Mnemosyne 2.9 doesn't open when I downgraded from 2.10

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Adam M

Feb 2, 2023, 1:11:30 PM2/2/23
to mnemosyne-proj-users

I installed Mnemosyne 2.10, but it kept exiting unexpectedly on random cards. So I decided to give an older version a go. Perhaps my mistake was not uninstalling the 2.10 earlier (I do not know if the database will be kept), but now when I try to open the application I get the following:

An unexpected error has occurred.
Please forward the following info to the developers:

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "mnemosyne\pyqt_ui\mnemosyne", line 278, in <module>
  File "mnemosyne\libmnemosyne\", line 462, in initialise
  File "mnemosyne\libmnemosyne\", line 584, in start_review
  File "mnemosyne\libmnemosyne\controllers\", line 114, in set_study_mode
  File "mnemosyne\libmnemosyne\study_modes\", line 23, in activate
  File "mnemosyne\libmnemosyne\review_controllers\", line 53, in reset
  File "mnemosyne\libmnemosyne\review_controllers\", line 115, in show_new_question
  File "mnemosyne\libmnemosyne\review_controllers\", line 196, in update_dialog
  File "mnemosyne\libmnemosyne\review_controllers\", line 228, in update_qa_area
  File "mnemosyne\libmnemosyne\", line 96, in question
  File "mnemosyne\libmnemosyne\", line 76, in render_question
  File "mnemosyne\libmnemosyne\", line 153, in render_question
  File "mnemosyne\libmnemosyne\", line 184, in _render
  File "mnemosyne\libmnemosyne\renderers\", line 128, in render
  File "mnemosyne\libmnemosyne\renderers\", line 105, in css
  File "mnemosyne\libmnemosyne\renderers\", line 99, in update
  File "mnemosyne\libmnemosyne\renderers\", line 76, in card_type_css
 ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 10)

Any solution would be awesome.

Peter Bienstman

Feb 2, 2023, 1:39:52 PM2/2/23
If you want to downgrade, I'm afraid you have to delete config.db, which will reset your settings...

Still, it would be good to figure out if 2.10 correctly works when you fully uninstall the old version first.


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Adam M

Feb 3, 2023, 7:03:13 AM2/3/23
to mnemosyne-proj-users
I gave a go the preview version, which you posted - 2.10.1. Still, it crashes after several cards. Is there a way to debug this on Windows 10?

Peter Bienstman

Feb 3, 2023, 7:32:55 AM2/3/23
to mnemosyne-proj-users
Strange... Is there any pattern to it? Like number of cards reviewed, images, audio?

The trouble is, if there's no dialog box with an error message, it means that the crash is happening somewhere deep inside the libraries I'm using, and not in Mnemosyne itself. 

Anyway, here's an installer that does not hide the console, so that these libraries have a chance to print messages there:

Start this version of Mnemosyne from command prompt, and you will be able to keep seeing the messages even if the program closes.


Adam M

Feb 3, 2023, 12:32:20 PM2/3/23
to mnemosyne-proj-users
It crashes after exactly 4 cards. When I open the Mnemosyne again, the same 4 cards appear. They're text-based. I've got audio and images in other cards.

Here's the output from the console:

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Mnemosyne> .\Mnemosyne.exe
qt.gui.imageio: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
qt.gui.imageio: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
qt.gui.imageio: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
qt.gui.imageio: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
qt.gui.imageio: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

GL Type: desktop
Surface Type: OpenGL
Surface Profile: CompatibilityProfile
Surface Version: 4.6
QSG RHI Backend: OpenGL
Using Supported QSG Backend: yes
Using Software Dynamic GL: no
Using Multithreaded OpenGL: yes

Init Parameters:
  *  application-name Mnemosyne
  *  browser-subprocess-path C:\Program Files (x86)\Mnemosyne\PyQt6\Qt6\bin\QtWebEngineProcess.exe
  *  create-default-gl-context
  *  disable-es3-gl-context
  *  disable-features ConsolidatedMovementXY,InstalledApp,BackgroundFetch,WebOTP,WebPayments,WebUSB,PictureInPicture
  *  disable-speech-api
  *  enable-features NetworkServiceInProcess,TracingServiceInProcess
  *  enable-threaded-compositing
  *  in-process-gpu
  *  use-gl desktop

could not load multimedia backend ""
QtMultimedia is not currently supported on this platform or compiler.
PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Mnemosyne>

Hope this helps in any way. Mnemosyne is awesome and I wish I could keep using it.

