(BIOH) If humans could do binary fission...

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Melissa P.

Jan 5, 2012, 11:15:32 AM1/5/12
If humans could binary fission...

Melissa P.

Jan 5, 2012, 4:40:55 PM1/5/12
Binary fission is an asexual method of reproduction, meaning there
would be no need for... you know, that. If we could simply split into
two without the process of meiosis, then that would mean ladies would
be in luck- no more painful pregnancies. But would there be a special
room where we would start "splitting" or would it be as common as
blinking, would you simply see more people after a turn of the head?
What about plants and animals, how odd they would seem to us! The most
peculiar thing yet, we would have clones! I can't imagine there being
another me, so this would also mean no single person is special
anymore because we'd have spares. Everything would change, and if it
were like that now then I bet the question would be "If humans could
do sexual reproduction..."


Jan 5, 2012, 5:03:05 PM1/5/12
to mla-...@googlegroups.com

This is why I love this new method! What a great idea! I encourage everyone to start your own discussions like this... Melissa gets 50 collaborative points for the idea (And she already had 85 from participating in my discussion topic)

Write your own reply. What else do you think would be different? Would it be good or bad? Why?

What would be the benefits? What would be the problems? How would it change your life and society? Would there be biological problems or would that be beneficial? Would it affect our evolution? 

Go with it.

Remember that you get points for adding your view AND by replying / arguing / critiquing other people's views.

Keep the debate going!


Jan 7, 2012, 5:36:30 PM1/7/12
to mla-...@googlegroups.com
If humans could do binary fission, the world would be so overly populated that we wouldn't be able to live! They would probably form population laws like in China but instead by limiting how many times you can undergo asexual reproduction. You would no longer be original or unique because you will have a million yous! This has its benefits and drawbacks. Some benefits are negative, but pleasing at the same time. For example, you could do one thing while your clone does the other! If you wish to see how you look, you no longer need a handy-dandy mirror! Just duplicate yourself! However, there are negative things. First of all, because of the havoc and overpopulation this will cause, there will no longer be a comformity in living standards and no one would ever be comfortable. Crime would explode everywhere and the economy would be poor. There would be a lack of jobs as well as food supply. Also, having or conducting in sexual activites would seem oddly strange, the opposite of how it is now. However, I believe that this would cause a lot of mutations. Statistics say that people who commit incest are more likely to have children with deformities or issues. Isn't asexual reproduction kind of like having sex with yourself? Since you have your own blood, there would be no genetic diversity and whatever you have, all of your offspring/clones will have. This will have an enormous impact on society for no one will know who is who. Imagine! Your clone robs a bank and you get thrown in jail for it! After all, you have the exact same DNA since there was no other "participant"! Therefore, our evolution would be vague, for no separate genes are being combined. It would just be one long generation of Vanessas, Mr.Limas, Melissas, etc. 

Kimanh Nguyen

Jan 7, 2012, 10:21:38 PM1/7/12
to mla-...@googlegroups.com
If you are reproducing asexually, then you're splitting yourself in two, then that two, each, split into another two, and so on. So, technically, you're not having sex with yourself; instead, you are splitting yourself. However, I do agree that this process lacks genetic diversity.
On the positive side, if humans could do binary fission, then our technologies would be really advance. There would be more of you to work on your ideas.


Jan 8, 2012, 10:29:49 AM1/8/12
If humans were able to do binary fission, then the world would be like
the inside of a human body and everyone in it would be a cell, so
every human (cell) would be duplicated. That means that population
would blow up so much that lots of people would die from need of
supply, food, shelter, water, and air to breathe. The only positive
things about this is that you could be doing math homework while
you’re other you does your science homework, or having more than just
a hand when help is needed. I think this would be real cool but the
only way we could survive is if we all work together like the binary
cells in the human body.


nathalie toro {:

Jan 8, 2012, 8:30:17 PM1/8/12
to mla-...@googlegroups.com
well also, since binary fission creates the exact same things, there could be a disease that would kill most of the population because if it could kill one then it could most likely kill all, because they all have the same exact DNA anyways right? that's the problem with binary fission, the amazing thing about sexual reproduction is that it creates new, unique people & not the same old same old, & we can't all die out because of one thing like it would if we were all the same. so there is a possibility of overpopulating, but also a possibility of becoming extinct :0 !


