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ANN: MIPL Mobile IPv6 for Linux 0.9.2 Released

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Antti Tuominen

Apr 13, 2002, 4:43:53 AM4/13/02
Hello all!

MIPL Mobile IPv6 for Linux is an implementation of the IETF mobile-ip
working group draft Mobility Support in IPv6. Project goal is to
create a high quality implementation of Mobile IPv6 for inclusion in
the mainline Linux kernel tree.

Version 0.9.2 is the 7th public release. It complies with the Mobile
IPv6 draft revision 15. MIPL implementation includes all three MIPv6
entities Correspondent Node, Mobile Node and Home Agent. Release
includes a kernel patch and a set of user tools and scripts.

A group of four persons at Helsinki University of Technology's
Telecommunications Software and Multimedia Laboratory make up the core
development team. MIPL has a solid user base and receives
contributions from all over the world.

MIPL has been tested in several interoperability and conformance
testing events with excellent results.

* ETSI IPv6 Bake-off 2000, Sophia Antipolis, France.
* Connectathon 2001, San Jose, California, US.
* ETSI IPv6 Plugtest 2001, Cannes, France.
* Connectathon 2002, San Jose, California, US.

Interoperability has been successfully tested with all major Mobile
IPv6 vendors. Conformance test suites used include Ericsson Telebit,
TAHI, UNH, and ENST/IRISA. MIPL is widely considered the most
complete and up-to-date Mobile IPv6 implementation in the world.

To download the source code or to read more about MIPL Mobile IPv6 for
Linux, see our web site You can also
just download the latest release at the following URL:

Best regards,

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Jun 18, 2014, 4:37:04 AM6/18/14
I am not able to open and download can you mail me the above file thanks in advance
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