[CfP] NeurIPS 24 Workshop - ML with new Compute Paradigms

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Jannes Gladrow

Aug 1, 2024, 5:09:03 PM8/1/24
to ml-...@googlegroups.com
Dear Researcher,

We would like to announce the NeurIPS 2024 workshop on ML with new Compute Paradigms (MLNCP), a workshop about ML with emerging AI accelerators such as analog, neuromorphic, photonic, or quantum computing.
Workshop website: www.mlwithnewcompute.com

The workshop is open for submissions until
September 9th 2024 (Anywhere on Earth)

We are accepting submissions in the following areas of interest
  • Advances in machine-learning that benefit from compute paradigms beyond standard digital compute, for example analog, photonic, in-memory, neuromorphic, or quantum compute.
  • Advances in machine learning methods that can handle challenges such as low bit precision, variability or noise induced by new hardware. Examples include inherently noise-robust models, algorithms to reduce errors in ML arithmetic, or ways to share and distribute models across unique analog hardware.
  • Advances in machine-learning paradigms that facilitate training and/or inference on new hardware paradigms. This can be general or specific to, for example, generative models for modalities such as image or sequence data.
  • Surveys and position papers for machine-learning with new compute paradigms.
Please keep the submission below 6 pages and submit using the workshop template provided on www.mlwithnewcompute.com.

Help us spread the word: Feel free to forward this email to interested colleagues.

Kind Regards,
The Organizing Committee

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