Are cover-ups ever justifiable according to Quaker values

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kirby urner

Feb 9, 2015, 1:23:22 PM2/9/15
to David Chandler,

Re: Are cover-ups ever justifiable according to Quaker values

Caveat:  This is a devil's advocate style essay i.e. I'm painting in loud colors to make my points briefly yet clearly.

Short answer:  yes.

Case in point:

Underground railroad.  You don't tell the slave masters how the train works exactly.

Looking at a well-known conspiracy literature, which I've studied quite a bit, as have many Friends:

My read on JFK Era USAers is they were far too naive to handle the dark side of Camelot e.g. that JFK was deeply in love with a woman not his wife who might have been slipping him acid (as in LSD).[1]

USAers in J.Edger.Hoover days were terrified of being "found out" as gay, as symps of some kind, as anything "not normal", and so the urge to stay in the closet about stuff was huge. 

Presidents were held to this same "moral" standard (sarcasm on high), even though both the Kennedy and Nixon administrations owed everything to organized crime (the legacy of Prohibition).

So if there were a good reason to kill Kennedys back then, for sure the average Joe Public watching TV was not educationally equipped to handle it, the whys and wherefores. 

There was no TV programming up to "leveling" with the American people.  Hell, they hadn't even seen Breaking Bad yet, and that's like the 101 of drug dealing (Kennedys heavily into drugs, who wouldn't be under that stress, ask Michael Jackson).

We need to tell future generations what really happened i.e. there's a need to confess, to come clean, built into our hard-wiring.  But that doesn't always mean blabbing to one's contemporaries.

"What happened really" on 911 should at least have been made into a time capsule for 2100, when maybe humans will be smart enough to process information without resorting to outward violence. 

In the meantime, we have to baby these humans as only semi-qualified to deal with the world they live in.  No education system prepares them, currently.  Cover-ups are not only ethical, they're mandatory if we want to keep these infantalized under-educated humans from running amok.

Another conspiracy:  U2, "shot down".  Basic physics like David Chandler knows will prove (has proved) it was highly unlikely that any "shooting down" ever occurred (important story element for the cover up however).  Gary Powers had all his incriminating ID on him.  Almost like it was staged.  Exactly.  But try telling that to the [ very under-educated ] American people.  Laugh out loud. 

Anyway, the U2 was in violation of international air space agreements so of course it shooting down was a no brainer if that's what occurred, I would have advised the Russians do same ("never trust Americans, they lie, and then they lie again -- they have no capacity for truth whatsoever").[2]




List Owner

Feb 17, 2015, 1:23:58 PM2/17/15

On Monday, February 9, 2015 at 10:23:22 AM UTC-8, List Owner wrote:

We need to tell future generations what really happened i.e. there's a need to confess, to come clean, built into our hard-wiring.  But that doesn't always mean blabbing to one's contemporaries.

"What happened really" on 911 should at least have been made into a time capsule for 2100, when maybe humans will be smart enough to process information without resorting to outward violence. 

According to this book I recently procured at Anthology Books on Hawthorne [1], there is just such a time capsule from the JFK chapter, set to open in 2029 [2]. 

Anyone else heard of that?  Interesting book, lemme know if you wanna borrow.  There's also a documentary at Movie Madness I recommend (above the others).


[1]  picture of MMM Peace Dove in front of Anthology Books

I got a Quaker autobio same day, published in 1850s:


Claudia Furiati, ZR Rifle:  The Plot to Kill Kennedy and Castro, Cuba Opens Secret Files, transl. Maxine Shawv (Ocean Press 2nd edition, Melbourne, 1994), ISBN:1-875284-85-0, pg. 108

List Owner

Feb 17, 2015, 1:28:28 PM2/17/15


Mar 3, 2015, 8:03:43 PM3/3/15
Notes from Meeting:

I'm interested in a Physics meets Sherlock Holmes angle, a course that visits well-known events from a physics angle.

Example events, in chronological order (from an email to a Friend):

(1)  Tacoma-Narrows (the bridge the fell -- known causes)
(2)  the U2 incident with Gary Powers (is the "shot down" story actually believable)
(3)  JFK at Dealey Plaza and what physics holds water there
(4)  the physics of 911, David Chandler's specialty, new member of Multnomah Meeting

We don't always believe the cover story or take it for face value.  That's the Sherlock Holmes aspect. 

We investigate.  We apply Newton's Laws.  We test hypotheses. 

We're open to many narratives in exploring these events, but happy to rule out what's physically impossible.


kirby urner

Mar 3, 2015, 11:31:24 PM3/3/15
Quoting from the AFSC listserv (Portland), Feb 27, 2015:

[1] I have AAPT connections thanks to my friendship with Dr. Bob Fuller, past chairman, whom I worked with to get an NSF grant for teaching "First Person Physics", a phrase I coined and he gave me credit for.  I got a trip to Nebraska out of it and more.  Bob is the guy who taught Alex's mom in Burma, Alex being a friend of mine and his mom being famous in Burma (Aung San Suu Kyi).  Tacoma-Narrows Bridge (known causes of failure), U2 (not obvious, not "shot down" probably) and WTC7 (obvious demolition) could all be strung together in a Sherlock Holmes style physics course where you start with a disaster that might be a crime scene (no one died in any of these in isolation i.e. neither in U2 nor in WTC7 for that matter which had been evacuated well ahead of time, but of course many died in Twin Towers, Pentagon, another airplane... -- if there's a mess to clean up later, now was the time to add to it, adding to the cloud of confusion which persists to this day).
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