How do I open port 3689?

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Peter Boynton

May 1, 2009, 6:42:27 AM5/1/09

I am having trouble syncing my Apple TV recently. I get a error
warning saying the I need to open port 3689 to enable the ATV to sync!!

Can someone advise how I open this port?


Dom Barnes

May 1, 2009, 6:48:35 AM5/1/09

A few Apple Discussion forum suggestions in the top few hits. I had a quick look and a cold reboot seems to help. Unplug all cables, leave out for 10 seconds, plug ethernet back in (if using that), then power, and wait for reboot.


Peter Boynton

May 1, 2009, 9:21:23 AM5/1/09
Hi Dom

I did all that you've suggested. I even reset the ATV to original factory settings (now an empty ATV!) and it still isn't syncing via WiFi. Looks like I'll have to sync via Ethernet.


Dom Barnes

May 1, 2009, 11:05:32 AM5/1/09
There were some other suggestions on the Apple forum, including instructions on opening the port in the firewall. Maybe worth trying that if you need to sync via wifi.

Drew Reece

May 1, 2009, 3:24:13 PM5/1/09
I wonder what has changed recently?
Could it be that your router settings have been altered (software updates etc)? Are they both on the same subnet (similar starting IP addresses)?

I think it would help if UPnP (Universal Plug & Play) is on in the router settings, and there may be a checkbox to allow it to bridge across wifi and ethernet (possibly called bridging mode).  
I think it may help to set up a port forwarding rule on whatever device is handing out the DCHP leases. You can specify a fixed IP in the Network settings on the Mac to make the router forward to the right machine. What router do you have (I hope I haven't gone off on one :^) )

Does anyone know of a way to login to the ATV and ping the local mac? Shouldn't pinging the opposite way work too?


Peter Boynton

May 2, 2009, 3:04:56 PM5/2/09

From the top I use an iMac running Leopard 10.5.6, iTunes 8.1.1, Airport Extreme (square one) running on version 7.4.1 (latest as far as I can tell) and Apple TV running 2.2. I've jut checked and the latest version is 2.3.1 so I'll update and see if that improves things.

I have WDS set up on my Airport Extreme to an Airport Express and it has always been set up like this.

I'll post again after updating the ATV software.


Drew Reece

May 2, 2009, 4:08:04 PM5/2/09

Software update keeps a list of updates in the System prefs, that may be a place to start looking too. My guess is that if it was a flaky update to iTunes then the Apple discussions should have some similar posts from other users.


Peter Boynton

May 2, 2009, 4:43:52 PM5/2/09
WDS - Wireless Device Something or other!!! It's a system for extending a wireless network between Apple routers etc (I am assuming it is only Apple devices)

Anyway I have updated the ATV software to no avail. Still says port 3689 needs to be opened see the screen dump of error

So I have had a play about within Airport Utility and found something I thought would sort the port issue and entered it as follows (not knowing which field to enter the port number in) and it still doesn't work!!! This fiels is in Advanced settings then Port Mapping.

Regarding you comment about the Apple discussion etc it seems that loads of us (one chap reckoned that at least 3000 of us are experiencing this) are having the same issue. Some have said that they feel the port error is a red herring. Others have said it has synced after a reboot etc but I have tried all of that (in true PC style) without any success.

I must admit that the ATV has been one of the biggest Apple disappointments to date. All of my Apple kit has worked straight from the box (as this ATV did until now) but I have had numerous issues etc with the ATV that I am starting to wish I got a Mac Mini instead!

If there are anymore ideas or you want me to try fiddling with the whatsymythingy then I am happy to do it as I don't really want to have to sync via Ethernet considering my mac and ATV are in different rooms and the wife will love having a CAT5 cable running through the house :-)


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Drew Reece

May 2, 2009, 5:25:18 PM5/2/09
Do you have the Firewall off on the iMac (System Prefs> Security)? Is it set to stealth mode if it is on?

It seems like you have a fair amount going on, in terms of wifi networking. Can you try moving the ATV onto the same network device as the mac is using. Eg turn off the Express and try the syncing the ATV on the Extremes network? It would eliminate bridging as the issue (if that is what WDS does). 
If that fails then try creating a wifi network from the iMac (in the airport menu) and connect the ATV to that network & try a sync. That will eliminate the cause to being part of the wifi setup you have. I'm not sure how practical this is, the ATV requires a TV riight?
If it still fails on a 'computer to computer' network from the iMac you know wifi is FUBAR for the ATV sync, or the iMac.

