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NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 3 May 2000 to 4 May 2000 - Special issue (#2000-251)

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May 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/4/00
There are 11 messages totalling 617 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

1. SCI> A Mid-summer's Microbe Hunt
2. K12>< Update -- ED Initiatives (May 3, 2000)
3. PROJ> [K12OPPS] YES I Can! Science, Virtual Expedition to the Arctic
4. K12> [K12OPPS] A Mountain Classroom -- Teacher Institute
5. PROJ> [K12OPPS] Kid Writing author to chat at Teachers.Net
6. K12> [K12OPPS] You'd love to teach a classic novel...but you just don't
have the time.
7. MISC> [DUC] NEWS: Supreme Court Rules That Internet Service Provider is
Not Liable for Content of Messages Posted on Its Bulletin Boards
8. RESOUR> [netsites] Sociology Internet Resources
9. RESOUR> [netsites] Artcyclopedia
10. MISC> ZDNet: Inter@ctive Week: Central Question: Whose Internet Is It?
11. MISC> Wednesday - Web Launch of the Day - May 03, 2000 - New Internet
Company Combines Email with Postal Mail

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Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 07:22:10 -0500
From: Gleason Sackmann <>
Subject: SCI> A Mid-summer's Microbe Hunt

From: "NASA Science News" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 2:12 PM
Subject: A Mid-summer's Microbe Hunt

NASA Science News for May 3, 2000

A team of explorers including astrobiologist Richard Hoover and
astronauts Jim Lovell and Owen Garriott traveled to Antarctica
in January 2000 to search for meteorites and extreme-loving microbes.


<a href="">A
Mid-summer's Microbe Hunt</a>

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Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 07:26:45 -0500
From: Gleason Sackmann <>
Subject: K12>< Update -- ED Initiatives (May 3, 2000)

From: "Winters, Kirk" <>
To: "Information from & about the U.S. Department of Education publications
& more ." <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 2:45 PM
Subject: Update -- ED Initiatives (May 3, 2000)

ED Initiatives...
A biweekly look at progress on the Secretary's priorities
May 3, 2000

> New Approach to Financing School Renovation & Repair
> President's School Reform Tour
> Guide for New School Planning & Design
> Outstanding Title I Programs Recognized
> Reinventing High School
> Technology Plan Being Revised
> Teacher Use of Computers & the Internet
> Community Technology Centers
> Guide to Help Prevent School Violence
> Global Challenges of Education in the 21st Century
> Teachers Discuss International Exchanges
> Grants to Improve Services for Children with Disabilities
> Tool for Locating Schools, Colleges, & Libraries

New Approach to Financing School Renovation & Repair
The report is available at

President's School Reform Tour
For details on the tour, please see

Guide for New School Planning & Design

Outstanding Title I Programs Recognized
Selection criteria & a list of the 99 schools are at

Reinventing High School
please see

Technology Plan Being Revised

Teacher Use of Computers & the Internet

Community Technology Centers

The work of these centers will be strengthened through a new
America Connects Consortium. The Department is inviting
proposals to establish the consortium.

The centers & consortium are part of the President's Digital
Opportunity Initiative challenging corporations & non-profit
organizations to provide 21st century learning tools for every
child in every school & to create digital opportunity for
every American family & community. For more information,
please visit:

Guide to Help Prevent School Violence

Global Challenges of Education in the 21st Century

Teachers Discuss International Exchanges

Grants to Improve Services for Children with Disabilities

Tool for Locating Schools, Colleges, & Libraries

ED Initiatives is made possible by many contributors,
including Jim Bradshaw, Patricia Brennan, Michelle del Valle,
Norris Dickard, John Emekli, Laura Emmett, Lenore Garcia,
Jennifer Hartman, Julie Kaminkow, Erica Lepping, Melinda
Malico, Bill Modzeleski, Jerry Malitz, Ray Myers, Peter
Kickbush, Linda Roberts, Tracy Sisser, Mary Stanik, Keith
Stubbs, David Thomas, Melinda Ulloa, & others. Please send
any comments to Kirk Winters in the Office of the Under
Secretary, U.S. Department of Education (

