Establish a Client-Server system

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Whee Min TAN (NYP)

Jun 30, 2013, 10:21:28 PM6/30/13

Hi! I like to establish a client server system. I have an Omnima miniEWBwifi router. I like to interconnect mizar32 and ommina miniEWBwifi router by serial. I wish to use luaRPC module to access the mizar32 hardware modules. I understand that the mizar32 does not have any rpc module loaded currently. Can you advise a simple procedure to incorporate and build this rpc module into mizar32?


Any advice and help is greatly appreciated.


Thks & rgds,

Whee Min

Martin Guy

Jul 1, 2013, 6:01:13 AM7/1/13
On 1 July 2013 04:21, Whee Min TAN (NYP) <> wrote:
> Hi! I like to establish a client server system. I have an Omnima miniEWBwifi
> router. I like to interconnect mizar32 and ommina miniEWBwifi router by
> serial. I wish to use luaRPC module to access the mizar32 hardware modules.
> I understand that the mizar32 does not have any rpc module loaded currently.
> Can you advise a simple procedure to incorporate and build this rpc module
> into mizar32?

I was going to suggest the Simplemachines web builder at to make your own firmware:
Sign Up -> go back to top page -> Mizar32 WEB Builder (eLua 0.9) ->
Build with Parameters...
but there is no RPC option box to select. That's no good!

Let's try the No, that doesn't have an RPC
box to tick either.

So you need to compile eLua yourself by following
after editing src/platform/avr32/MIZAR32/mizar32_conf.h in the eLua sources

Good luck! Let us know how you get on


Whee Min TAN (NYP)

Jul 1, 2013, 9:11:37 PM7/1/13

Hi! I like to establish a client server system. I have an Omnima miniEWBwifi router. I like to interconnect mizar32 and ommina miniEWBwifi router by serial. I wish to use luaRPC module to access the mizar32 hardware modules. I understand that the mizar32 does not have any rpc module loaded currently. Can you advise a simple procedure to incorporate and build this rpc module into mizar32?


Any advice and help is greatly appreciated.

Jul 2, 2013, 5:00:34 AM7/2/13
Hi Martin,

Thanks for your prompt reply. There a delay in my emai in our system. Therefore, only seen your reply just now.

I have managed to follow your procedure but unsure about configuring the mizar32_conf.h even after reading the building elua link:

I have the following queries:
-how to add the RPC(which lines in mizar32.conf.h), I add the text #define BUILD_RPC(in red below). Do I need to configure the RPC module? How?
-If you want to set mizar32 in the rpc boot mode. How?I read somewhere to use boot=luarpc, but I'm now sure how? I think I need it because if the mizar32(as a server) will only be in elua shell and unable to talk to omnima MiniEWBwifi router(client) if I do a rpc.connect inside the router using serial?
-Do I still execute command scons board=mizar32 cpu=AT32UC3A0256 if I have a mizar32 A board?

Below is the mizar32_conf.h

// eLua platform configuration

// Mizar32 board has 128Kbytes of flash with 8kb of bootloader
// To fit in 120K, build using:
// scons board=mizar32 target=lualong optram=0 allocator=newlib

#ifndef __MIZAR32_CONF_H__
#define __MIZAR32_CONF_H__

#include "sdramc.h"
#include "sermux.h"
#include "usb-cdc.h"
#include "buf.h"

// *****************************************************************************
// Define here what components you want for this platform

//#define BUILD_ROMFS
//#define BUILD_RPC
//#define BUILD_RFS
//#define BUILD_SERMUX

#if defined( ELUA_CPU_AT32UC3A0128 )
  // Build options for 120KB image
# define RAM_SIZE 0x8000
  // Build options for 256KB and 512KB flash
# define RAM_SIZE 0x10000
# define BUILD_SHELL
# define BUILD_ADC
# define BUILD_LCD
# define BUILD_RTC
# define BUILD_TERM
# define BUILD_UIP
# define BUILD_USB_CDC

# define BUILD_RPC


#ifdef BUILD_UIP
#define BUILD_DNS
//#define BUILD_CON_TCP

// ****************************************************************************
// Auxiliary libraries that will be compiled for this platform

// The name of the platform specific libs table
#define PS_LIB_TABLE_NAME   "mizar32"

// *****************************************************************************
// UART/Timer IDs configuration data (used in main.c)


