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Lorenzo Agnolucci

Jul 28, 2023, 4:31:11 AM7/28/23
to MMIR23@ACM-MM23
Dear organizers,

We are interested in submitting a "featured paper" to the workshop. However, when attempting to submit via the OpenReview site, we couldn't find any specific options for indicating the kind of paper we are submitting. Could you kindly provide guidance on the proper procedure for submitting a featured paper?

Additionally, the paper we are trying to submit has been accepted at ICCV2023. While the proceedings are yet to be published, we would like to know if it is acceptable to submit this paper as a "featured" paper for the workshop.

Finally, regarding the paper format, should we submit the original paper or do we need to modify the template for the workshop submission?

Best regards,
Lorenzo Agnolucci
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