r46714 - in openimages/trunk/src/main/webapp/feeds: . json

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Mar 26, 2015, 8:47:46 AM3/26/15
to mmbase...@googlegroups.com
Author: andre
Date: 2015-03-26 13:47:44 +0100 (Thu, 26 Mar 2015)
New Revision: 46714

basic first JSON feed

Added: openimages/trunk/src/main/webapp/feeds/json/index.jsp
--- openimages/trunk/src/main/webapp/feeds/json/index.jsp (rev 0)
+++ openimages/trunk/src/main/webapp/feeds/json/index.jsp 2015-03-26 12:47:44 UTC (rev 46714)
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+<%@ page contentType="application/json;charset=utf-8"
+%><%@ page session="false"
+%><%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"
+%><%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions" prefix="fn"
+%><%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt" prefix="fmt"
+%><%@ taglib uri="http://www.mmbase.org/mmbase-taglib-2.0" prefix="mm"
+%><%@ taglib uri="http://www.opensymphony.com/oscache" prefix="os"
+%><%@ taglib tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/oip" prefix="oip"
+ type="application/json" expires="0" postprocessor="reducespace" language="${param.locale}">
+ <%-- version: '$Id$' --%>
+ <jsp:directive.page session="false" />
+ <jsp:directive.page import="org.mmbase.bridge.*" />
+ <% response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); %>
+ <mm:cloud>
+ <mm:import externid="set">openimages</mm:import>
+ <mm:import externid="lang">nl</mm:import>
+ <mm:import id="max">100</mm:import>
+ <mm:import id="offset">0</mm:import>
+ <mm:escaper type="tagstripper" id="tagstripper" />
+ <c:choose>
+ <c:when test="${!empty set}">
+ <mm:listnodescontainer type="properties">
+ <mm:constraint field="key" value="oai-set" operator="EQUAL" />
+ <mm:constraint field="value" value="${set}" operator="EQUAL" />
+ <mm:maxnumber value="1" />
+ <mm:listnodes>
+ <mm:field name="parent" id="portal" write="false" />
+ </mm:listnodes>
+ </mm:listnodescontainer>
+ <mm:import id="analyzer" reset="true">org.apache.lucene.analysis.KeywordAnalyzer</mm:import>
+ <mm:import id="value">media* <oip:portalquery portal="${set eq 'openimages' ? 'pool_oip' : portal}" /></mm:import>
+ <mm:import id="fields" reset="true">indexId</mm:import>
+ </c:when>
+ <c:otherwise>
+ <!-- default portal, display latest -->
+ <mm:import id="value">media*</mm:import>
+ <mm:import id="fields">indexId</mm:import>
+ </c:otherwise>
+ </c:choose>
+ <mm:import id="index">media</mm:import>
+ <mm:import id="extraconstraints"></mm:import>
+ <mm:import id="sortfields">REVERSE:lastmodified</mm:import>
+ <mm:import id="filter">
+ <c:if test="${!empty start}">lastmodified:GTE:<mm:time format="yyyyMMddHHmm" time="$start" />00</c:if>
+ <c:if test="${!empty end}">${!empty start ? '+ ' : ''}lastmodified:LTE:<mm:time format="yyyyMMddHHmm" time="$end" />00</c:if>
+ </mm:import>
+ <mm:nodelistfunction
+ module="lucene"
+ id="list"
+ name="search"
+ referids="index,value,offset,max,fields?,sortfields?,filter?,analyzer?,extraconstraints" />
+ <mm:function
+ module="lucene"
+ id="total"
+ name="searchsize"
+ write="false"
+ referids="index,value,fields?,filter?,analyzer?,extraconstraints" />
+ "repository" : "Open Image Platform",
+ "admin-email" : "in...@openimage.eu",
+ "base-url" : "<mm:url page="/" absolute="true" />",
+ "size" : ${total},
+ "media" : [
+ <mm:listnodes referid="list">