# define CON_UART_ID        CDC_UART_ID
#elif defined( BUILD_SERMUX )
# define CON_UART_ID        ( SERMUX_SERVICE_ID_FIRST + 1 )
# define CON_UART_ID        0
# define CON_UART_SPEED     115200
// As flow control seems not to work, we use a large buffer so that people
// can copy/paste program fragments or data into the serial console.
// An 80x25 screenful is 2000 characters so we use 2048.
# define CON_BUF_SIZE       BUF_SIZE_2048

#define TERM_LINES          25
#define TERM_COLS           80

// *****************************************************************************
// SPI pins configuration data

#define BOARD_SPI0_SCK_PIN                  AVR32_PIN_PA13
#define BOARD_SPI0_SCK_PIN_FUNCTION         0
#define BOARD_SPI0_MISO_PIN                 AVR32_PIN_PA11
#define BOARD_SPI0_MOSI_PIN                 AVR32_PIN_PA12
#define BOARD_SPI0_CS_PIN                   AVR32_PIN_PA10
#define BOARD_SPI0_CS_PIN_FUNCTION          0

#define BOARD_SPI1_SCK_PIN                  AVR32_PIN_PA15
#define BOARD_SPI1_SCK_PIN_FUNCTION         1
#define BOARD_SPI1_MISO_PIN                 AVR32_PIN_PA17
#define BOARD_SPI1_MOSI_PIN                 AVR32_PIN_PA16
#define BOARD_SPI1_CS_PIN                   AVR32_PIN_PA14
#define BOARD_SPI1_CS_PIN_FUNCTION          1

// Auxiliary libraries that will be compiled for this platform

#if defined( ELUA_BOOT_RPC ) && !defined( BUILD_RPC )
#define BUILD_RPC

#ifdef BUILD_ADC
#define ADCLINE _ROM( AUXLIB_ADC, luaopen_adc, adc_map )
#define ADCLINE

#ifdef BUILD_UIP
#define NETLINE  _ROM( AUXLIB_NET, luaopen_net, net_map )
#define NETLINE

#if defined( BUILD_RPC )
#define RPCLINE _ROM( AUXLIB_RPC, luaopen_rpc, rpc_map )
#define RPCLINE

#if defined( PS_LIB_TABLE_NAME )
#define PLATLINE _ROM( PS_LIB_TABLE_NAME, luaopen_platform, platform_map )
#define PLATLINE

#if defined( ELUA_CPU_AT32UC3A0128 )

// Minimal ROM modules, to fit in 120KB
  _ROM( AUXLIB_PD, luaopen_pd, pd_map )\
  _ROM( AUXLIB_PIO, luaopen_pio, pio_map )\
  _ROM( AUXLIB_TMR, luaopen_tmr, tmr_map )\
  _ROM( LUA_MATHLIBNAME, luaopen_math, math_map )\


  _ROM( AUXLIB_PD, luaopen_pd, pd_map )\
  _ROM( AUXLIB_UART, luaopen_uart, uart_map )\
  _ROM( AUXLIB_PIO, luaopen_pio, pio_map )\
  _ROM( AUXLIB_PWM, luaopen_pwm, pwm_map )\
  _ROM( AUXLIB_I2C, luaopen_i2c, i2c_map )\
  _ROM( AUXLIB_SPI, luaopen_spi, spi_map )\
  _ROM( AUXLIB_TMR, luaopen_tmr, tmr_map )\
  _ROM( AUXLIB_CPU, luaopen_cpu, cpu_map )\
  _ROM( AUXLIB_ELUA, luaopen_elua, elua_map )\
  _ROM( AUXLIB_BIT, luaopen_bit, bit_map )\
  _ROM( AUXLIB_PACK, luaopen_pack, pack_map )\
  _ROM( AUXLIB_TERM, luaopen_term, term_map )\
  _ROM( LUA_MATHLIBNAME, luaopen_math, math_map )\


// *****************************************************************************
// Configuration data

// Virtual timers (0 if not used)
#define VTMR_NUM_TIMERS       4
#define VTMR_FREQ_HZ          10
#define VTMR_CH               2    // Which hardware timer to use for VTMR

// Number of resources (0 if not available/not implemented)
#define NUM_PIO               4
#define NUM_SPI               8
#define NUM_UART              2
#define NUM_TIMER             2
#define NUM_TIMER             3
#define NUM_PWM               6         // PWM7 is on GPIO50
#define NUM_I2C               1
#define NUM_ADC               8         // Though ADC3 pin is the Ethernet IRQ
#define NUM_CAN               0

