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Jeremiah Soliman

May 18, 2012, 5:00:45 PM5/18/12
Would you like to live until the age of a hundred years? ( that's if the world hasn't ended by then) What would you do with those extra few years?


May 20, 2012, 1:06:29 PM5/20/12
I would not like to live to the age of one hundred years because i
would probably be old and wrinkliy and unabele to mobe so i would just
sit in bed and do nothing no i would rather die like at ninty years old

Valerie Del Rey ;3

May 20, 2012, 1:45:28 PM5/20/12
Very funny opinion, Tati. By the way, Tati, recheck your spelling on two words on the second line of your opinion. Well, I have to agree with her. I wouldn't want to live at such an age because who knows how many problems i will have by then. My energy would be low, I would have wrinkles, have a completely different voice. Nothing would be the same anymore. Also, I would really hate when little children will say, "Let the old lady through, " or, "Watch out for the old hag !" You get me ? Living young is best and if its my time to die when I'm old, I will take it blissfully.

Isaac Ghobrial

May 20, 2012, 11:14:19 PM5/20/12
I would like to live at that age and even older because I would 
like to know how the earth has changed since I was a little kid. 
Of course I would do mental and physical exercise so that I 
could still have my senses so I could still be useful to the world.

Jocelyn Melian

May 21, 2012, 12:38:11 PM5/21/12
Well if you were to live those extra years there wouldn't be much you
could do. You would probably start losing your memory by then. You
would really just spend your days in bed or doing nothing. All your
bones will be worn out and you'll have no energy to do anything. Like
Tati said , I'd rather live to about 90 years old.

jennifer furones

May 21, 2012, 4:52:42 PM5/21/12
I would love to live until that age. I would spend that time traveling all around the world and doing everything i always wanted to do but never got to do them. I would complete all the things from my bucket list if i haven't already.

Nayib Nader

May 21, 2012, 7:18:45 PM5/21/12
I personally would like to live until 100 because I would like to see the 
technological advances. The future might have cars that drive 
themselves, or holograms. I would also like to accomplish something great by 
that time, something that makes people remember me after I'm gone.
I've noticed that other people in this thread have been saying that they
wouldn't like to be 100 because they would be old and weak, but with 
enough exercise and healthy eating you could be doing push ups and lifting weights when you're 100.

Ada ^.^

May 21, 2012, 7:53:43 PM5/21/12
 I would enjoy living to be 100 years old. This is because I would like to see the changes between the way we live now. Not only in technology, but in our form of living! If we look back to 100 years from this date, you would see how differently people acted. Women were appeared to be less equal than men, whites and blacks were segregated, even war was far more different! Humans way of living has changed a lot since the early 1900s! In 100 years ( if we have yet to die) maybe we could finally see everyone as equal, or science will be apart of huge advances, allowing us to time travel, flying cars, etc! Many things can happen till i turn 100 and I will like to witness it myself. It would also be cool to say that you were 100 and still living.  

Kristina Suarez ♫

Jun 1, 2012, 9:51:59 PM6/1/12
Well it depends. For example, my great-grandma was 99 and her memory
was razor sharp but my great-grandpa is 107 and he can't remember a
thing besides his life in cuba which was about 50 years ago. He always
wakes up from his nap saying he came from wild party lol. It should be
sad but its pretty funny. Back to the point, it depends. I wouldn't
mind being that old if I still had a life. If I could stand on my own
and take a walk in the park and still remember the faces of my family
members. If I'll have Alzheimers and be fragile then I would rather
not live to be that old.

Nichole Padin

Jun 3, 2012, 11:18:36 PM6/3/12
I would love to live up to a hundred. I would be able to tell my life
story to my grandkids and their kids (hopefully) It would be fun and
if i cannot move or anything its okay because new technology is coming
out and maybe something can help me with whatever i have.
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