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Ruby on Rails Devs or Solid Senior Devs + Skopje

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Anthony Schmidt

Apr 12, 2017, 10:31:40 AM4/12/17
to MK Ruby Users Group
Chello all, 

We are looking to hire two Senior Devs (preferably Ruby) and a DevOps Engineer. You can check out the positions here. I promise you that working at Tarmac is much better than being in jail - some of the benefits include: 
  • Working from home or the office (whenever you want).
  • Zero micro-management. Tarmac is roughly 40 awesome people and we don't have a single manager. 
  • Flexible hours. No one cares if you have to run out for two hours or need to start late. Life happens and we trust that you are a professional who can get things done. 
If you have any interest in using me for free beer or working at Tarmac, shoot me an email. I'll be in Skopje next week (April 18th-22nd) and would enjoy chatting. You can get ahold of me three ways beforehand, they are:
  1. Apply to our job(s) here
  2. Shoot me an email,
  3. Add me to Viber, 1(651) 261-8507


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