// RPC boot options
#define RPC_UART_ID           0
#define RPC_UART_SPEED        115200

// ADC Configuration Params
#define ADC_BIT_RESOLUTION    10
#define ADC_BUF_SIZE          BUF_SIZE_2

// These should be adjusted to support multiple ADC devices
#define ADC_TIMER_FIRST_ID    0
#define ADC_NUM_TIMERS        0

// SD/MMC Filesystem Setup
#define MMCFS_SPI_NUM          4
#define MMCFS_CS_PORT          0
#define MMCFS_CS_PIN           SD_MMC_SPI_NPCS_PIN

// CPU frequency (needed by the CPU module and MMCFS code, 0 if not used)

// PIO prefix ('0' for P0, P1, ... or 'A' for PA, PB, ...)
#define PIO_PREFIX            'A'
// Pins per port configuration:
// #define PIO_PINS_PER_PORT (n) if each port has the same number of pins, or
// #define PIO_PIN_ARRAY { n1, n2, ... } to define pins per port in an array
// Use #define PIO_PINS_PER_PORT 0 if this isn't needed
#define PIO_PIN_ARRAY         { 31, 32, 32, 14 }
#define AVR32_NUM_GPIO        110 // actually 109, but consider also PA31

# define ELUA_FIRMWARE_SIZE 0x80000

// Allocator data: define your free memory zones here in two arrays
// (start address and end address)
#define MEM_START_ADDRESS     { ( void* )end, ( void* )( SDRAM + ELUA_FIRMWARE_SIZE ) }
#define MEM_END_ADDRESS       { ( void* )( RAM_SIZE - STACK_SIZE_TOTAL - 1 ), ( void* )( SDRAM + SDRAM_SIZE - 1 ) }
// Newlib<1.19.0 has a bug in their dlmalloc that corrupts memory when there
// are multiple regions, and it appears that simple allocator also has problems.
// So with these allocators, only use a single region - the slower 32MB one.
#define MEM_START_ADDRESS     { ( void* )( SDRAM + ELUA_FIRMWARE_SIZE ) }
#define MEM_END_ADDRESS       { ( void* )( SDRAM + SDRAM_SIZE - 1 ) }

#define RFS_BUFFER_SIZE       BUF_SIZE_512
#define RFS_TIMEOUT           100000
#define RFS_UART_SPEED        115200

//#define SERMUX_PHYS_ID        0
//#define SERMUX_PHYS_SPEED     115200
//#define SERMUX_NUM_VUART      2

// *****************************************************************************
// CPU constants that should be exposed to the eLua "cpu" module

// Static TCP/IP configuration

#define ELUA_CONF_IPADDR0     192
#define ELUA_CONF_IPADDR1     168
#define ELUA_CONF_IPADDR2     1
#define ELUA_CONF_IPADDR3     10

#define ELUA_CONF_NETMASK0    255
#define ELUA_CONF_NETMASK1    255
#define ELUA_CONF_NETMASK2    255
#define ELUA_CONF_NETMASK3    0

#define ELUA_CONF_DEFGW0      192
#define ELUA_CONF_DEFGW1      168
#define ELUA_CONF_DEFGW2      1
#define ELUA_CONF_DEFGW3      1

#define ELUA_CONF_DNS0        192
#define ELUA_CONF_DNS1        168
#define ELUA_CONF_DNS2        1
#define ELUA_CONF_DNS3        1

#endif // #ifndef __MIZAR32_CONF_H__

Martin Guy

Jul 2, 2013, 5:23:27 AM7/2/13
On 2 July 2013 11:00, <> wrote:
> -how to add the RPC(which lines in mizar32.conf.h), I add the text #define
> BUILD_RPC(in red below). Do I need to configure the RPC module? How?

> // Define here what components you want for this platform
> #define BUILD_MMCFS
> //#define BUILD_ROMFS
> //#define BUILD_RPC

Or uncomment it here?

I'd guess this:

> // RPC boot options
> #define RPC_UART_ID 0
> #define RPC_UART_SPEED 115200

to say which UART and at what baud rate it should communicate.
I see your eLua console is on USB, so these setting should be OK.

> -Do I still execute command scons board=mizar32 cpu=AT32UC3A0256 if I have a
> mizar32 A board?