To subscribe to (or unsubscribe from) EDInfo, address an email
message to: Then write either SUBSCRIBE
UNSUBSCRIBE EDINFO (if you have a signature block, please turn
it off). Then send it!
Past EDInfo messages:
Past ED Initiatives:


Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 07:26:53 -0500
From: Gleason Sackmann <>
Subject: PROJ> [K12OPPS] YES I Can! Science, Virtual Expedition to the Arctic

From: "K12OPPS Moderator" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 2:54 PM
Subject: [K12OPPS] YES I Can! Science, Virtual Expedition to the Arctic

Reply To: "Diane Hammond" <>

New on YES I Can! Science,,
Virtual Expedition to the Arctic.

The YES I Can! Science database hosted by the Faculty of Pure and Applied
Sciences at York University and supported by Industry Canada's Schoolnet
provides a freely accessible database of teacher resources, classroom
activities and lesson plans to support the Pan-Canadian K-12 Science

This month curriculum linked lesson plans have been added to the database to
support the scientific investigations of TEA (Teachers Experiencing the
Arctic and the Antarctic) teacher Sandra Kolb:
-Grade 5, Forces and Simple Machines, Properties and Changes of Materials
-Grade 7, Mixtures and Solutions
-Grade 8, Water Systems on Earth

Visit YES I Can! at, click on
current Scientific Adventure, and follow Sandi's reports from the U.S. Coast
Guard Cutter Healy on its icebreaking performance tests occurring during
April and May 2000 in Davis Strait and Baffin Bay, between Canada and

Read Sandi's Journal as she reports on her investigations with scientist
Terry Tucker, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. The goal of
the research is to find the proper type of ice in which to test the ship,
then measure the properties of that ice.

-The general area containing the floes will be located by satellite imagery
that will be received on the Healy.
-Then helicopter reconnaissance flights will be used to determine precise
locations of the floes and measure their initial thickness.
-Before each test, a team will go onto the ice to make detailed ice
thickness measurements using an electromagnetic instrument and by drilling
-More properties of the ice will be determined by collecting ice cores.
Measurements of temperature, salinity and density of the ice cores will be
needed to determine the strength of the ice.
-The ice properties measurements will be combined with the ship operational
data at the end of each test to assess the performance.

Take your students to the Arctic!

Diane Hammond
Curriculum Consultant, Yes I Can! Science


Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 07:26:59 -0500
From: Gleason Sackmann <>
Subject: K12> [K12OPPS] A Mountain Classroom -- Teacher Institute

From: "K12OPPS Moderator" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 3:44 PM
Subject: [K12OPPS] A Mountain Classroom -- Teacher Institute

Reply To: Tim Breen <>

Please share the information below with any interested parties.

A Mountain Classroom -- Teacher Institute
Jul.9-14, Jul.16-21, Jul.30-Aug.4

The Appalachian Mountain Club is pleased to offer professional
development institutes for middle school and high school teachers. At
the five-day Mountain Classroom Teacher Institute, teachers will explore
the benefits and challenges of learning outside the classroom -- in
nature and in the community. We will focus on the motivational effects
of community-based environmental education -- helping students link
schoolwork and the "real world;" utilizing state and national curriculum
frameworks to support the design of curricular units; explorations of
our mountain setting, with discussions of ways to use the natural
settings near your schools; case studies of curriculum development and
collaborative development of curricula for use in your school.
Additionally, the Institute will include hikes with AMC naturalists, a
night at an AMC hut, and the establishment of an ongoing support network
of teachers, schools, and the AMC.

Sessions: Jul. 9-14 at Pinkham Notch Visitor Center,
Jul. 16-21 and Jul. 30-Aug.4 at Cardigan Lodge

Program cost: $575 includes lodging, meals, and books.
Limited financial aid is available.

Professional development credit (points, hours) will be awarded to
participating teachers.

