Want to do an Interest Group at Annual Session?

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Mar 4, 2015, 2:28:14 PM3/4/15
to mmm...@googlegroups.com
From: Joyce Zerwekh <JZer...@cu-portland.edu>
Subject: FW: interest group info 

News from North Pacific Yearly Meeting

We invite Proposals for Interest Groups for the 2015 Annual Session of North Pacific Yearly Meeting taking place July 15-19 at Whitworth University in Spokane. The Friend in Residence is Robin Mohr, Executive Secretary for the Friends World Committee for Consultation, Section of the Americas.  She will be addressing the challenge of finding balance in one's life to sustain the call to ministry and action. For many of us there is great alarm about the state of the world today. As you might prepare an interest group, consider the three queries for this session:

 * How are we called to service in this broken world?
 * How do we blend our hunger for action with our responsibilities to our families and meetings?
 * How can our Quaker community support us in living our leadings?
The time allotted for each group will be 90 minutes. This is a sharing rather than a lecture.   Let's encourage dialogue amongst Friends about our greatest concerns.  How shall we live in this  broken world?
Dead line for submission:  April 15th, 2015
Proposals should include the following items:
1.     Title of Interest Group
2.     Name(s) of Leader(s)
3.     Participant limit, if any  (Note:  room size may determine participant limit)
4.     Description of subject to be covered.  The space for text is limited in the registration materials, so please do not exceed 30 words.   Longer descriptions will be edited.
5.     Any audio-visual equipment or special room features you would like provided for your presentation[X].
Please send proposals and any questions to the Interest Group Coordinator:
Joyce Zerwekh jzer...@cu-portland.edu<mailto:jzer...@cu-portland.edu>
Phone:  503-282 0118

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