It would only make a difference is you were using ROMFS or enabled
WOFS, to use the extra flash as storage for hundreds of K of data.
Apart from that, the firmware is the same, so I normally compile for

> -If you want to set mizar32 in the rpc boot mode. How?I read somewhere to
> use boot=luarpc, but I'm now sure how? I think I need it because if the
> mizar32(as a server) will only be in elua shell and unable to talk to omnima
> MiniEWBwifi router(client) if I do a rpc.connect inside the router using
> serial?

Now that I don't know. My impression is that, if BUILD_RPC, it just
runs as an RPC server instead of starting the eLua shell but I may be
wrong as I haven't tried it.


Jul 2, 2013, 6:30:01 AM7/2/13

I get the info if configure BUILD_RPC, it just runs as an RPC server instead of starting the eLua shell by the below forum link(reply by jbsnyder)

The com

Jul 2, 2013, 7:26:32 AM7/2/13
Hi I go to the elua directory and execute the below command and get the image file
lua build_elua.lua board=mizar32a boot=luarpc prog

The info is get from

Any idea or comment what will happen if I burn the image?

On Sunday, 30 June 2013 19:21:28 UTC-7, Whee Min TAN (NYP) wrote:

Martin Guy

Jul 2, 2013, 7:42:35 AM7/2/13
On 2 July 2013 13:26, <> wrote:
> Any idea or comment what will happen if I burn the image?

Try it! I haven't been down this path, so you are making new territory
for everyone :)


Bogdan Marinescu

Jul 2, 2013, 8:13:09 AM7/2/13

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 12:26 PM, <> wrote:
Hi I go to the elua directory and execute the below command and get the image file
lua build_elua.lua board=mizar32a boot=luarpc prog

The info is get from

Any idea or comment what will happen if I burn the image?

If you enable the RPC component and compile with 'boot=luarpc', the RPC server on the eLua board will be started automatically on the board, thus it will automatically become available to a PC client. If you build the image with the RPC component enabled, but without specifying boot=luarpc, the image will start normally and you'll be able to start the RPC server manually later. More details here:


On Sunday, 30 June 2013 19:21:28 UTC-7, Whee Min TAN (NYP) wrote:

Hi! I like to establish a client server system. I have an Omnima miniEWBwifi router. I like to interconnect mizar32 and ommina miniEWBwifi router by serial. I wish to use luaRPC module to access the mizar32 hardware modules. I understand that the mizar32 does not have any rpc module loaded currently. Can you advise a simple procedure to incorporate and build this rpc module into mizar32?


Any advice and help is greatly appreciated.


Thks & rgds,

Whee Min

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Dado Sutter

Jul 2, 2013, 8:14:56 AM7/2/13
to, Mauricio Henrique Bomfim, Vagner Nascimento
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 7:01 AM, Martin Guy <> wrote:
On 1 July 2013 04:21, Whee Min TAN (NYP) <> wrote:
> Hi! I like to establish a client server system. I have an Omnima miniEWBwifi
> router. I like to interconnect mizar32 and ommina miniEWBwifi router by
> serial. I wish to use luaRPC module to access the mizar32 hardware modules.
> I understand that the mizar32 does not have any rpc module loaded currently.
> Can you advise a simple procedure to incorporate and build this rpc module
> into mizar32?

  I was going to suggest the Simplemachines web builder at to make your own firmware:
Sign Up -> go back to top page -> Mizar32 WEB Builder (eLua 0.9) ->
Build with Parameters...
but there is no RPC option box to select. That's no good!

Let's try the No, that doesn't have an RPC
box to tick either.

Can we fix this Mauricio and Vagner?
It looks simple and it should be there already.

Tks for bringing this  up guys.

So you need to compile eLua yourself by following
after editing src/platform/avr32/MIZAR32/mizar32_conf.h in the eLua sources

Good luck! Let us know how you get on



Vagner nascimento

Jul 2, 2013, 2:16:19 PM7/2/13
to Dado Sutter,, Mauricio Henrique Bomfim
Hi Dado,

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 9:14 AM, Dado Sutter <> wrote:

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 7:01 AM, Martin Guy <> wrote:
On 1 July 2013 04:21, Whee Min TAN (NYP) <> wrote:
> Hi! I like to establish a client server system. I have an Omnima miniEWBwifi
> router. I like to interconnect mizar32 and ommina miniEWBwifi router by
> serial. I wish to use luaRPC module to access the mizar32 hardware modules.
> I understand that the mizar32 does not have any rpc module loaded currently.
> Can you advise a simple procedure to incorporate and build this rpc module
> into mizar32?

