Ruby MK on Slack

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Sep 27, 2018, 8:15:48 AM9/27/18
to MK Ruby Users Group
Hi All,

Let's shake this group a little (more) :)

Let's connect on Slack, where we can use direct communication, exchange ideas on how can we contribute to this community, create meet up where we can discuss Ruby topics, and so on.
This why we can learn from each other, eventually becoming better programmers.

Let's raise the awareness of other programmers that Ruby is not dead, and web programming can be fun with Ruby (using frameworks like Rails, Sinatra,..)
Let us introduce Ruby to the newbie programmers, and someone who wants to learn and build stuff with Ruby!
Let's create ENV with plenty ruby developers, attracting companies/project with Ruby language, and work with Ruby (and not to be forced to learn Java).

Please join slack:

Of course, this google group is open for discussion.

What do you think?

I've started to learn Ruby on Rails on my own. The path is very difficult and slow. At least for me. Specially when the opportunity to work with Ruby, here in Macedonia, is very limited. Thus, no real mentor, no real teamwork and no real feedback of your (my) progress.
Even if I am privileged and a member of such organization, I believe, shearing new ideas form OOP and Ruby world never hurts.

I believe I can learn more, by shearing my knowledge and giving feedback. I believe I can help someone struggling to find the Ruby way of doing programming. But I need a healthy community

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