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Linux Support Network

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Brian Jester

Aug 19, 2009, 4:29:33 AM8/19/09
Hi All,

I have just started an 'old school' bbs project which is based on
Linux Support for everyone! I am looking for individuals (with any
experience level) to post what ever they know about their Linux
Distribution (or any distro for that matter) on the bbs. The bbs is
organized by group (Linux Distribution), and areas pertaining to that

Note: When you first sign into the board, you will need to create an
account which should only take a couple of
minutes max. Also, you will need to leave a message to me telling me
you want to post as a contributor to the board. I'm running this full-
time, so I will be there to answer your page if you have a
question.please put your messages in appropriate group / area as this
is a community oriented bbs and I think others will enjoy finding
information in the areas they look into. You may also post general
discussion messages as well!

Thank you! I look forward to seeing you on the board, and let's build
a Huge Support Community with no Linux Distribution untouched!

The Linux Support Network - telnet://
your sysop, bbsbrian

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