For more information and a registration form contact:
Tim Breen, Mountain Classroom Director
PO Box 298
Gorham, NH 03581
phone: (603) 466-2721 x212

or visit:


Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 07:27:04 -0500
From: Gleason Sackmann <>
Subject: PROJ> [K12OPPS] Kid Writing author to chat at Teachers.Net

From: "K12OPPS Moderator" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 3:45 PM
Subject: [K12OPPS] Kid Writing author to chat at Teachers.Net

Reply To: Kathleen Carpenter <>

For those interested or involved with emergent literacy:

Mark your calendar: 05/23/00 at 9pmE (8C,7M,6P) Teachers.Net Conference
Room **no pre-registration, no fee**

Chat with Isabell Cardonick co-author (with Eileen Feldgus) of the very
popular book, "Kid Writing" (Wright Group)

Isabell Cardonick is a 25 year veteran teacher in the School District of
Philadelphia. She has taught toddlers through 8th graders, with most of
her experience at the kindergarten level.

Isabell says, "I had the privilege of teaching with Dr. Eileen Feldgus
for many years and to have co-authored with her, 'Kid Writing: A
Systematic Approach to Phonics, Journals, and Writing Workshop.'"

Isabell has had hundreds of visitors to her classroom over the past 6
years to observe the highly successful approach to emergent literacy
upon which Kid Writing is based.

Kathleen Carpenter
Director of Promotions
The Online Resource For Educators


Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 07:27:10 -0500
From: Gleason Sackmann <>
Subject: K12> [K12OPPS] You'd love to teach a classic novel...but you just
don't have the time.

From: "K12OPPS Moderator" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 3:34 PM
Subject: [K12OPPS] You'd love to teach a classic novel...but you just don't
have the time.

Reply To: Gary Carmichael <>


Your textbook makes a reference to a classic book, and you would love to
read it in class. However, you find that you have neither the book nor
the time to read and discuss the entire novel.

Possible Solution:

One way of exposing your students to some of the ideas and concepts
presented in a classic book is by recording ASSIGNMENT DISCOVERY during
"Great Books Theme Week," May 1-5, 2000. The featured programs offer
wonderful insights if you are studying the classic or enough information to
peak your students curiousity.

Narrator Donald Sutherland will take you and your students on a
fascinating journey exploring each of the following classics in a mere
25 minutes.

Pride and Prejudice
The Scarlet Letter
Monday, May 1

Heart of Darkness
Lord of the Flies
Tuesday, May 2

All Quiet on the Western Front
Wednesday, May 3

Frankenstein: The Making of a Monster
Thursday, May 4

The Interpretation of Dreams
Plato's Republic
Friday, May 5

Tape these commercial-free, copyright-cleared (for one year) programs
from 9 - 10 am ET/PT on Discovery Channel. Use the lesson plans,
Internet links and activities at

Have you used any of these classics in your classroom? Share your
teaching tips and ideas by joining our discussions at

Gary Carmichael
Discovery Channel School Teacher
Great Books Theme

But wait there's more...Ancient Rome

TLC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL airs "Life in Ancient Rome" on Friday, May 5th.
This 25 minute program looks at the daily life, inventions and
government of Ancient Rome. It airs on TLC from 11:30 a.m. to noon ET
and is copyright-cleared for two years. You'll find elementary lesson
plans at , although if you're teaching middle
school or high school, this program is still worth a look --- just don't
tell your students its TLC "ELEMENTARY" SCHOOL. :-)


Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 07:27:17 -0500
From: Gleason Sackmann <>
Subject: MISC> [DUC] NEWS: Supreme Court Rules That Internet Service Provider
is Not Liable for Content of Messages Posted on Its Bulletin Boards

From: "David P. Dillard" <>
To: "Diversity University Collaboratory" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 5:49 PM
Subject: [DUC] NEWS: Supreme Court Rules That Internet Service Provider is
Not Liable for Content of Messages Posted on Its Bulletin Boards

The Supreme Court has ruled that an internet service provider
(ISP) cannot be held responsible for comments posted on its bulletin
boards because ] it cannot be considered the publisher of those comments.

