
If it is relevant, Mnemosyne on my laptop is saving default.db to C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Mnemosyne.



I am using Windows 7 Home Premium (Japanese version of OS).
I have uninstalled previous installation attempts using Control Panel, and made sure the c:\Program Files\mnemo.. folder was deleted completely.

I downloaded mnemosyne-2.3.3-setup from

I double-clicked on the filename in Explorer.
I clicked the Run button.
I clicked Yes on the dialog asking if I really wanted to install (antivirus or something)
I got to the Welcome to the Mnemosyne Setup Wizard, and clicked Next
I accepted installation in C:\Program Files\Mnemosyne
I accepted the directory Mnemosyne (the default)
I clicked Install
I got to the Mnemosyne Setup Wizard dialog, and clicked Finish

The Mnemosyne icon showed up in the Start Menu.
I clicked on it.
The application started.
I installed the Remembering the Kanji 1 - Heisig card set in a database named defaulbt.d, and they appeared correctly.
I have registered an account at
Following the directions on, I picked the laptop as my server.
I went to 'Settings - Configure Mnemosyne'
There was no tab named 'Sync server', but there was one named 'Servers'. Iselected that.
I picked a username and a password that the client should provide.
The server is set to defaults, on port 8512 and running on
I clicked 'OK'.
Mnemosyne did not, at this point, 'tell [me] on which IP address the server is running', but the dialog did indicate the server was running before I clicked OK.

Mobile Phone:

I am using a T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Avant running android (U.S. version).
I removed a previously installed Mnemosyne client from my phone, and made sure absolutely no apps were running on my phone.
I used my phone settings menu to make sure no Menmosyne app was installed or otherwise present.
I used the Apps tool on the phone's descktop, then started Google Play.
I selected the Apps menu.
I searched for menmosyne.
I selected the app named Mnemosyne from The Menmosyne Project.
I clicked Install.
I accepted that the app could access Photos/Media/Files.
I clicked Open.
A dialog with a spinning circle appeared, saying 'initializing' or something (it disappeared quickly).

Initialization and attempted Sync

A dialog stating that the application (phone) is meant to be used with the Menmosyne desktop app...and noted that only database that would be sync'ed would be 'default.db'
I clicked OK.
A dialog for selecting sync parameters appeared. The settings appeared correct (server IP address, port, username, and password).
I clicked Sync.
A box appeared with a spinning ring, stating 'Logging in...' appeared, and spun for a minute, but then another appeared stating 'Could not connect to server.'
I clicked 'OK' (the only option).
What I assume to be the standard Mnemosyne interface appeared, but only showed two blank white rectangles.
I see no way to attempt again to sync.

I stopped the phone app, and restarted it, and the initializing dialog showed up again briefly, but then went straight to the interface with two blank rectangles.

I am connecting my phone with my laptop using the USB cable provided with my phone, and I am able to see the phone and move pictures from the phone to my laptop, and so on.


Apr 23, 2015, 1:46:45 AM4/23/15
The phone is supposed to sync via wifi.
Click the button that was three rectangles on it in the lower right when having mnemosyne open on the phone, there you can try to sync again.

Peter Bienstman

Apr 23, 2015, 4:50:14 AM4/23/15
You could also try without username and password to debug. Also make sure you're on the same home network and that no firewall is in the way.


Apr 28, 2015, 5:57:44 PM4/28/15
Peter, I responded by email, and have tested. I just successfully sync'd via Wifi!

Thanks to all of you for the advice!

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