Best Regards
> Christian Peer
> Peer GmbH/Srl
> Tel. +39 0471 631080
> Fax +39 0471 631724
> Hello everyone!
> Finally i am releasing my enhancements from the last few weeks. I made
> quite a few additions, so i will try to sum them up here:
great work.
> Marker:
> - Google Buzz and Twitter messages got some nice little icons instead
> of circles.
i was wondering about the markers though. is there any chance (or
plans) to use custom markers and define the marker in the json file?
Thanks a lot for your efforts! I just checked out your branch and built
an apk to test it and... WOW! as Christian said :-)
We need to find the best way to merge your contributions back to the
master repo (I see that there are a few branches on your's
time for me to read the git documentation again! :-) ) so that we can
prepare a market release.
We also have to make sure that the icons you used are released under a
license that is compatible with GPLv3, I wonder if on the list there's
someone able to help wrt this aspect.
Eventually, there's the issue tracker to update... thanks to your
contribution we are going to close quite a lot of issues :-)
> I will probably do some videos on Saturday to demonstrate these
> enhancements.
Please do and let us know where to find them, so that we can embed them
on mixare website!
> Daniele Gobbetti
> Usability & Innovation Management
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Hi Anzu!
Why don't you push it to a public git repository? I think more people
(myself included) would be able to help if they can take a look at your
code. You can register on github for free as long as you work on open
source projects OR you may use any git repository of your liking!
> Keep up the great work team mixare!
I wish you will join the team! ;-)
No one I know in the community owns a galaxy S, so I don't think there
had be chance to test mixare on that device. Do you own one? Are you
willing to test mixare on your device?
The phone models (with rom) I am aware of are:
- HTC Dream (G1) - 2.2 (cyanogenmod 6), 2.1 (cyanogenmod 5), 1.6 (stock)
- Motorola milestone - 2.1 (stock)
- Nexus one - 2.2 (Cyanogenmod 6)
- HTC Desire - 2.2 (stock HTC sense)
- HTC Hero - 2.1 (stock HTC sense)
> for myself, I'm new to the mixare community, and a beginner at augmented
> reality applications development.
> Cheers!
> Chaitanya
Welcome on board, Chaitanya!
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I am new on the list and read msgs only since some days now, but please
let me drop in to the discussions.
First of all I would like to express my congratulations to Daniele and
all the developers for the excellent work you all are doing in the
Mixare project!
The contribution by Hannes is a very big step forward. I think he was
able to implement a lot of dreams of the Mixare user community. Kudos!
I have a question about the topic of testing on different devices. I
hope to get access to some different devices in some weeks, so I would
like to understand, if there exist test units or test protocols, we
could run or use for testing Mixare on different devices.
If someone is good in defining tests, that could be very helpful!
Thank you all and happy hacking!
Hi Boran, please find my answer inline...
> thanks for all your appreciation :)
> Some issues:
> - The icons are completely free and can be used by us. I checked this
> with the owners, and they confirmed it.
Allright, can you please forward their answers to so
that we archive them for the records?
> - As Daniele already mentioned, i also think it is very important that
> all share their code (in the end its GPL software). github is very
> easy to use and free for open source software. So, please use it, even
> for small changes.
> - My modifications are not that much tested, so feedback is welcome (i
> only have a HTC Desire).
> - One very big issue is still there: Clicking on markers to load the
> related webpage does rarely work for me. Very often the nothing
> happens or wrong webpages (from other markers) open up.
I think I've found the culprit: during the summer the function to
approximate the camera preview had to be rewritten to keep the
compatibility with sense 2.1 (HTC hero), it may be that the active area
has been unaligned since then. I'll try to work this out!
> - I think the issue tracker should be updated according to the
> upstream master repository status, so i didn't close those bugs.
Yup! I agree, we could add custom status like "fixed in XXX branch" to
the issue tracker, though, if it helps.
> - And we have to rethink the approach with the radius. For my user
> tests i used a very low radius for wikipedia (like 300m) and a very
> high radius for google buzz (like 3km) to get useful results, because
> there are much more Wikipedia entries than social media messages for a
> given radius (at least here in Vienna)
I noticed a few issues with the circles for radii > 10km, where the
circles are always very small. Apart from this it's working really good
(And fast) on my G1 with every ROM I tried.
> Have a nice weekend!
> Hannes
So to you!
>>> > Usability& Innovation Management
>> > Usability& Innovation Management
Awesome! I've made a blogpost and put one of your videos on the
frontpage of I hope you don't mind :-)
> @Daniele: I set the size of the circles so that it fits for my
> scenario (very dense city center). We could adapt the circle sizes to
> the currently used radius setting. For the icons: i will send you the
> emails now.
Thanks for the emails, I've got them and then merged your code upstream.
I'll take a look at your code and try to fix the size of the circles for
our use case!
> Hannes