Hi friends,
Create your remote TinyWebDB in your hosting by PHP. Very easy.
1.- Upload to your hosting the file: mi_tinywebdb.php
2.- In App inventor Design Properties TinyWebDB:
3.- This file php get tag and value and Store in file mi_tinywebdb.htm
juan antonio:"1234 5678":<br>
pedro:"34 987":<br>
4.- You can request tag and GET tag and value in JSON format.
5.- You can read all "database" Click
6.- You can change field separator (:), change name file mi_tinywebdb.htm,...
7.- This code PHP store repeat tag
juan antonio:"1234 5678":<br>
pedro:"34 987":<br>
juan antonio:"78 12":<br>
you get last line.
8.- This is my Spanish tutorial about this "server"
9.- Works for you?