  I was going to suggest the Simplemachines web builder at to make your own firmware:
Sign Up -> go back to top page -> Mizar32 WEB Builder (eLua 0.9) ->
Build with Parameters...
but there is no RPC option box to select. That's no good!

Let's try the No, that doesn't have an RPC
box to tick either.

Can we fix this Mauricio and Vagner?
It looks simple and it should be there already.

The only reason that eLua Web Builder (EWB) doesn't have  RPC on Mizar32 is because this option is disabled in Mizar file configuration ( If anyone put it running in eLua, we just need update the configuration file and everything will work (thanks for the new build system).


Jul 4, 2013, 11:46:32 PM7/4/13
Hi! The rpc don't seem to work on my Omnima router. In addition, unable to flash back the old firmware image.

Therefore, I will like to ask about the usb driver for the mizar32 or at32uc3a0512. Below are my observations:
-Working on both windows and VMware ubuntu. The inital elua prompt is able to display using windows putty when usb is connect to PC when install driver from The windows device manager will prompt the com port. However, when I install the dfu programmer by following the mizar32 start guide in ubuntu environment. The firmware is able to flash.
- I use the firmware from After burning my windows com port display in windows device driver disappear. Unable to use windows putty. Also try in ubuntu minicom and use /dev/ttyACM0 or USB0. Unable to get the elua prompt. also, try UART0 and UART1, also unable to get the elua prompt.

Any advice?

On Sunday, 30 June 2013 19:21:28 UTC-7, Whee Min TAN (NYP) wrote:

Martin Guy

Jul 5, 2013, 4:17:13 AM7/5/13
On 5 July 2013 05:46, <> wrote:
> Hi! The rpc don't seem to work on my Omnima router. In addition, unable to
> flash back the old firmware image.
> Therefore, I will like to ask about the usb driver for the mizar32 or
> at32uc3a0512. Below are my observations:
> -Working on both windows and VMware ubuntu. The inital elua prompt is able
> to display using windows putty when usb is connect to PC when install driver
> from The windows device manager
> will prompt the com port. However, when I install the dfu programmer by
> following the mizar32 start guide in ubuntu environment. The firmware is
> able to flash.
> - I use the firmware from
> After burning my windows com port display in windows device driver
> disappear. Unable to use windows putty. Also try in ubuntu minicom and use
> /dev/ttyACM0 or USB0. Unable to get the elua prompt. also, try UART0 and
> UART1, also unable to get the elua prompt.
> Any advice?

I remember hearing of issues with the Windows USB driver when talking
to Mizar32. If I remember, if you reset the Mizar32, you have to quit
Putty and restart it, or quit putty, remove the serial port, replace
the serial port, restart putty, or some strange dance like that.

There are some indications about Windows on

Sorry I can't be more precise. Fortunately I use Debian (well, Ubuntu)
Linux, which doesn't present these problems.

I'll see if I can find more details of the correct dance to perform.

Message has been deleted

Martin Guy

Jul 5, 2013, 8:41:41 AM7/5/13
On 5 July 2013 05:46, <> wrote:
> Hi! The rpc don't seem to work on my Omnima router. In addition, unable to
> flash back the old firmware image.

You should be able to re-flash the standard eLua images. What's the problem?

> -Working on both windows and VMware ubuntu. The inital elua prompt is able
> to display using windows putty when usb is connect to PC when install driver
> from The windows device manager
> will prompt the com port. However, when I install the dfu programmer by
> following the mizar32 start guide in ubuntu environment. The firmware is
> able to flash.
> - I use the firmware from
> After burning my windows com port display in windows device driver
> disappear. Unable to use windows putty. Also try in ubuntu minicom and use
> /dev/ttyACM0 or USB0. Unable to get the elua prompt. also, try UART0 and
> UART1, also unable to get the elua prompt.

Hi, I have been told by a Windows user:

"In Win, for the USB CDC to be recognised, you must disconnect it from
Mizar32, close the terminal ["putty"], reconnect Mizar32, reopen the
If you press Reset on the Mizar32, you must disconnect the Mizar32
from the usb, close the termianl, reconnect the Mizar32, re-open the

I hope that helps

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