Is it possible to run an ethernet lead to the ATV from one of the wifi devices? 

You could post the IP addresses of the ATV and the iMac for us to check they are on the same subnet. 


On 2 May 2009, at 21:43, Peter Boynton wrote:

WDS - Wireless Device Something or other!!! It's a system for extending a wireless network between Apple routers etc (I am assuming it is only Apple devices)

Anyway I have updated the ATV software to no avail. Still says port 3689 needs to be opened see the screen dump of error

<Picture 1.png>

So I have had a play about within Airport Utility and found something I thought would sort the port issue and entered it as follows (not knowing which field to enter the port number in) and it still doesn't work!!! This fiels is in Advanced settings then Port Mapping.

<Picture 2.png>

Peter Boynton

May 3, 2009, 6:10:15 AM5/3/09
Hi again

Basically the only things that have changed since getting my ATV are software updates.

My network hasn't changed and my equipment hasn't changed.

I have switched the Airport Express off to eliminate that from the equation with no sync success - i.e. same error.

I have tried to set up an Airport network as suggested and the ATV will not connect to it :-(

The ATV settings are as follows

IP Address = DHCP
Subnet Mask =
Router Address =
DNS address =

My Mac settings are as follows (from System Prefs/Network/Advanced)

Configure IPv4 = Using DHCP
IPv4 address =
Subnet Mask =
Router =

Hope this means more to you as it means Sweet Fanny Adams to me!!!

Drew Reece

May 3, 2009, 10:55:00 AM5/3/09
Pete, the 2 addresses indicate they are on the same subnet, so that is
Looking back at the port forwarding rule you set up earlier it seems
to be pointing not to the mac. It shows, change that to the
macs IP address ( See if that has any effect.

I think I would just try connecting the ATV directly to the mac via
ethernet (restart both), to see if that will allow it to sync then
move it back to where the TV is. If it's a conflicting update Apple
usually fix em, but it could be something malfunctioning anywhere on
the network.

Sorry I'm not sure where to go from here.


Peter Boynton

May 4, 2009, 6:11:23 AM5/4/09
Hi Re:co et al

I think there is a major issue.

I switched off my wifi network (and Airport on my mac) - in fact I
switched off the internet full stop to ensure that was removed from
the equation.
I then rebooted my mac and swithced on the ATV and connected them to
each other via ethernet
Started up iTunes and the ATV was in the list of devices.
I then tried to sync (via ethernet as wifi shouldn't be an option) and
voila I get the same error message as before!!!

Picture 3.png

Drew Reece

May 4, 2009, 10:19:10 AM5/4/09
I'm not sure you answered this the last time I asked, do you have the
firewall on in the iMacs prefs (System Prefs > Security > Firewall)?

The ports need to be open whatever the network type, I was assuming
the error was due to the wifi network not bridging the ports between
wifi devices, but if it happens when wired directly together (no
devices in between) that is not the cause. Are you running little
snitch or any other firewall software?

> <Picture 3.png>
> So I am now stumped as to the problem. Surely these ports are bypassed
> when connected via ethernet??!!!
> Anyone have anymore ideas?
> Pete
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Peter Boynton

May 4, 2009, 3:59:03 PM5/4/09
Well next chapter.

I thought as we were venturing into Birmingham today I'd take my ATV
into the Bullring. I spoke with a very helpful chap and requested a
replacement. And I got one without any questions or testing!!!! Not
the outcome I was expecting.

However I am experiencing the same issues i.e. will not sync because I
need to open port 3689.

To answer your questions Re:co I believe my firewall is on because I
can't find a way of switching it off!! Anyway this setting hasn't
changed since I had the ATV. I have the Firewall set to allow all
incoming traffic.

Little Snitch got me worried as yes I have installed that since
getting my ATV. However I thought LS was to prevent data leaving the
network into the big WWW. Also I thought it asks for permission before
allowing traffic. I have never had or seen a request from Little
Snitch for the syncing. Anyway I disabled LS and still get the problem.

Also I have been using Intego Virus Barrier and NetBarrier for years.
My ATV worked when I first got it with both apps working. I have
disabled Virus Barrier and NetBarrier - in fact this was the first
thing I did last week. But again no result!

