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November 2012 Feast

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Ash Brown

Oct 17, 2012, 5:05:48 PM10/17/12
Hello everyone! Vertical_Ed has confirmed that, although he's interested (and would like to host in the future), hosting a Feast this November won't work out for him. So, we've now an opening in the Feast schedule. Any takers?

M. Blind

Oct 17, 2012, 6:10:49 PM10/17/12
If no one else steps forward...




I put a call-for-information out on twitter - I'll repeat it here: I can take this bullet


that is to say,

I've hosted before, and can easily host again, and would be willing to do so this November: but am I taking over someone else's topic, or starting from scratch.

Also: it seems there isn't an easy way to get to the MMF calendar from the Google Groups MMF thingy - anyone have a link?


Oct 17, 2012, 9:40:30 PM10/17/12
Hi Matt, 

I sent the calender over to you.. so you can probably see it.
Twitter @animemiz

Ash Brown

Oct 17, 2012, 11:27:31 PM10/17/12
To address some of the questions Matt posted on Twitter for all to see:
  • We originally had Vertical penciled in for a Gekiga/Garo Feast in November, knowing that it might fall through.
  • If you were to take over the November Feast, you pretty much get to choose the topic (i.e. you don't have to do Gekiga/Garo, especially considering that Vertical would like to host it in the future.)
  • If you're considering hosting and need some ideas, there is compiled list of suggestions here. You are certainly not limited to those topics.

M. Blind

Oct 18, 2012, 5:21:16 PM10/18/12

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: M. Blind <>
Date: 18 October 2012 17:20
Subject: Re: November 2012 Feast
To: Ash Brown <>

I drunkenly offered to pinch-hit-host the November Manga Moveable Feast yesterday 
- my offer still stands but I'm hoping someone else might step up.

We've had quite a bit of interest from many corners - many new-comers and more recent arrivals to the Feast.  I won't stand in anyone's way.

Realistically, we're about 5 weeks out (or three weeks: November 11th-17th would be ideal, since many of us will be travelling and/or hosting others for the Thanksgiving holiday, but that might be much too soon after the Vampire MMF, so...  Nov. 25-Dec. 1).  Since I've hosted in the past, I know the rhythms of the MMF pretty well, my website already has an MMF hub on it for the index page, and I could reasonably throw something together by the 25th (or the 11th).  I do have one topic but was saving it until at least June 2013 - so I'd be starting from scratch.

Assuming I'm hosting. Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

I certainly prefer a single title MMF, even over a creator focused MMF, but am at a bit of a loss at the moment -- anyone have a personal favorite series?  [If we do Drops of God, ;) I promise to post a wine-tasting class to YouTube for the MMF.]

I'd really like a topic that gets the base moving.  Opening the floor for suggestions/ideas/nominations: 


Johanna Draper Carlson

Oct 20, 2012, 10:21:36 AM10/20/12
I like the idea of Drops of God for the many tie-in ideas, but it's effectively a cancelled series, so should that be a factor? 

We did Paradise Kiss already, or I'd suggest that, given the rerelease. 

And we did food manga already, so forget the Gluttony Holiday tie-in. 

This isn't really helping, is it? 

What about some kind of meta-topic, like "Manga I Dropped I Returned To" or something? 

Or Bakuman. 

Johanna Draper Carlson    
Reviews of Comics Worth Reading --

Katherine Dacey

Oct 20, 2012, 10:33:07 AM10/20/12
In terms of appealing to a wider readership, I think "Drops of God" is the most promising; the fact that it's been cancelled doesn't really seem like an issue, considering we have a "Basara"/Yumi Tamura feast in the works, and no one has licensed anything by her in years.

I also like Johanna's suggestion of "Manga I Dropped," as it gives contributors an incentive to go back and re-read a series they might have begun with enthusiasm, then forgot or found disappointing. I'd probably have a month's worth of contributions for that MMF!


From: Johanna Draper Carlson <>
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 10:21 AM

Organization Asg

Oct 20, 2012, 11:42:52 AM10/20/12
Well, it technically is around Thanksgiving, so...maybe manga that we are thankful we can read? Thankfully exists in print or something? Of course, that's pretty vague, and I believe the topic is limited to artist, manga, or genre, but just throwing it out there.


Erica Friedman

Oct 20, 2012, 11:45:31 AM10/20/12
I love that idea, Justin!

There is so much out now, and for the first time in a while, a real expansion into non-shounen genres.

I love the idea of "Manga we're thankful for" theme for November. 

Erica Friedman
Yuricon  - "For real women who like their women...animated."

Alexander Hoffman

Oct 20, 2012, 11:51:05 AM10/20/12
Hi all!

I agree with Erica, Justin's idea of "manga we are thankful for" is a
great idea for November.

Also, for my info, when was it announced that "Drops of God" was cancelled?

