[CFP] MIS2 workshop at WSDM 2018

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Srijan Kumar

Nov 13, 2017, 6:33:57 PM11/13/17
to mlg-...@googlegroups.com
Hi everyone,
We (researchers from Stanford University, University of Notre Dame, and Snap Inc.) are organizing a workshop on online misbehavior and misinformation: MIS2.
The deadline for submissions is Nov 27, 2017.
More details are given below.
Srijan Kumar

MIS2: Misinformation and Misbehavior Mining on the Web workshop, Los Angeles, February 9, 2018
The workshop MIS2: Misinformation and Misbehavior Mining on the Web will be held in conjunction with WSDM 2018 on February 9, 2018 at Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Please visit the following web for more details about the workshop: http://snap.stanford.edu/mis2
The website for WSDM 2018 is: http://www.wsdm-conference.org/2018/

========================== Introduction ==============================
MIS2 is an interdisciplinary workshop that invites contributions from researchers and practitioners who study misbehavior and misinformation on the web. Web includes: social media, e-commerce platforms, collaborative and knowledge-based platforms (e.g., Wiki* and question-answer platforms like Quora, StackOverflow, etc.), computer mediated communications, both p2p (e.g., email, text chat, video chat, etc.) and broadcasting (e.g., notice boards, discussion boards, video broadcasts), online gaming platforms, online transactions platforms (e.g., credit card, cryptocurrency, etc.), crowdsourcing platforms, and many more types of platforms.

================== Keynote Speakers ======================
* Prof. Ben Zhao, University of Chicago
* Prof. Jeff Hancock, Stanford University
* Prof. Emilio Ferrara, University of Southern California
* Dr. Justin Cheng, Facebook Research
* Chad DePue, Snap Inc.
* Mingjie Zhu, CreditX

========= Areas of interest include, but are not limited to ==========
1. Misbehavior and threat on the web, such as spam, trolling, scam, fraud, bots, coordinated attacks, cyberbullying, harassment, sybils, sockpuppets, propaganda, extremism, hate speech, flashing, and others.
2. False information on the web: fake reviews, fake news, rumors, hoaxes, fabricated images, videos, and others.

========= Topics of interest include, but are not limited to =========
1. Empirical characterization of false information/misbehavior
2. Measuring real world and online impact
3. Deception in misinformation and misbehavior
4. Reputation manipulation
5. Measuring economic, ideological, and other rationale behind creation
6. Rationale behind spread and success
7. Targets or victims of misbehavior and misinformation
8. Effect of echo chambers, personalization, confirmation bias, and other socio-psychological and technological phenomenon
9. Detection methods using graphs, text, behavior, image, video, and audio analysis
10. Adversarial analysis of misbehavior and misinformation
11. Prevention and mitigation techniques, tools, and countermeasures
12. Theoretical and/or empirical modeling of spread
13. Visualizing spread
14. Anonymity, security, and privacy aspects of data collection
15. Usable security in misbehavior detection
16. Ethics, privacy, fairness, and biases in current tools and techniques
17. Case studies

Papers should be 2 to 8 pages long, will be published on the workshop webpage, and will not be considered archival for resubmission purposes to future venues. Authors whose papers are accepted to the workshop will have the opportunity to present their research in oral presentation and participate in a poster session.
We explicitly encourage the submission of preliminary work in the form of extended abstracts (2 pages).

============================= Key Dates =============================
Paper submission deadline: November 27, 2017
Author Notification: December 14, 2017
Camera Ready Due: January 1, 2018 
Workshop date: February 9, 2018

====================== Submission Instructions ======================
All papers will be peer reviewed.
We encourage submissions of the following types, but not limited to:

1. Novel research papers
2. Demo papers
3. Survey papers
4. Comparison papers of existing methods and tools
5. Work-in-progress papers
6. Extended abstracts
7. Relevant work that has been previously published
8. Work that will be presented at the main conference of WSDM 2018

Format: Papers must be submitted in PDF according to the new ACM format published in ACM guidelines, selecting the generic "sigconf" sample. Submissions should be 1 to 8 pages long. No need to anonymize your submission. 
The paper is not considered archival for resubmission purposes to future venues.

Submission Link: Papers should be submitted via the EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mis2

======================= Contact Information ==========================
You may email Srijan Kumar at sri...@cs.stanford.edu for any queries.

Srijan Kumar
Postdoctoral researcher,
Computer Science, Stanford University
Twitter: srijankr
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