Jan 8, 2012, 9:54:34 PM1/8/12
to mla-...@googlegroups.com
Great job Nathalie, you really pointed out what is so special about sexual reproduction as a generator of variation. Most people only focus on other realities about sex. But while overpopulation would be a problem, would it not be nice to have so many friends that really "get you?" What do you think?

Nathalie Toro

Jan 10, 2012, 4:39:31 PM1/10/12
to mla-...@googlegroups.com
well the problem with that is the simple idea that opposites attract. not only relationship wise, but friendship as well. for example, cells (us) that are duplicated during binary fission have the same exact DNA, right? so wouldn't it mean that, just like cells, we would programmed to have the same "jobs", ideas, thoughts? so having friends that get you is an understatement, they'd understand mostly everything about you. & if my best friend were exactly like me, she might as well be me, but she isn't the same & she still gets me. but then again, you would think that binary fission would cause you to have someone like a twin sister, who is completely like you. so they'd get you, but wouldn't that bug you after so much? wouldn't you want a little privacy? binary fission would just create a bunch of duplicates, literally. & imagine how people now a days complain about the "copy caters," how would they act if there would be exact duplicates of themselves? just something to think about. (:
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Henry C.

Jan 21, 2012, 4:02:34 PM1/21/12
to mla-...@googlegroups.com
If humans could do binary fission then we would be way farther in technology. This is because we would have an infinite supply of workers. If humans could do binary fission then right now we would all be driving hover cars and we would already have colonized on mars. There would also be over population. This would mean an increase in the rate of crime due to the scarcity of food, supplies, and other needs. People would have to wear id cards wherever they go. There would probably be different i place and society would all around be different. Maybe there are not even jobs and people just do binary fission to make there own workers to make things for them. 
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Natalie Olivares

Jan 31, 2012, 6:57:01 PM1/31/12
to mla-...@googlegroups.com
If humans could do Binary Fission it would be so wierdd!! no one would need to find their "perfect match." Everyone would just need them sevles and thats it. There would be like little minni-me's for everyone. There would not be any diversity throught. There would be a leader then a bunch of followers. There would be no diversity in our communities. If there were to be a disease that gets the "original", then it would probably affect all of the other replicas. No one would be unique. I dont think it would be cool to see a bunch of me's ll around the streets and a bunch of my "friends". i rather stay with sexual reprocution because here is so much more advantages to it.

Jackie Lopez

Jan 31, 2012, 9:48:18 PM1/31/12
to mla-...@googlegroups.com
If everyone could do binary fission, I have to admit, the first thing that came in my mind was not being able to tell who was the original person. And everyone would have their own armies, and really, the world would be REALLY overpopulated. But it'd still be awesome!!

Isabel Salcedo :)

Feb 2, 2012, 4:09:35 PM2/2/12
to mla-...@googlegroups.com
It would be awful if we could do binary fission! First of all, it would be really creepy to be chatting with your friend and then see them spilt, especially if your friend already looks like you! And I don't think the world would function very well because we need variation to power the world! There are people who are good with mechanics, others with art, others with teaching, etc. Unless the original is perfectly talented with everything, cloning would not worlk out too well.... And besides, women make it seem like after all the pain of giving birth is over, that there baby is the most beautiful thing they have ever seen! As if all the pain was worth it!

Natalie Olivares

Feb 3, 2012, 2:44:32 PM2/3/12
to mla-...@googlegroups.com
I meant to write themselves!

Isabel Salcedo :)

Feb 11, 2012, 9:42:28 PM2/11/12
to mla-...@googlegroups.com
@ natalie olivares I don't mean to be a meanie but you also spelled mini wrong (if thats even counted as a word) :)

Out of Ideas

Feb 17, 2020, 12:15:12 PM2/17/20

On Thursday, January 5, 2012 at 10:15:32 AM UTC-6, Melissa P. wrote:
If humans could binary fission...
If scientists found a way to enable humans to perform binary fission, you could literally clone yourself. That would NOT help our already overpopulated planet.  
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