So, Manga We're Thankful For: it's pretty vague as a topic, But I'll take it. I think the most important thing is enthusiasm. In scheduling the event, I was looking to avoid the holiday, but it I guess instead we should embrace it. Anyone have a problem/concern if this MMF is 5 days, instead of seven?
Erica [or someone else with access]: could you please update the calendar:
A Thankful Manga Feast
Wednesday 21 November to Sunday 25 November
I'll post a call for participation on Monday the 12th, my introductory essay the night of the 21st, and a final wrap up around Noon on the 26th (for stragglers). I'll revive my MMF Daily Diary; if you like, you can also use these as seeds for your own reviews/essays/thought-pieces
Appetizers Wednesday - "The Manga My Best Friend Lent Me That Got Me Into Manga" - be sure to thank them!
The Feast - "Manga I'm Thankful For" - Thursday
A Side Dish - "I can't believe they licensed this but am I ever thankful they did" - Friday
Desserts - "Guilty Pleasures Manga" - Saturday
Quiet and Reflection - Sunday - also a chance to catch up with late posts, or an opportunity to write a longer piece about manga generally and not manga, title, specific.
As stated, final wrap on Monday the 26th.
My *actual* topic for Wednesday will be more about my own discovery process - I suppose the 'friend' who got me into manga is a corporate bookstore buyer in New York - but I know so many of you who were converted to the cause by a friend, and I'd love to hear more testimonials.
I'll repost this (or a cleaned-up, fancy version of this) as the Call for Participation, since I know not everyone is on the mailing list -- if I get some upvotes, attaboys, and buy-in from the MMF brain trust over the next couple of days we'll call this the plan for November.
If you have any additional suggestions for the Thanksgiving MMF, or any questions, comments, concerns, random insults, or other feedback, please reply here or track me down on twitter [@ProfessorBlind - I'm on twitter more than is healthy]
Thanks for the input folks; special thanks to Justin for the idea.
See you in November -- and don't forget we have the Vampire MMF between now and then!