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How to connect MIT app on my Android phone to the ESP8266 01S WIFI module

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Newbie88 A

May 21, 2019, 2:58:47 AM5/21/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Hi there, my name is Nick and I'm fairly new to the APP inventor. I recently bought a WIFI module from espressif ESP8266 01S. It has 2 GPIO's for output. 1 of them the GPIO2 should open up its PIN to activate a relay on its board. Unfortunately the explanation coming with it is not very good and doesn't really work for me. So I thought of making my own app with APP Inventor. However, I'm not quite sure how to start about it. I do know what the app should look like. For instance, it should first connect to the ESP8266, then it should return a message with its name and IP address. Then the app should have 2 buttons. One button to click for "LED on" to turn GPIO2 on and one to turn "LED off". And of course read the output from the ESP to know if the LED really got power and is really on. Of course I know that the ESP code needs to match the app. To be able to lissten to the signal coming from the phone with the app on it in order to respond accordingly. I have tried that on my own but it ain't working for me. Its not even connecting to the ESP. Who can help me to build such an app?
I do have a flashing tool to flash the ESP with a firmware called "ESP_8266_BIN0.92.bin" and it should get flashed to "0x00080" which I did. After that the "AT" commands work somewhat but you can't really do a lots with it. An app would be best. However, as soon as a upload an app to the ESP the "AT" commands won't work anymore. But the app doesn't either.Therefore I would need help in creating the right app for connecting to the ESP8266 01S. Thanks a lots for reading.

Peter Mathijssen

May 21, 2019, 3:07:55 AM5/21/19
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