Two great usability-related events next week

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Sep 9, 2010, 11:12:33 PM9/9/10
to Michigan Usability Professionals' Association,,
Please check out these great usability-related events happening next

IxDA Lansing Kick-Off Event September 16

Thursday, September 16, 2010, 6 to 8pm

Okemos, MI

The MiUPA is proud to co-sponsor the inauguaral meeting of IxDA
Lansing, which will be held at Techsmith headquarters on Okemos.

Details and registration information is available at the IxDA Lansing

The Lansing chapter of the Interaction Design Association is forming
to build a community of creative thinkers and problem solvers from
across Michigan to share ideas, education and inspiration around
creating better experiences. Learn more about IxDA Lansing at

IDSA MI Chapter free conference—Transportation Design: Expanding the

Friday, September 17, 2010, 8:00am to 4:30 pm

Michigan State University, Troy Campus, Troy, MI

The Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) Michigan Chapter
would like to extend this invitation to the MiUPA membership to attend
this free all-day event (registration required):

Theme: “Transportation Design: Expanding the Frontiers”
More details and registration information is available at the
conference micro site:

Registration is now open and is at no cost, (for this year), but is
mandatory. Seating is limited to 300

Please register by sending an email to the conference chair, Jeevak
Registration will be confirmed by receipt a confirmation number.
Please register only if you can really make it for the whole day.

Confirmed Speakers:

• Christopher E. Borroni-Bird, General Motors, Director of Advanced
Technology Vehicle Concepts
• Major General Bradley M Lott, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret), CEO True
North Logistics
• Dave Allendorph, Navistar, Chief Design Officer, Global Industrial
• David A. Muyres, VP, Huntgreenllc, Newnorthcenter,
• John Manoogian, Founder / President, Forzablitz Design
• Stu Shuster, Industrial Design Department, the University of
• Richard Wallace, Director, Transportation Systems Practice Area,
Center for Automotive Research
• Dana W. Clarke, President and CEO, Applied Innovation Alliance, LLC

Both of these events look very worthwhile, and are free due to
generous sponsorship.
We encourage you to take advantage of these great opportunities to
learn and connect with related disciplines and practitioners.
Details are available at
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