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Important Announcement for Prospective Participants

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Cise Midoglu

May 31, 2021, 7:30:14 AM5/31/21
Dear prospective participants,

thank you for your interest in the MMSys’21 Grand Challenge on Detecting Cheapfakes.
Please find important information about participating in the challenge below.

Registration of Submissions
  • You can register your submissions under any time until the registration deadline. Deadlines can be found here.

  • Please note that at least one of the authors of a registered paper must have filled out the dataset request form and accepted the terms of use, in order for the submission to be considered for review.

Guidelines and Terms of Use
  • Note that by agreeing to the terms of use, you also agree to follow the guidelines provided in the challenge description and not to use any dataset or material other than those explicitly provided for the challenge, in building your detector. Submissions which do not comply with the guidelines will be disqualified.
Contact and Discussions
  • You can also join the #2021-gc-cheapfakes channel in the ACM MMSys Slack workspace for discussions with other prospective participants.

Best regards,
Cise Midoglu
Simula Research Laboratory

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