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Victoria Gayarre

May 22, 2012, 6:23:40 PM5/22/12
Based on your opinion why do people fail classes? Could it be just lazyness or the no love for that subject? explain

Ada ^.^

May 22, 2012, 7:41:12 PM5/22/12

I think that when people fail classes it is pure laziness. Having no love for a subject shouldnt be an excuse to not do something because throughout life they're many things that people must do, even though they don't want to do them. So, if you're not doing it because you dont like it, it is an excuse for being lazy. Do you guys think that laziness could be brought o/ influenced by things your parents do? How much they motivate you, etc ?  

Jocelyn Melian

May 23, 2012, 11:40:15 AM5/23/12
Everyone has a different reason for failing classes. I agree with Ada,
people are just lazy. Some students are failing because they've never
done homework in their lives. If students actually tried to work hard
in class, they will succeed. Yes I think laziness could be influenced
by parents. As a parent, you are supposed to know how your child is
doing in class. Its sad that some parents know that their child is
failing, and yet they don't help them by enforcing the importance of

Hernandez, Mariah

May 23, 2012, 9:43:06 PM5/23/12

On Tuesday, May 22, 2012 7:41:12 PM UTC-4, Ada ^.^ wrote:

To answer your question victoria i think its both. I beleive that some people are just flat out lazy while others just don't have the passion for the subject. If you don't love what your doing why try. I think this is what goes through some peoples heads. Maybe if they don't enjoy it they just don't apply themselves. It's actually kind of sad that they would behave this way. I think that if your gonna fail at least try your best. Im sure that if they applied themselves the lazy ones ( including me) would be doing fine in their classes. I think
the parents do have an influence on the child to answer your question ada but thats no excuse. We are not our parents we live in a new generation and we can't allow them to be a bad influence. Our parents should not be the ones to determine how we act and who we are. Do you guys think there is another excuse to failure and is there really anyone to blame?

Felipe :3

May 24, 2012, 9:18:35 AM5/24/12
I agree with everyones answer. I think people fail classes for many
reasons. Maybe the person failing is just a lazy person who dosen't
care anymore, or probably the person just doesn't like the class. Most
of the people in the US fail because they don't try. In my opinion
they fail because they're used to being spoiled and they're used to
have everything easy. Also sometimes the teacher maybe gave up on the
student so he fails her. There's many possibilities of why kids fail.
What subject do you guys think students these days fail the most and

Kristina Suarez ♫

May 31, 2012, 6:52:14 PM5/31/12
Everyone has a good point, not liking the subject doesn't have
anything to do with it. Although, I have known people that bust their
butts in class and its just not their best topic. They try super hard
and barely pass with a C.
I'm not going to lie though. For most of the year in Science, I was
just lazy. The last quarter I decided to step up my game and failed.
And failed again. Then passed the quiz, then failed the test.
Everytime I failed it was really discouraging and I wanted to quit so
that was another reason I think. I think not being motivated might be
considered another reason for failing?
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