Postdoc positions in deep learning in medical imaging and image processing (MRI) at Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School

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Mar 12, 2017, 10:18:15 PM3/12/17
to Machine Learning News
Postdoctoral positions in machine learning and MRI
Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Job Type: Full Time

Position description: The Computational Radiology Laboratory (CRL) at Boston Children’s Hospital is seeking postdoctoral research fellows to develop image processing and machine learning methods for medical imaging in projects funded by the National Institutes of Health on the analysis of brain development.

About CRL: The mission of CRL is improving our understanding of the structure and function of the brain and other organs of the human body, in order to improve our capacity to diagnose and treat disease. CRL is located at Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH), which is ranked #1 in US News ranking of pediatric hospitals. Researchers at CRL are affiliated with Harvard Medical School which is ranked #1 in US News ranking of medical schools. Boston is known as a hub for healthcare and medical innovations, and technology, with several top-rank universities, top-rank hospitals, and medical research centers, as well as bioinformatics and biotechnology companies in the area.

Minimum requirements:
• PhD in computer science, electrical or biomedical engineering, medical physics, or a related field with a research focus on machine learning, computer vision, biomedical image processing/medical image computing, and/or magnetic resonance imaging
• Extensive experience in high-performance programming with C++, Python, Java
• Demonstrated record of high-quality publications in the field

Highly desired qualifications:
• Experience in machine learning, deep learning, pattern recognition, computer vision
• Experience in analyzing medical imaging data including magnetic resonance imaging
• Experience in neuroimaging, diffusion weighted imaging, and functional MRI
• Experience in motion and distortion correction in MRI
• Experience in biomedical image registration, restoration, and segmentation

To apply: Please send your CV along with a copy of a technical paper, the desired start date, and one paragraph statement of goals.

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