Taifun Tools Extension

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Peter Mathijssen

Aug 12, 2016, 8:26:20 AM8/12/16
to mitappinv...@googlegroups.com
I bought myself a Nexus 5x so i wanted to use the colour options of the taifun tools extension especially the navigationbarcolor. 

1. With the extension loaded but not used it looks like this.

2. With the extension loaded and using the navigationbarcolorsetting i get this:

The resolution isn't fixed anymore. 

3. But when i press the about button on the lower right side the following happens:

Now it looks and functions allright. But if i close the app and open it again i get the look of number 2 again. 

4. What i also cannot do when using the coloroption of the navigationbar is scroll to the end of het screen. In the screenshot you can see the gray buttons underneath the bar. The screen won't go any further. 

Is there something wrong with the extension? Have other users the same problem?



Aug 12, 2016, 9:45:59 AM8/12/16
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Please prepare an example as small as possible, which demonstrates this issue and add the project (aia file) into this thread together with exact instructions for how to elicit the error, so someone can take a look


Trying to push the limits of App Inventor! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun. 

Peter Mathijssen

Aug 12, 2016, 10:11:14 AM8/12/16
to MIT App Inventor Forum

Ik attached an aia file. Just run it in the companion app.

When run you may see the screen is to large. When you push the about button on the button right the screensize changes. When you now try to scroll the screen the buttons at the bottom don't go above the navigationbar.

The only code used is: 



Aug 12, 2016, 11:31:50 AM8/12/16
to MIT App Inventor Forum
I can reproduce the issue, also setting screen to sizing= responsive does not help
I will let you know, if there is a solution
meanwhile we have to consider that block as "experimental" ;-)


Aug 12, 2016, 12:29:06 PM8/12/16
to MIT App Inventor Forum
see attached project and test it after building the app
let me know, if it works for you now (after building the app!)

generally I recommend you to provide an app for all kind of screen sizes, also it would be nice to not have to scroll in Screen1: just set screen scrollable to false and set the height of the first vertical arrangement to fill parent instead of 300px 


Peter Mathijssen

Aug 12, 2016, 3:38:07 PM8/12/16
to MIT App Inventor Forum
I tested the apk generated from the aia. It is working now but the navigationbarcolor is not changed to the color i wanted in the screen1.initialize code. ;-)

Normally the app looks the same in all smartphones. i have tested this with different screensizes. 



Aug 12, 2016, 7:56:27 PM8/12/16
to mitappinv...@googlegroups.com
I tried several settings and unfortunately can't offer the perfect solution
I already spent 2 hours on that

I now added a new method HideContent, which enables the content to move behind the status and navigation bars. Now you can add a dummy label on top for the status bar and on bottom for the navigation bar as additional margin, so in the end the screen looks like expected.

you can find the updated extension Version 9d  here https://puravidaapps.com/tools.php


Peter Mathijssen

Aug 12, 2016, 10:39:23 PM8/12/16
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Hi Taifun,

I works now as expected. I had to tweak the heigth of the titlebar do get it exactly as it was. Is this block still experimental now you have to use a workaround solution of extra labels to let it look the way it's suppose to?

Sorry for all the extra work.



Aug 13, 2016, 10:14:51 AM8/13/16
to MIT App Inventor Forum
yes exactly, that's the way to use that property now

Unfortunately we do not have any influence on what the options menu or the About this app button is doing. Therefore I now added a new method HideContent, which enables the content to move behind the status and navigation bars after using that method. Now you can add a dummy label on top for the status bar and on bottom for the navigation bar as additional margin, so in the end the screen looks like expected.



Aug 13, 2016, 11:12:48 AM8/13/16
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Hi taifun. Can you add a block to show the user image? That were realy great when you add this to the extension :)

Exsample: set image to = taifunuserimage

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