Peter Bienstman

Feb 3, 2023, 1:22:19 PM2/3/23
There seems to have been a bug in the software I use to create the installer, such that the multimedia libraries were not bundled. This caused the crash whenever you had a card that had audio.

I've upgraded to their development version, which supposedly fixed the issue.

Can you try this version?


Adam M

Feb 3, 2023, 2:40:51 PM2/3/23
to mnemosyne-proj-users
I uninstalled previous version and installed the '2.10.1-setup-console' one. Sadly, the problem remains with, it seems the same error message:

Peter Bienstman

Feb 4, 2023, 4:42:35 AM2/4/23

Adam M

Feb 4, 2023, 11:04:40 AM2/4/23
to mnemosyne-proj-users
This version does _not_ crash! However, it seems there's no audio now.
The console output:

b'Waiting for uploader thread to stop...'

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Mnemosyne>

Peter Bienstman

Feb 4, 2023, 11:58:32 AM2/4/23
to mnemosyne-proj-users
I could reproduce yesterday's crash on a different machine, which I why I was confident the new version wouldn't crash anymore. Audio played fine, though.

You speakers are not muted by any chance? 


Peter Bienstman

Feb 4, 2023, 12:00:09 PM2/4/23
to mnemosyne-proj-users
Oh, and perhaps try starting Mnemosyne the regular way, rather than from the command line.


Adam M

Feb 4, 2023, 3:00:11 PM2/4/23
to mnemosyne-proj-users
I started Mnemosyne the regular way, my speakers are not muted. And, sadly, no sound.
Also the window state (I use Mnemosyne in full screen) somehow isn't remembered and it opens in a small-ish windows.

Peter Bienstman

Feb 4, 2023, 4:09:27 PM2/4/23
Do you have different audio outputs on your machine (speakers, headphones, ...)? Perhaps the audio is sent to the wrong output?


Peter Bienstman

Feb 5, 2023, 4:10:26 AM2/5/23
Here's a version which prints out more details about the audio outputs, volumes, etc.:

As for storing the maximised window state, it seems there are bugs related to that which will be fixed in the upcoming version of Qt: . As a workaround, you can manually resize the window using the size handles. This should be remembered.



Adam M

Feb 5, 2023, 10:09:59 AM2/5/23
to mnemosyne-proj-users
Audio is sent correctly, to the speakers. Here's the output.

Initialising mediaplayer
Available devices:
   Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)
Selected audio output: Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)
Volume: 1.0
Muted: False
Starting to play file:///C:/Users/Adam/AppData/Roaming/Mnemosyne/default.db_media/Pat-pato 2_1.ogg

b'Waiting for uploader thread to stop...'
PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Mnemosyne>

Ah. Bug in the QT, good to know!

BTW. I do appreciate you taking time to help me solve my problem, kudos, Peter.

Peter Bienstman

Feb 5, 2023, 11:46:52 AM2/5/23
to mnemosyne-proj-users
As for audio, I didn't change anything, only added debug output. But glad it's solved!

Thanks again for reporting the issues you have, I rely on bug reports like these! 


Adam M

Feb 7, 2023, 7:56:52 AM2/7/23
to mnemosyne-proj-users
The audio is sent correctly, as can be seen in the output log. However, there's still no sound being played. And frankly I don't know why :-/

Peter Bienstman

Feb 7, 2023, 9:41:14 AM2/7/23
Ah, I thought that by 'sent correctly', you meant everything was working as expected, sorry. But I just noticed you're trying to play an ogg file.  Why happens if you try playing an mp3 file? Ogg should be supported (, but perhaps ogg support is buggy in the current version of Qt...


Adam M

May 14, 2023, 9:23:07 AM5/14/23
to mnemosyne-proj-users
>  Why happens if you try playing an mp3 file?

An *.mp3 files plays flawlessly!

I'm sorry for the long reply, but my university life was crazy.

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