>>>> - We originally had Vertical penciled in for a Gekiga/Garo Feast in
>>>> November, knowing that it might fall through.
>>>> - If you were to take over the November Feast, you pretty much get
>>>> to choose the topic (i.e. you don't have to do Gekiga/Garo,
>>>> especially
>>>> considering that Vertical would like to host it in the future.)
>>>> - If you're considering hosting and need some ideas, there is
>>>> compiled list of suggestions
>>>> here<>.

Johanna Draper Carlson

Oct 20, 2012, 12:21:47 PM10/20/12
It wasn't, officially, but there was chatter around the most recent volume jumping ahead in the series as an attempt to raise sales, or we probably wouldn't see much more of it. 


Erica Friedman
Yuricon  - "For real women who like their women...animated."

Alexander Hoffman

Oct 20, 2012, 12:35:08 PM10/20/12
Thanks Johanna.

I knew that Drops of God was a gamble when they licensed it to begin
with, being 20+ volumes of a seinen series about wine, but you can
only hope.

Seems like this one is going to go the way of Oishinbo, another series
I am sad to see not get additional volumes.

Organization Asg

Oct 20, 2012, 3:44:05 PM10/20/12
So all right...does Manga We're Thankful For sound like a plan for November?


M. Blind

Oct 20, 2012, 4:15:09 PM10/20/12
So, Manga We're Thankful For: it's pretty vague as a topic, But I'll take it.  I think the most important thing is enthusiasm.  In scheduling the event, I was looking to avoid the holiday, but it I guess instead we should embrace it.  Anyone have a problem/concern if this MMF is 5 days, instead of seven?

Erica [or someone else with access]: could you please update the calendar:

A Thankful Manga Feast
Wednesday 21 November to Sunday 25 November

I'll post a call for participation on Monday the 12th, my introductory essay the night of the 21st, and a final wrap up around Noon on the 26th (for stragglers).  I'll revive my MMF Daily Diary; if you like, you can also use these as seeds for your own reviews/essays/thought-pieces

Appetizers Wednesday - "The Manga My Best Friend Lent Me That Got Me Into Manga" - be sure to thank them!
The Feast - "Manga I'm Thankful For" - Thursday
A Side Dish - "I can't believe they licensed this but am I ever thankful they did" - Friday
Desserts - "Guilty Pleasures Manga" - Saturday
Quiet and Reflection - Sunday - also a chance to catch up with late posts, or an opportunity to write a longer piece about manga generally and not manga, title, specific.

As stated, final wrap on Monday the 26th.

My *actual* topic for Wednesday will be more about my own discovery process - I suppose the 'friend' who got me into manga is a corporate bookstore buyer in New York - but I know so many of you who were converted to the cause by a friend, and I'd love to hear more testimonials.

I'll repost this (or a cleaned-up, fancy version of this) as the Call for Participation, since I know not everyone is on the mailing list -- if I get some upvotes, attaboys, and buy-in from the MMF brain trust over the next couple of days we'll call this the plan for November.

If you have any additional suggestions for the Thanksgiving MMF, or any questions, comments, concerns, random insults, or other feedback, please reply here or track me down on twitter [@ProfessorBlind - I'm on twitter more than is healthy]

Thanks for the input folks; special thanks to Justin for the idea.

See you in November -- and don't forget we have the Vampire MMF between now and then!

Johanna Draper Carlson

Oct 20, 2012, 5:33:21 PM10/20/12
What great ideas, Matt! I look forward to the Feast. 

On Oct 20, 2012, at 3:15 PM, M. Blind wrote:

So, Manga We're Thankful For: it's pretty vague as a topic, But I'll take it.  I think the most important thing is enthusiasm.  In scheduling the event, I was looking to avoid the holiday, but it I guess instead we should embrace it.  Anyone have a problem/concern if this MMF is 5 days, instead of seven?

Erica [or someone else with access]: could you please update the calendar:

A Thankful Manga Feast
Wednesday 21 November to Sunday 25 November

I'll post a call for participation on Monday the 12th, my introductory essay the night of the 21st, and a final wrap up around Noon on the 26th (for stragglers).  I'll revive my MMF Daily Diary; if you like, you can also use these as seeds for your own reviews/essays/thought-pieces

Appetizers Wednesday - "The Manga My Best Friend Lent Me That Got Me Into Manga" - be sure to thank them!
The Feast - "Manga I'm Thankful For" - Thursday
A Side Dish - "I can't believe they licensed this but am I ever thankful they did" - Friday
Desserts - "Guilty Pleasures Manga" - Saturday
Quiet and Reflection - Sunday - also a chance to catch up with late posts, or an opportunity to write a longer piece about manga generally and not manga, title, specific.

Khursten Santos

Oct 20, 2012, 7:07:55 PM10/20/12
This is awesome guys! I can't wait to start! Fantastic idea, Justin! Let's be thankful this November! :D 

- Khursten

Organization Asg

Oct 20, 2012, 9:04:25 PM10/20/12
Glad I was able to be of use :)


Ash Brown

Oct 20, 2012, 11:29:21 PM10/20/12
A Thankful Manga Feast has been added to the calendar. Thanks for volunteering to host the Feast, Matt!

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