[CFP] Doctoral Consortium AIXIA 2024

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ivan donadello

Jul 29, 2024, 9:58:48 AMJul 29
to Machine Learning News

Doctoral Consortium Call for Papers 
The AIxIA Doctoral Consortium (DC) is offered as part of the Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA) that will take place in Bozen, Italy on November 25-28, 2024, see https://aixia2024.events.unibz.it/doctoral-consortium/. The DC provides an opportunity for PhD students to explore and develop their research interests in the Artificial Intelligence field, in the broader sense, under the guidance of a panel of distinguished researchers from both academia and industry. Attending students will have the opportunity to present their work in a dedicated session during the conference. 
AIxIA Doctoral Consortium's main objectives are the following: 
Provide a supportive setting for feedback on students’ current research and guidance on future research directions. Offer each student comments and fresh perspectives on their work from faculty and students outside their institution, taking advantage of mentorship opportunities. Promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research. Contribute to the conference goals through interaction with other researchers and conference events. 
We accept contributions from: 

  • students enrolled in the National PhD Programs in Artificial Intelligence (PhD-AI) and Robotics and Intelligent Machines (phDRIM).
  • students regularly enrolled in any PhD program with a research project with main focus on AI;
  • Students/master’s holders not yet enrolled in a PhD program, but strongly motivated to enroll in the next future.

We invite the submission of research papers, where special attention should be dedicated to contextualizing the contribution within the research area it belongs to and how the contribution fits within the PhD program. We also encourage submissions of preliminary works that survey the state-of-the-art of a specific problem and propose a plan for ongoing investigation activities. 
Topics of interest 
Applicants are expected to be conducting research in the field of Artificial Intelligence; topics of interest include (but are not limited to): 

AI and digital entertainment
AI applications
AI architectures
AI in Learning Environments
Big Data
Cognitive modeling
Cognitive Robotics
Computational Intelligence
Constraint Satisfaction
Deep Learning
Experimentation of Combinatorial Algorithms
Human-Computer Interaction
Human-Robot Interaction
Information Agents
Information Retrieval and Extraction
Knowledge Acquisition
Knowledge Engineering
Knowledge Representation
Learning in adaptive systems
Machine Consciousness
Machine learning
Mathematical Foundations
Metacognition in Artificial Agents
Multiagent Systems, Distributed AI
Natural Language Processing
Philosophical Foundations
Planning and Scheduling
Reinforcement Learning
Semantic Web
Smart Cities
Soft and Evolutionary Computing
Temporal Reasoning
Web and Data Mining

Submission Instructions 
All submissions must be written in English and must be formatted according to the CEUR Workshop Proceedings format, please refer to https://ceur-ws.org/HOWTOSUBMIT.html and to https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/template-for-submissions-to-ceur-workshop-proceedings-ceur-ws-dot-org/wqyfdgftmcfw. The only accepted format for submitted papers is PDF. Paper submission will be handled electronically by means of Easychair. The submission page is available at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aixia2024 selecting the DC track. 

Accepted Papers based on original work will be included in the DC proceedings published on-line by CEUR after the conference. Already published papers will appear as a link to the previous publication in the DC proceedings published by CEUR.  

Every contribution should be in the form of up to a 6-page extended abstract including references, in CEUR Workshop Proceedings format. Students with accepted extended abstracts are invited to give an oral presentation of their work during the Doctoral Consortium and to prepare a visual abstract to be included on the conference website. The authors of the accepted works are requested to attend the Doctoral Consortium and register for the main conference. 
Important Dates 

Submission Deadline:  September 8th, 2023 
Acceptance Notification:  September 29th, 2023  
Doctoral Consortium Days:  TBD
Best Student Paper Award 
The DC Paper awards will be conferred on the author of the Doctoral Consortium best paper at the conference. 
Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs 
Davide Bacciu (davide...@unipi.it), University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Ivan Donadello (ivan.do...@unibz.it), Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bozen, Italy.

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