International Business class -All the best for your future

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Debraj Ghosal

Nov 18, 2013, 2:00:43 PM11/18/13
Dear Students,
                         It was a great pleasure to teach International Business to your batch in this Semester. I found your batch extremely interactive and participative in class discussions. Also the projects done by most of the groups was excellent in depth of coverage and style of presentation.Some projects in fact have set benchmarks and the passion with which you presented and answered questions were clearly visible.  Now urge you all to study well for the university exams and aspire to top not to merely pass the exam.Hope my teaching has kindled a love in you for international business subject and some of you will use the concepts learned in your career. I teach by sharing live corporate examples and videos and hope you will remember  some of the best practices shared with you and apply in your respective companies.Also all the best to all of you for  your future career.

A big thanks to all my subject representatives and the CR  for their help in coordination of various activities in the class.

My students success in their life gives me happiness so share your successes with me as they happen in future. Also if you face any challenge in your careers feel free to seek my guidance.Also keep sharing good articles /books with me and i will also keep sending to my students good articles to read.

You can also follow me on TWITTER( @DEBRAJGHOSAL) 

best regards
Prof Debraj Ghosal

Avi Modi

Nov 18, 2013, 2:32:25 PM11/18/13
to Debraj Ghosal,
Dear Sir,

A big thank you from MMS IB 2013-14 batch!! 

Not only was your teaching style  interactive, interesting, informative and boosting but also the way you provided us with group wise instructions & feedback was of great help in identifying the lacuna in our presentation styles or data collection and collation. 

Not to forget the inputs for placement season plus inputs for specific companies like Tata Motors, Capgemini etc. They prompt us to inform you first the moment we get placed.

We regret the inconvenience caused  every time we had to reschedule the lectures due to unavailability of the slots or due to placement process and thank you that you always adjusted as per our convenience.

All of us would feel felicitous to be in your contact and seek your guidance.

Thanks and Regards:
MMS IB Batch (2013-2014)

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Avinash Modi,
MMS-HR (2012-2014),
Member, Humanist- HR Committee of SIMSR
K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research,


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