+ <mm:nodeinfo type="type" id="type" write="false" />
+ {
+ "number" : "${_node.number}",
+ "identifier" : "oai:openimages.eu:${_node.number}",
+ "title" : "<mm:field name="title" escape="js-double-quotes" />",
+ "language" : "${_node.language}",
+ "subtitle" : "${_node.subtitle}",
+ "keywords" : [<mm:field name="keywords" escape="none"><mm:isnotempty>
+ <c:forEach items="${fn:split(_, ';')}" var="subject" varStatus="st">
+ "<c:out value="${fn:trim(subject)}" />"<c:if test="${st.last ne true}">,</c:if>
+ </c:forEach>
+ </mm:isnotempty></mm:field>],
+ "intro" : "<mm:field name="intro" escape="tagstripper,text/xml" />",
+ "body" : "<mm:field name="body" escape="tagstripper,text/xml" />",
+ "creator" : "${_node.creator}",
+ "publisher" : "${_node.publisher}",
+ "contributor" : [<mm:field name="contributor" escape="none"><mm:isnotempty>
+ <c:forEach items="${fn:split(_, ';')}" var="key" varStatus="st">
+ "<c:out value="${fn:trim(key)}" />"<c:if test="${st.last ne true}">,</c:if>
+ </c:forEach>
+ </mm:isnotempty></mm:field>],
+ "date" : "<mm:field name="date"><mm:time format="yyyy-MM-dd" /></mm:field>",
+ "type" : "<c:choose><c:when test="${fn:startsWith(type,'image')}">image</c:when><c:when test="${fn:startsWith(type,'audio')}">audio</c:when><c:otherwise>video</c:otherwise></c:choose>",
+ "length" : "${_node.length}",
+ "urls" : [
+ <mm:functioncontainer>
+ <mm:param name="format">WEBM,OGV,MP4,OGG,TS,M3U8,MP3,OGG,OGA,PNG,JPG,JPEG,MPG,MPEG</mm:param>
+ <mm:listfunction name="filteredurls" varStatus="st">
+ <%-- c:if test="${!empty _.URL and _.available}" --%>
+ <mm:node number="${_.source.number}">
+ <c:choose>
+ <c:when test="${fn:startsWith(type,'image')}">
+ {
+ "format" : "${_.state eq 'SOURCE' ? 'source' : 'image'}",
+ "url" : "<mm:url page="${_.URL}" absolute="true" />"
+ }<c:if test="${st.last ne true}">,</c:if>
+ </c:when>
+ <c:when test="${!empty _node.label}">
+ {
+ "format" : "${_node.label}",
+ "url" : "<mm:url page="${_.URL}" absolute="true" />"
+ }<c:if test="${st.last ne true}">,</c:if>
+ </c:when>
+ <c:otherwise>
+ {
+ "format" : "unknown",
+ "url" : "<mm:url page="${_.URL}" absolute="true" />"
+ }<c:if test="${st.last ne true}">,</c:if>
+ </c:otherwise>
+ </c:choose>
+ </mm:node>
+ <%-- /c:if --%>
+ </mm:listfunction>
+ </mm:functioncontainer>
+ ],
+ <c:if test="${fn:startsWith(type, 'video')}"><mm:nodefunction name="thumbnail">
+ "thumb" : "<mm:image template="s(512x288)+size(512x288&gt;)" absolute="true" />",
+ </mm:nodefunction></c:if>
+ <c:if test="${fn:startsWith(type, 'audio')}">
+ <mm:relatednodescontainer type="images" role="related" searchdirs="destination">
+ <mm:maxnumber value="1" />
+ <mm:relatednodes>
+ "thumb" : "<mm:image template="s(512x288)+size(512x288&gt;)" absolute="true" />",
+ </mm:relatednodes>
+ </mm:relatednodescontainer>
+ </c:if>
+ "coverage" : [<mm:field name="coverage" escape="none"><mm:isnotempty>
+ <c:forEach items="${fn:split(_, ';')}" var="coverage" varStatus="st">
+ "<c:out value="${fn:trim(coverage)}" />"<c:if test="${st.last ne true}">,</c:if>
+ </c:forEach>
+ </mm:isnotempty></mm:field>]
+ }<mm:last inverse="true">,</mm:last>
+ </mm:listnodes>
+ ]
+ </mm:cloud>
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: openimages/trunk/src/main/webapp/feeds/json/index.jsp
Added: svn:keywords
+ Id

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