Contact owners and managers
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Welcome to our experimental listserv. 

We envision a seven week use period followed by archiving as a read-only time capsule.  We might restart this list in 2020?

P&SC was dormant for some months and is just getting going again. 

This listserv was timed to coincide with Quaker Roots 2 (apropos) in hopes of catalyzing the committee's starting up again, after nearly being shelved for two years on June 22, 2014.  A threshing session was proposed instead.

Joining this listserv does not mean you're necessarily joining the PSCC nor are you committing to coming to any meetings.  Those would be separate commitments.

Expected seal date:  March 6, 2015 (without ceremony).  Remember, it's still all readable, just "behind glass" (like a museum).

Kirby Urner
List Owner