Mnemosyne 2.7.2 released

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Peter Bienstman

Jul 9, 2020, 2:45:04 PM7/9/20
to mnemosyne-proj-announce

Mnemosyne 2.7.2: 2020-07-09

- Wrap tag string so that it no longer stretches the application window.
- Don't crash when using saved sets containing over 1000 tags (reported
  by abacus).
- Android: don't crash when trying to star a card when no card is showing.
- Improve robustness of Windows sync server.
- Enabled Icelandic text-to-speech.
- More robust detection of Latex on OSX (patch by Devin Howard).
- Exposed more functionality of libmnemosyne to scripting programs.
- Update example plugin to change keyboard shortcuts (requested by Garrison
- Upgraded to PyQt 5.15.0, matplotlib 3.2.2.
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