David Dillard
Temple University
(215) 204-4584

Source: ComputerWorld
Author: Brian Sullivan
Title: Supreme Court rejects appeal of ISP e-mail liability ruling
Source Date: May 2, 2000
Resource Type: News Article
Description/Keywords: Internet Service Providers, Bulletin Boards,
Posting Responsibility, Supreme Court, Case Appeal, Appeal Denial
URL: Listed Below Article Summary

Supreme Court rejects appeal of ISP e-mail liability ruling
By Brian Sullivan

The Supreme Court yesterday let stand a lower court ruling that
says Internet service providers (ISP) can't be held liable when a person
is defamed in e-mail or online bulletin board messages.

Acting without comment, the court rejected an appeal filed by
plaintiff Alexander G. Lunney after the New York Court of Appeals
dismissed his suit against Prodigy Services Co. late last year.

The suit stems from a 1994 incident in which an imposter sent
several vulgar e-mail messages in Lunney's name to a Boy Scout leader in
the town where he lived. Lunney's father sued Prodigy claiming that the
boy, then 15, was "stigmatized by being falsely cast as the author of
these messages," according to court records.

In its December ruling, the New York Court said Prodigy couldn't
be held liable for the stigma created by the false messages because it
can't be considered the publisher of the messages.

Check My Articles on Database Searching
Click on Ringleaders and Then Reference
Diversity University Collaboratory Mailing List (DUC)

The Educational CyberPlayGround <>
Diversity University Collaboratory Listserv [DUC]


Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 07:27:22 -0500
From: Gleason Sackmann <>
Subject: RESOUR> [netsites] Sociology Internet Resources

From: "Vod Ka" <>
To: "Net Sites" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 12:27 PM
Subject: [netsites] Sociology Internet Resources

Quality links to sociology resources on the internet.

Vod Ka
< >


Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 07:27:28 -0500
From: Gleason Sackmann <>
Subject: RESOUR> [netsites] Artcyclopedia

From: "Vod Ka" <>
To: "Net Sites" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 12:22 PM
Subject: [netsites] Artcyclopedia

"The Artcyclopedia is an index of online museums and image archives: find
out where the works of over 7,000 different fine artists can be viewed

Vod Ka
< >


Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 07:27:36 -0500
From: Gleason Sackmann <>
Subject: MISC> ZDNet: Inter@ctive Week: Central Question: Whose Internet Is It?

From: Amnon Till []
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 10:27 PM

ZDNet: Inter@ctive Week: Central Question: Whose Internet Is It?,4164,2551758,00.html

An intersting article on the question is the net belong to the original
pioneers of the net or to the new commercial groups who dominate the net

I got this URL from Prof. Shafee Give'on, who is teaching at Tel Aviv
University & Beit Berl College in Israel.

& if you can read Hebrew


Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 07:27:41 -0500
From: Gleason Sackmann <>
Subject: MISC> Wednesday - Web Launch of the Day - May 03,
2000 - New Internet Company Combines Email with Postal Mail

From: "Arizona Reporter on the Internet" <>
To: "Web Launch of the Day" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 11:12 PM
Subject: Wednesday - Web Launch of the Day - May 03, 2000

Web Launch of the Day
Wednesday May 03, 2000;
Web Launch of the Day Sponsor:

Connect to the Net Up to 1000xs Faster.
Turn your ISP into an Internet Speed Demon with this award
winning break through technology of the decade works with
all connections, wire, cable, dsl, wireless even AOL. Profit by
sharing this with others.

New Internet Company Combines Email with Postal Mail
launch date: now open

A new Internet company hopes to change the way the world sends mail. Inc. announced yesterday that
beginning this month, Internet users will be able to send mail to any
physical address in the world from a PC - for less than the cost of
express mail service.

*** We'd like to hear comments about some of the web sites we
feature in this newsletter. Please feel free to visit our message board


End of NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 3 May 2000 to 4 May 2000 - Special issue (#2000-251)

0 new messages