So now I have had the same issue on two ATV's can I assume the problem
is with my Mac? If so I should be able to call Apple Care and get them
to sort it.


Derek Buttery

May 4, 2009, 6:38:33 PM5/4/09
I've been following this with some interest, and to be honest, if these guys can't 'sort it' then...

When I reach such stages of frustration, and exhaustion, I begin to un-install all relevant software, and start the whole set-up procedure from the start! (a little like a fresh install of the OS)
Doing this may (hopefully) highlight something that has been missed, and gives a chance to re-configure settings from the initial install....

PIA to back up immediately, but IMO may be the final straw? Can you format the ATV and set up as if it's a new piece of kit??

hth and fingers crossed....
So I am now stumped as to the problem. Surely these ports are bypassed
when connected via ethernet??!!!

Anyone have anymore ideas?


On 3 May 2009, at 15:55, Drew Reece wrote:

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Please note that the following is a disclaimer and a protest at the collection,
retention and sharing of my personal mail by the state.

By adding a string of key words, it will guarantee that each and every
mail that I send will now need to be manually viewed as it is picked
up by the auto scan software. If every person in the UK does exactly
the same, then the entire system will quickly become so unmanageable,
so unwieldy that it will become unworkable.

Key words, the Royal Family, Queen of England, homeland security, RCMP, bomb, assassinate, president, brown, Osama, Obama, Sarkozy,
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Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, UK, America, guns, jets, bombs, IRA,
machine-gun, terrorists, MP's, pigs, troughs, France, Germany, Italy,
nuclear, Korea.

Drew Reece

May 4, 2009, 6:50:29 PM5/4/09
It sounds like it is one of the Firewalls blocking the traffic.
You need to find out which one, you have quite a few firewall
softwares that could all be part of the issue. You'll need to open
them up and look if there are any rules set for the ATV port numbers.
It looks like the ATV uses a few different ports
, some won't send data to the iMac.

Little snitch's job is the same as any other firewall, block any
outside requests you haven't approved. It should alert you to the
request the first time, so perhaps someone clicked 'deny' at some
point. It will do this for the local network and the internet.

Applecare may be able to guide you through the config of each of the
firewalls, but since Net barrier, Virus Barrier & Little Snitch are
not Apple software they may well tell you to reinstall the OS & don't
put them back.

I'd suggest turning them all off (check for any login items in the
System Prefs > Accounts > user account > login items) and restart then
try another sync. It would be safest to try this with the ATV
connected via ethernet to the imac to prevent any issues with the wifi
setup 'clouding the air'.

If you have a spare drive around you could install OSX and do a test
sync to determine that it is software related.


Dom Barnes

May 4, 2009, 5:42:50 PM5/4/09
Hi Pete

I would perhaps try this:

Create a new user account on your iMac. Log in. Change nothing. Fire
up iTunes and connect your ATV to it. See if you get the issues. If
so, then it's gonna be a system wide issue. If not, and it works fine,
it's an issue with user prefs.

If it's a user issue, then try trashing some pref files, maybe iTunes
prefs, firewall prefs, stuff like that.

But make a backup of anything you are gonna trash. Just in case.

Dom Barnes

Peter Boynton

May 5, 2009, 12:36:26 PM5/5/09

I have tried to sync with all firewalls (Intego and Little Snitch)
disabled with no success.

The Firewall within Leopard is set to allow all incoming traffic so I
am assuming that is as god as not having a firewall!

I have tried Doms suggestion of setting up a new account and it still
doesn't sync so the problem must be system wide.

I have done some digging on the tinterweb and this issue has been
around for some years and it relates to the sharing of iTunes - must
of the posts are from Windows users.

However the OSX users seem to resolve it with a system re-install (I
really don't want to have to do this!!).

I have my system backed up with SuperDuper on one drive and Time
Machine on another external HDD but I have never had to perform a
restore from either.

Do you or anyone else know of a port scanner app that will show if the
3689 port is open or not. The port scanner within Network Utilities
just sits there and whirls away without doing anything (well not that
I can see anyway)


Drew Reece

May 5, 2009, 1:34:31 PM5/5/09
On 5 May 2009, at 17:36, Peter Boynton wrote:

I have tried to sync with all firewalls (Intego and Little Snitch)  
disabled with no success.

