Fwd: [MCX Newsletters] NIH funding support, my new position at Northeastern University, up-coming releases

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Qianqian Fang

Jan 5, 2016, 2:35:59 PM1/5/16
to mcx-...@googlegroups.com, mmc-...@googlegroups.com

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Subject: [MCX Newsletters] NIH funding support, my new position at Northeastern University, up-coming releases
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:38:53 -0400
From: Qianqian Fang <q.f...@neu.edu>
To: mcx-...@googlegroups.com, mmc-...@googlegroups.com
CC: mcx-...@googlegroups.com, mmc-...@googlegroups.com, Qianqian Fang <fa...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>, Prof. David Kaeli <ka...@ECE.NEU.EDU>, Xavier Intes <int...@rpi.edu>

Dear MCX and MMC registered users,

I am excited to share several important updates to you.

First of all, as some of you have read from the MCX/MMC
homepage, we have received a 4-year R01 grant from
NIH/NIGMS to continue develop MCX and MMC! I'd like to
thank everyone who shared your testimonials and support
letters in our campaign in summer 2014. With your strong
support, our proposal was ranked at the top 3% in its first

With the new funding support, I will be working with
a number of leading experts on optical imaging and GPU
computing, including Dr. Simon Arridge from UCL,
Dr. Dave Kaeli from Northeastern University, and
Dr. Xavier Intes from RPI. We have planned a wide
range of exciting new development, including

- further optimization in simulation speed and accuracy
- full support for wide-field imaging
- efficient MC-based inverse solvers
- better usability through intuitive user interface
- cloud-based MC simulations
- systematic user training (annual workshops, demos and documentation)

and more. Some of these development are already in
motion, and more to come.

I look forward to meeting and interacting with you all during
the course of this project, and hear your suggestions and
establish new collaborations to better address your research

Secondly, I'd like to let you know I moved from MGH to
Northeastern University in September. I joined the new
Bioengineering Department in the College of Engineering,
and is in the process of setting up my own computational
imaging lab. My lab has several immediate openings.
Details will be provided in the following email.

With closer interactions with Dr. Kaeli's team and dedicated
resources, I expect the MCX/MMC development will advance
smoothly and rapidly.

Thirdly, I'd like to make a pre-announcement for the up-coming
new releases for MCX and MMC.

In the coming release of MCX (v1.0 beta), we have made
a number of major updates, including

- multi-GPU support
- more accurate ray-tracing algorithms
- faster simulations on Maxwell GPUs
- photon "replay mode" support
- additional complex source forms
- many bug fixes ...

feel free to browse and download the latest software at


For MMC, a major update is made with my collaboration with
Dr. Xavier's group at RPI. The new MMC will support all complex
source forms as currently supported by MCX. A paper is pending
submission and the new software will be released in the next few

In addition, we are moving our source code management from
Sourceforge to Github.

Please continue providing your feedback through our
mcx-users/mmc-users mailing list, and submit your bug/feature
request/patches at our github page


I hope to share you with more exciting updates in the following
months. Looking forward to talking to you about how we can
improve MCX/MMC to make your research more efficient!


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