Call for submissions for the Akira Yearbook

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Jul 24, 2015, 8:49:26 PM7/24/15
to MMFeast
Hello all,

just wanted to pop in and ask if anyone would like to contribute to Anigamers Akira Yearbook being curated by yours truly. While ostensibly dealing with the anime version of Akira, we would love to hear from fans and reader of Otomo's manga.  

From the blog post: 
Well, it only seems fair to review the title that started it all for a lot of fan, myself included: Akira. Akira is one of those titles that everyone says you should watch if you want to understand anime’s appeal. Even if you don’t like it (and if you don’t, we can’t be friends anymore), you still watch it. Recently, it twigged with me that Akira arrived in an English friendly format in North America (well, according to IMdB) in 1990. With its July 16th original Japanese release month just gone, why not combine both events together? So, we’ve decided to create the Akira Yearbook. Much like how a yearbook records our feelings about how the year or your time in school went, the Akira version is going to record how we feel about Akira after a quarter of a century in our lives. From the vets who were there when it first opened in cinemas to the people who’ve just discovered it, this is your chance to talk about how the film sits in your head as a fan and consumer of Japanese animation. As well as my regular review of Akira, I’ll also be posting my feelings on the film. I feel people should write about it now because if the film gets any older, the people who first saw it will not want to think about until the next anniversary. And it’s important to a lot of people. So how is it going to work?
First, anyone who wants to write from tomorrow (26th of July) to the corresponding day in August can either email myself, Evan (our commander in chief at AG) or any of the staff with their reviews and written pieces if they don’t have a blog or website. If you’ve got your own site or blog or you’ve already written about something similar to do with Akira, cool. Just send us the link via email or social media and we’ll put into our holding page for the links on If you’re not sure if you want to write for the yearbook, that’s cool. Just signal boost this post on social media, if you wouldn’t mind. Thanks.

If you'd like to write something about Akira, no matter what the subject, we'd love to read it. I hope in some small way, the spirit of the MMF can be revived, albeit temporarily, for this.


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