The Firewall within Leopard is set to allow all incoming traffic so I  
am assuming that is as god as not having a firewall!

I have tried Doms suggestion of setting up a new account and it still  
doesn't sync so the problem must be system wide.

I have done some digging on the tinterweb and this issue has been  
around for some years and it relates to the sharing of iTunes - must  
of the posts are from Windows users.

However the OSX users seem to resolve it with a system re-install (I  
really don't want to have to do this!!).

I have my system backed up with SuperDuper on one drive and Time  
Machine on another external HDD but I have never had to perform a  
restore from either.

It would be pointless to restore from either of these backups since you need a clean install, starting with a fresh copy of OSX. Then you could slowly move items back to the new install.

Do you or anyone else know of a port scanner app that will show if the  
3689 port is open or not. The port scanner within Network Utilities  
just sits there and whirls away without doing anything (well not that  
I can see anyway)

Network Utility will do the scan just use IP address of the iMac, and scanning the whole range of ports will take a while, limiting between 3000-4000 should cover the iTunes ports.
Try setting the Firewall in System prefs to allow essential services, then click the + and select iTunes in the apps folder. Once it's added set it to allow incoming connections. - I just wonder if it needs to be explicitly allowed?



Dom Barnes

May 5, 2009, 9:49:47 PM5/5/09
You could also look at downloading nmap (google it). Install that, then do an nmap of all your devices, imac, appletv, router, etc on their ip addresses. This should tell you all the open ports. (open Terminal, type "nmap")

Re your Leopard firewall, with all other firewalls turned off, try changing the setting to Set access for specific services and applications. iTunes should be in that list, (or it will prompt when you launch it) and should be set to allow incoming connections. Click Advanced and check Stealth Mode is off. Fire up itunes, go to Preferences, AppleTV, and remove all devices from it. Then try and sync it again. See how it goes. 

Nmap results should look like this: 

Starting Nmap 4.76 ( ) at 2009-05-05 21:44 EDT
Interesting ports on
Not shown: 918 closed ports, 71 filtered ports
80/tcp   open  http
88/tcp   open  kerberos-sec
139/tcp  open  netbios-ssn
445/tcp  open  microsoft-ds
515/tcp  open  printer
548/tcp  open  afp
631/tcp  open  ipp
2002/tcp open  globe
2170/tcp open  unknown
3306/tcp open  mysql
3689/tcp open  rendezvous
5900/tcp open  vnc


Peter Morris

May 6, 2009, 4:03:18 AM5/6/09
The consensus of opinion on this problem is to repair disk permissions on
your iMac.


Peter Boynton

May 6, 2009, 3:27:54 PM5/6/09
Next chapter

Thanks Dom for the nmap tip.
I have realised that I was looking under and established that is my works PC - Doh!
Anyway it doesn't make a jot of difference as (my iMac) is showing that port 3689 is in fact open. Now I realise what the correct IP address id for my iMac I did a port scan in Network Utilities and it also confirms that the port is open.

Network Utilities Port Scan

In fact I did a port scan with ITunes closed and it doesn't show open until I start iTunes (as expected).
Now I'm at the end of the road.
Oh I also tried disk permission repairs when this first started and it didn't do anything apart from what it says on the tin i.e. repaired some permissions!!

Looks like I'll be reaching for the OSX discs soon!!


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Peter Boynton

May 8, 2009, 10:30:40 AM5/8/09
Final Chapter

Applecare have sorted it.

Removed all start up items from HD/Library/StartUp to desktop

Then started up in single user mode.

She got me to type in something like fsck - sk (please don't quote me on this)


Hey presto it's syncing as we speak.

She believed it was something hanging around from my Intego Net Barrier. Unless a recent update has a conflict I can't understand as the ATV sysned when i got it for Christmas with NetBarrier working.

Anyway thank God for Applecare and all the help you guys have provided. A reinstall has been avoided - yippee!!



On 6 May 2009, at 20:27, Peter Boynton wrote:

Next chapter

Thanks Dom for the nmap tip.
I have realised that I was looking under and established that is my works PC - Doh!
Anyway it doesn't make a jot of difference as (my iMac) is showing that port 3689 is in fact open. Now I realise what the correct IP address id for my iMac I did a port scan in Network Utilities and it also confirms that the port is open.

<Picture 1.png>

Network Utilities Port Scan
<Picture 2.png>
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